
Chapter 121 Hunting

what a sound! ?Just when Jiang Shan was extremely shocked, a faint sentence came from beside him.

"Jiang Shan, do you think you are very powerful?"

Jiang Shan stared at Gao Wenwu slowly.All her attention was on Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng just now, but at some point, Gao Wenwu had a smile on his face, but that smile conveyed a gloomy and unfriendly meaning.

Next to him, Zhang Zheng roared like a beast out of a cage, "...Gao Wenwu? What do you mean? Why don't you come and help?"

What did his teammates look like.

Unexpectedly, Gao Wenwu raised his foot and really started to approach Jiang Shan, but he said: "You are a newcomer, do you really think you can give orders?"

Gao Wenwu seemed to be looking at Jiang Shan with a ferocious face. "Why do you think we'll listen to you?"

Jiang Shan was still holding Zhao Ying tightly in his arms, while paying attention to his surroundings.Seeing Gao Wenwu who was approaching, her heart began to sink, it was obviously not like she wanted to help.

What is he going to do?

"Gao Wenwu, don't mess around." The situation is already tricky enough, don't make it worse, okay?

I always feel that what Jiang Shan was most afraid of before seems to be happening.

She quickly passed Gao Wenwu and looked at Wei Yuan behind him, only to see Wei Yuan slumped in the wheelchair, as if he had lost the ability to resist at some point, and there was a trace of despair in his eyes looking at Jiang Shan.

"Wei Yuan, you..." Jiang Shan was dumbfounded.

As Gao Wenwu approached, he raised his hand and reached into the pocket of the protective suit on his chest, as if he was groping for something.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Zhao Ying screamed suddenly, but couldn't stop.

She stared at Gao Wenwu with terrified eyes.

Wei Yuan seemed to want to stop Gao Wenwu, but there was nothing he could do.One of his arms was stretched forward with all his strength, but just halfway through it, it hung down feebly.

Jiang Shan felt cold all over, and Zhao Ying's violent struggle seemed to be a bit unstoppable. At this moment, Gao Wenwu took his hand out of his pocket, and held a small delicate pistol in his hand. "Jiang Shan..." His faint eyes flickered.

Wei Yuan seemed to be mouthing: "Run."

Jiang Shanren became dazed for a while, staring at the black muzzle of the gun, how could this happen?Why are things still like this?

"It's time for a useless disabled person to be the captain." Gao Wenwu said the cold and ruthless words that were completely unfamiliar.

Jiang Shan tremblingly said: "Gao Wenwu, do you know what you are doing?" How could Gao Wenwu, who had received rigorous training, be so easily controlled.

For the first time, she hoped for a miracle in her heart.

But Gao Wenwu looked at Jiang Shan, and the smile on his face was even more weird: "I told you not to give orders, you are really getting more and more popular."

There was a faint click, and Jiang Shanhou's mind went numb. Even if she really didn't understand anything, after watching so many movies, she knew it should be the sound of a bullet being loaded, right?

I went to actually play for real...

Jiang Shan watched Gao Wenwu point the gun at her.

run!Jiang Shanren was about to explode. She slashed Zhao Ying's neck fiercely with her backhand. Zhao Ying, who was struggling wildly, softened instantly.

Jiang Shan let go of her, and immediately pulled away and ran.

The whole reaction process took less than a second, but the moment Jiang Shan pulled his feet, boom!Along with the loud noise, Jiang Shan felt a burning sensation coming from his heels.

Where Jiang Shan dared to look back, he didn't dare to stop for a moment and ran forward frantically.

Zhang Zheng laughed wildly behind him: "Die together! Die together! Hahahahaha! Everyone die together!"

All crazy, all crazy.

Jiang Shan heard the sound of her footsteps stepping on the glass floor hurriedly, but she couldn't see Gao Wenwu behind her, but she heard gunshots one after another.

"Where can you run?" Gao Wenwu's voice came leisurely, but it was like the king of Hades, "Run, you are very good at running."

Jiang Shan: "???" Is this chasing and killing her while humiliating her at the same time?
Sure enough, people who usually look serious and upright are the most ruthless when they are blackened.

Jiang Shan circled around in the glass passage, as if she was playing with the snake, but she became the snake that was eaten.

Klang Keng!

Whenever Jiang Shan wanted to relax, the gunshots behind him came as promised.It was as if there were a pair of eyes staring at her from behind.

Something was wrong, even though Jiang Shan noticed the problem, he didn't have time to think about it.

The gunshot behind her seemed to be an invisible killing god. Jiang Shan looked back, but in the dark passage, she did not see Gao Wenwu.

However, just as she turned her head, Gao Wenwu's voice came over, "Are you tired from running?"

Gao Wenwu is like a shadow hunter, hunting Jiang Shan, the prey, in the narrow and winding glass passage.

Suddenly, Jiang Shan turned a corner, and then slammed on the brakes! ...Ahead, there is no way.

A glass wall stood in front of him coldly, Jiang Shan wanted to turn around and choose his way again, but he saw a tall figure appearing in front of him, and Gao Wenwu had already caught up.

Jiang Shan couldn't help taking a step back, and his heels touched the hard glass.

Gao Wenwu looked at her, his eyes seemed to be watching Jiang Shan's expression at the moment. He was holding a small pistol in his hand and slowly lifted it up.

"Is there no way out?"

I don't know why, after Jiang Shan stopped, his mind, which had been tense all the time, got a little slack instead.

Something was wrong, Jiang Shan found out what was wrong.

It's just that those things flashed too fast in her mind, and she didn't catch them all for a while.

Seeing Gao Wenwu pointing his gun at her, such a miniature pistol, Jiang Shan deliberately asked ruthlessly, "Are there any bullets in your gun?"

Revolver, she remembered that Wei Yuan said it was a revolver.How many bullets for the revolver?
Jiang Shan is not a professional, and she can't remember the movies she has seen. However, during the chase just now, she heard the countless gunshots.

Definitely more than the number of bullets this gun can hold.

So, where did the rest of the bullets come from.

Gao Wenwu kept holding the gun for a long time without moving, staring at Jiang Shan, as if the pause button had been pressed on a scene.

"It was discovered..."

Gao Wenwu said suddenly, and saw the pistol fall from his hand as soon as he let go.It seems that it fell to the glass floor, Jiang Shan didn't hear the sound?
For some reason, Gao Wenwu said, "It's really difficult."

Jiang Shan was vigilant, Gao Wenwu's hand reached into his breast pocket again, and Jiang Shan's palm tightened suddenly.

The grenade appeared in Gao Wenwu's hand.

That uncomfortable smile appeared on Gao Wenwu's face again, "Then, let's proceed to the next step."

Jiang Shan stared at the grenade, no, it was still wrong, she clearly realized something in her mind, but she seemed unable to catch it!

Like a movie frame by frame, Gao Wenwu walked towards her.

Gao Wenwu's protective clothing.

Jiang Shan found that some details of Gao Wenwu's protective clothing seemed to be wrong.

She remembered that their protective clothing seemed to be of a darker color, and what Gao Wenwu was wearing at the moment actually looked a bit like the protective clothing he had worn in the library before.

and also……

Jiang Shan suddenly opened his eyes, yes, not only Gao Wenwu, but Zhao Ying screamed just now: "Look, look, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh') Let them see, cracks appeared on the glass.

But, but!
When Zhao Ying yelled these words, the only flashlight was still in Wei Yuan's hand in the distance, and everyone else's flashlights were off.

In other words, when Zhao Ying shouted, the surrounding area was so dark.

Jiang Shan could indeed see cracks appearing on the glass.Because her eyes have long been alienated.

But Zhao Ying?

How did Zhao Ying manage to see a tiny crack on the glass wall two meters away from her when the surroundings were dim?

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