
Chapter 122 Inception of Dream Space

"Gao Wenwu!" Jiang Shan shouted.

In front of him, Gao Wenwu was holding a grenade like a Terminator, approaching step by step unmoved.

Jiang Shan's brain is now running at ten times faster, and suddenly, she heard something in her ears.

Like some kind of electronic broadcast sound?
"Welcome to... Wishing you..."

Jiang Shan's heart seemed to be struck by a bolt of lightning, and it was instantly illuminated, as if some silk thread connected everything together.

"You are not Gao Wenwu." Jiang Shan seemed to calm down.

How could Gao Wenwu say that Wei Yuan is a useless disabled person.

How could Gao Wenwu ignore his teammates?

How could Gao Wenwu point a gun at his companion,

How could Gao Wenwu...

It's not some kind of spiritual intrusion or thought pollution, it's all unreasonable at all.

"Don't you want to beg for mercy?" "Gao Wenwu" looked at Jiang Shan and said.

Jiang Shan stared at the "Gao Wenwu" in front of him. He did it realistically, but there were still flaws. He took advantage of the weakness of the human heart and the complexity of human nature to make such a big circle.

"What's Gao Wenwu's favorite?" Jiang Shan raised his eyebrows and asked the "human figure" in front of him.

He actually stopped the person opposite him.

Jiang Shan laughed immediately.

In fact, of course she doesn't know what Gao Wenwu likes, and they don't know each other well, but, as Gao Wenwu's "person", she can't tell what Gao Wenwu likes, isn't that ridiculous?
"So what?" Another strange voice came out of Gao Wenwu's mouth. "Does it matter who it is? You're dying anyway."

Hearing this dark and rare voice with my own ears, this kind of strangeness is really penetrating.

"Who said I was going to die?" Jiang Shan stared at "him". What she was afraid of was Gao Wenwu, what she was afraid of was that her teammates would turn against each other, and what she was afraid of was the end of the group.

Now this "something" is not her teammate anyway, so is she still afraid of a hairball?
Just when Jiang Shan wanted to take advantage of the victory to shake a few words, on the opposite side, the expressionless "Gao Wenwu" slightly opened his five fingers, and the round "grenade" in the palm of his hand, slapped, rolled on the ground, bone and bone... rolled towards Jiang Shan.

At that moment, Jiang Shanhou's head exploded again, subconsciously staring at the grenade.

"Then let's see if you're going to die."

The "face" that belonged to Gao Wenwu had a stiff robot smile.

"Then let's see if you will die or not..." It was like an echo echoing in Jiang Shan's ears.Why don't you play cards according to common sense! ?
Jiang Shan tensed up all over, staring at the "thunder" on the ground without moving.Not true, neither true.

Jiang Shan is using reason to suppress her physical reaction, don't be afraid, this principle should be the same as a pistol, it uses her fear, as long as she is not afraid, nothing will happen if she is not afraid...

Time passed quietly, and the grenade did not detonate.

Does it mean that she still overcomes her fear.

Jiang Shan stared at "Gao Wenwu" fiercely: "Who are you?" Or, she asked inaccurately, should ask, what "thing" is it?
"Gao Wenwu" opened his mouth, and his mouth was opening and closing, but it was not the kind of arc that human beings speak at all.

There was more than one voice coming from his throat, it seemed that thousands of voices merged into one sentence: "Humans kept us in captivity, and then abandoned us."

Enough, this sentence again, Jiang Shan has a little PTSD.

"Humans kept us in captivity and then abandoned us."

Countless voices emerged from that throat, and it was deafening when they gathered together.

Jiang Shan wanted to cover her ears, but in an instant, her hand actually touched her ear, and the protective clothing on her body suddenly disappeared.

Jiang Shan's hands froze. Even though she covered her ears, it seemed that it could not isolate the sound at all. The sound seemed to be ringing in her head.

"Humans kept us in captivity and then abandoned us."

"All of this is not true." Jiang Shan suddenly let go of her hands, she stared at the opposite side, and even Gao Wenwu's figure was a little blurred, "You, the aquarium, and everything around here don't exist."

Jiang Shan found that she couldn't even hear her own breathing, maybe even she didn't exist.

"It's a dream."

Jiang Shan looked around, the gloomy glass wall, the eyes rolled inside, and the strange fish corpses, all of which created a sense of horror and despair.

If she was infected, it could be the end of it.

"It's not all humans who abandoned you, at least it has nothing to do with us." Jiang Shan said.Is this to make all human beings take the blame?
Can you have a wronged person and a debtor?

The figure of "Gao Wenwu" has completely disappeared, and Jiang Shan probably understands what's going on, meaning that after being exposed, there is no need for the tool man to exist?

The gloomy voice still said: "You are the first humans to come back here."

The point is, with weapons.

The first pass in the door is to use explosives.It was like writing the four big characters "the visitor is not kind" on his forehead.

Jiang Shan suddenly realized why they chose Gao Wenwu's image, was it because Gao Wenwu was the "bad guy" holding the tools of destruction.

"Human beings, selfish and cunning," said the voice ruthlessly, "you are the enemy of all creatures."

Although Jiang Shan himself doesn't think human beings are a good thing, he obviously can't add fuel to the fire at this time. He must have angered some of the existences here from the moment they entered the aquarium.

"We came here for a reason." Jiang Shan seemed to want to speak to the voice in his head. Their team was just ordered by others and had no choice.

"Since all of this is not true," Jiang Shan found that everything in front of her had disappeared, and she was suddenly placed in darkness, "so it all happened in my mind, didn't it?"

When she realized something was wrong, she thought that it might be an illusion, a maze, or something else created by these sea creatures, but she gradually realized that this illusion was not created by them, it was created by herself, it was her own illusion!

Why are there no rules on the roads of the "Aquarium", and why do they frequently go in the wrong direction and the wrong way, because this is not the real road of the Aquarium at all.

Jiang Shan herself has never been to the aquarium at all, so how could there be a true and correct way in her mind?

Eerie laughter came from all directions. This kind of "laughter" was no longer a human voice.

"Then can you escape your mind?"

"Then can you escape your mind..."

"Did it escape your mind..."

A wave of echoes kept coming, farther and farther away, more and more blurred, full of mockery and eerie death. Finally, Jiang Shan still stood in the same place, pitch black, everything disappeared, including the voice.


The aquarium, roads, fish corpses, all the screens that are like extinguished are returned to darkness.

Jiang Shan couldn't even take a big breath, because there was no breath, and she didn't have herself.

Jiang Shan was abandoned in the endless darkness, Jiang Shan felt cold, and the coldness spread along the skin and into her limbs and bones.This is real coldness, so cold that the bones seem to be frozen.

Because she found out that everything was fake, so all the illusions simply disappeared?
Jiang Shan seemed to be imprisoned in the cold dead space.

Mind maze.


Assuming she is dreaming now, what if, in those movies, it seems that an opportunity is needed to wake up from the dream?
In life on Mars, jump off a building?Suicide?Inception?
No, no, no, Jiang Shan desperately wanted to shake this absurd idea away. It must not be an old-fashioned suicide. Seeing that "Gao Wenwu" was chasing her madly just now, her various methods were clearly so cruel that she really rushed to kill her. She didn't even want her to find out that all of this was an illusion.

If death is really the way to get out of the illusion, how could he pursue her so seriously and let her die?

Even, maybe it's the opposite. If she really died here, maybe, she really died?

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