
Chapter 128 Qualitative Change

After passing through the first two districts, Wei Yuan spoke again: "Zhang Zheng, come here and take out the camera."

Still brought a camera?
I saw Zhang Zheng hurriedly put the flashlight under his arm, and stretched out his hand to actually pull out a miniature camera from his pocket. It looked like it should be the lowest-end card camera.

But now it is good to have this kind of equipment. Cameras, like electronic digital devices, belong to the first category of graying. Now it is almost lucky to find a camera that can be used normally.

This one was borrowed by Zheng Suo from the museum.

Wei Yuan said: "Start from here, try to shoot as much as possible."

Human eyes may miss it, so in order to ensure that this mission can be carried out to the maximum extent, the equipment allocated to them is also doing its best.

Zhang Zheng fiddled with the camera, "This thing has not been used for a long time."

He used to laugh at other Internet celebrities for their poor photography skills, but it was his turn not knowing how to take pictures.

The reason why the first two districts didn't take out the camera is naturally because they want to save some use.No one knows how long this camera can last, of course good steel must be used wisely.


Zhang Zheng has already pressed the shutter.

Quickly spat out a photo, Zhang Zheng quickly took it out and shook it twice.

Just when he looked at the photo confidently, the smile froze on his face: "What is this...?"

Zhao Ying, who was next to him, immediately turned her head to look over. Zhang Zheng just took a picture facing the glass wall, but the glass wall was not shown in the photo, and a black shadow was blocking the front of the camera.

Zhang Zheng checked it several times immediately: "It's not broken, I have adjusted the function before coming here."

There is obviously no foreign matter such as dust on the lens.

"Try taking another picture." Zhao Ying said.

Zhang Zheng took a lot of seriousness this time. He raised the camera, looked for a few angles, looked at the camera a few times, and then clicked the shutter.

A new photo was quickly spit out, and this time everyone gathered together to look at it.

In the photo, the direction and lens are correct, but where there should be a glass wall, it is blocked by a black "thing".

Zhang Zheng held up the photo in disbelief: "This is broken, right? It must be bad, right?"

Jiang Shan quickly said from the side: "No, the shapes of the two times are different."

If the lens is polluted or the camera malfunctions, the shape and location of the shadow should not change, but Jiang Shan can see that the photo just now is obviously different from the one taken this time.

Wei Yuan also pushed the wheelchair and leaned over: "Show me."

Zhang Zheng handed over the photos with a frustrated face, and Wei Yuan took both photos and put them in his left and right hands for comparison.

He looked at it for a while, and then took out the origin photo on his body.

Putting the three photos together already has remarkable results.

"It's not that the camera is broken, and it shouldn't be a shooting problem." Wei Yuan looked at the three photos, but the photo of the origin of the Internet celebrity was the clearest, because at least the tourists could be seen clearly inside.

I remember that I had guessed before that this photo taken by an Internet celebrity may not have been taken well, but it may have been taken on purpose.

Or, he photographed those things on purpose.

"You say this thing is real?" Zhang Zheng leaned over and pointed at the glass wall: "Is there really something blocking the glass wall?"

Wei Yuan stared at the photo for a long time again: "Maybe it's not necessarily blocking, this black substance seems to be integrated with the glass wall."

After looking at the dark lump for a long time, I found that it was not blocking the "front" of the glass wall, but melted into the glass wall itself.

"The more you talk, the more mysterious it becomes." Zhang Zheng said, holding up the camera, eager to take another shot.This time he found the best angle and photographed them all.

"Come on, look here, one, two, three...eggplant!"

It's hard work.

After the photo was taken, the photo was slowly spat out, Zhang Zheng pulled it out, held it in front of his eyes and stared at it.

The others stayed where they were while waiting for him to take pictures, Zhao Ying urged him, "Don't be tricky, bring it here."

Zhang Zheng handed over the photo with a blank expression. Everyone took a deep breath and saw the four figures belonging to them in the photo. Jiang Shan looked at the camera with a cute expression, apparently not taking pictures often. Wei Yuan was sitting in a wheelchair. , but it seems that one can feel something about him at a glance, and it is easy to find that he is the center of the four people.

Gao Wenwu remained expressionless, while Zhao Ying frowned, only she stared at the camera in a weird way.

The figures of a few people are clear, but they are around them in the photo, as if they have been painted black with oil pen, and there are lumps of black substances speckled all over their bodies.And the glass walls around them were all covered by lumps of things without exception.

"If there is nothing wrong, then there is something wrong with us?" Did they collectively have hallucinations again?
In reality, there was nothing black on the glass wall or around each of them, and they clearly saw that the glass was still glass, and there was a pool of stagnant water inside.

Gao Wenwu pondered: "Is it possible that there are certain 'substances' that can only be revealed by photos?"

The camera is different from the naked eye. The human naked eye can actually see a lot of things in the natural world. Some photos can indeed capture "things" that the human eye cannot directly see. This is how some of the supernatural photos circulated on the Internet come from.

Wei Yuan said for a while: "It seems that there is only this explanation."

Zhang Zheng pointed to Jiang Shan: "Then she should be able to find out." Jiang Shan was the only one in the library who could see the "shadow man".

Jiang Shan was speechless at the sudden roll call, she didn't see anything, really, the glass wall in her eyes was the same as what everyone saw.

Wei Yuan looked at Jiang Shan meaningfully: "Ashan's eyes are due to the dissimilation of the choroid behind the retina, which are closer to the pupils of cats, and the principle of imaging is not the same as that of cameras."

Jiang Shan can see in the dark, but that doesn't mean she can see through anything.

Jiang Shan didn't say a word, and acted like a tool man without words.

"Don't talk about Old Wei, you mean that we are surrounded by this black thing, including the air, and even the glass has entered these things?"

Are they exposed to toxic substances?

Wei Yuan said for a moment, "I'm afraid it is."

What are these black things, everyone wants to say but dare not say.

After all, the "black ash" they have seen is still a solid entity, visible and touchable, and they think that black ash should only exist in that form.

"An incomplete 'erosion body'." Wei Yuan conjectured word by word.

The "black ash" and "rust" that can be seen by people should also evolve a little bit, just like quarks become neutrons, neutrons become nuclei, nuclei become atoms, atoms become molecules, Molecules become matter...

Just as disasters are not formed in a day, all the quantitative changes have become the final qualitative changes.

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