
Chapter 129 Destroy it, tired

Chapter 129 Destroy it, tired
We may have already been immersed in a world full of erosion.

What we thought was just the beginning of erosion may actually have been going on for a long, long time without humans knowing it.

How hopeless it is.

It was hard to accept and admit it because he was too desperate, "Old Wei, don't talk about it," Zhang Zheng glanced at the camera for a moment, "Maybe it's only in this aquarium."

If these things are already in the air they live in, what's the use of wearing protective clothing?Even if you sleep, breathe, drink water and eat, you have already been in contact with corrosive substances.

So what's the point of all your defense lines, shelters, and living bases?
This result is so disappointing.

Wei Yuan smiled after a while: "You're right, it's too early to draw any conclusions, and what I said is just my speculation."

In short, no matter how uncomfortable everyone was at the beginning, it was the right decision not to choose to take off the protective clothing.

Zhang Zheng breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, okay, let's keep going."

How could it be possible to go happily? Although no one questioned it, this conjecture alone has already brought everyone's mood to the bottom.

For a moment, I really wanted to say that sentence, forget it, destroy it, I am tired.

Jiang Shan looked at everyone's lack of interest, and said, "Isn't this called the origin, which means it just started here, not necessarily the end."

A vision appeared in the place of origin, or maybe it was just the vision that had just formed.

After all, it has only been a few months since the entire erosion incident.

Zhang Zheng snorted, "It's better that this girl speaks better."

Give people hope.

Miracle goodness becomes hope goodness.

Zhao Ying also looked over, and smiled at Jiang Shan: "If you explain it this way, why that photo is called the origin seems to make sense."

origin, origin.It has a meaning in itself.

Zhang Zheng held up his camera and took pictures of every iconic place. Of course, every time the photos came out, there were no exceptions.Distorted, oddly shaped "black dots" of various colors.

I got used to it just by looking at it.

Gao Wenwu relentlessly burned those seaweeds all the way, crackling, crackling, hiss~hiss!
It was like killing shrouds all the way, and they were terrified when they stepped on the corpses of grass.In particular, Zhao Ying's face was always pale, as if she was trying her best to bear it.

"Listen, is there a sound of water flowing?" she said suddenly.

As they came all the way, behind the glass wall and under their feet, there was a pool of stagnant water, without even water marks, lifeless as if the water was frozen.

The surrounding area was too quiet, everyone listened carefully, it seemed that there was indeed a faint sound of water flowing from the front, it was very slight, but it was still heard by everyone.

"There seems to be no seaweed here?" Zhao Ying seemed a little surprised.

They are now halfway through the journey in the third area, and they are at a junction, and the sticky seaweed that followed them all the way in front of them has suddenly become much less here.

Although there are still some sporadic ones around, they are all lying on the edge, showing no sign of barbaric growth at all, as if the seaweed here is real seaweed, and normal ones do not have life.

Gao Wenwu held the flint with a cold expression on his face.

Anyway, it's a good thing, Zhao Ying turned around and led everyone towards the direction of the sound of water flowing, "I remember that there is a branch road between the fourth district and the fifth district 500 meters ahead, we can..."

So far, they have not seen any living things in the first three districts they walked through, not even corpses, except for taking some time to take pictures, they passed here almost without hindrance.It took less than a third of the time they were in the illusion.

Zhao Ying's words stopped abruptly, "My God, what the hell is this?!" A voice roared from the side.

Everyone saw, inside the glass wall in front of them, a huge octopus floating in the sea.

In the illusion, everyone has seen fish corpses, and even all kinds of scary and strange shapes, but this octopus is the first real thing they have seen in reality.

A huge octopus, most of its eight tentacles have been eaten, leaving only a huge floating head floating in the sea.

So when they came up, what they saw was a giant head swollen with foam.

"Damn, scared to death..."

As Zhang Zheng said, he raised the camera with trembling hands without any delay, and snapped several shots.

The octopus is two meters long by visual inspection, with a fat and huge body, like a ball of meat.The octopus moves its head up and down and floats up and down in the sea water, so the sound of the water just now is the sound of the octopus in the water.

Zhang Zheng took out the photo spit out by the camera, and after looking at it, he was stunned.swallowed
"What's wrong?" Zhao Ying came over immediately when she realized something was wrong.

Zhang Zheng raised his head with trembling lips, and the huge swollen eyes of the octopus stared at him like light bulbs.

The octopus in front of them was flesh-red under the light of the flashlight, but the photo in Zhang Zheng's hand at this moment was a white octopus.

A huge eight-legged chapter in a white and almost transparent state.

Each of the three photographs, even the last, highlights the outlines of the octopus' guts, transparent organs.

It's as if the octopus in front of you has been taken a transparent X-ray film.

Zhao Ying was too shocked to speak, and shared the photos with Wei Yuan and Gao Wenwu.Several people took turns to look up at the octopus carcass behind the glass wall, and then compared the photos in their hands.

"It's like the color-changing state of an octopus..." Zhao Yingcai stammered after a while.

Anyone who has studied fish knowledge knows that octopus is a mollusc, the "chameleon" in the sea.Octopuses change color due to their chromatophores, which can change the color and texture of their skin, even becoming nearly transparent as seen in photos.

The octopus senses danger and changes color to hide itself.

"But this octopus is dead." This is what Zhao Ying found incredible. "The nervous system of a dead octopus dies, and the ability to change color is gone."

It's like death is the end of everything.

The weirdest thing is that the octopus did not change color to their naked eyes, but the photos that came out showed an extreme color change effect.

All this seems to tell everyone that the world you see is gradually not the most real world.

Zhang Zhengdu had a conditioned reflex and wanted to rub his eyes, but of course he couldn't. "I want to know whether we should trust our eyes now or trust the camera more."

It's getting more and more evil, and it makes people feel uncertain.

"It's also possible that the erosive substance changed the molecular structure of the octopus to some extent," Wei Yuan finally spoke, still trying to explain in his own words, "letting it die also maintained the 'incomplete' color-changing effect. "

The incomplete state means that it cannot be seen by the naked eye, but can be captured by the camera.

Zhang Zheng expressed admiration: "As expected of a Ph.D. in Biology, even if you make up a nonsense, you can make it up so neatly."

Wei Yuan: "..."

 Thank you Yeyingbaozi for your tip!Happy o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ

(End of this chapter)

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