
Chapter 130

Everyone carefully walked sideways through the passage of the octopus. When passing by, the octopus swelled to huge eyes, as if silently following them.It seems to be the moving fish eyes in the illusion.

"You say, is this octopus really dead?" Zhang Zheng suddenly asked suspiciously.

Zhao Ying looked at Zhang Zheng, whose face was turning green, and said mockingly, "Are you having a nervous breakdown again?"

"The father and daughter in the library are already 'dead', but we were almost killed..."

If only from the perspective of death and life, what is death and what is life.

Now this chaotic world.

Several people were a little speechless, and their footsteps that were about to pass through the passage paused.

"But it's human after's just some fish here."

This sentence is full of human arrogance.These words seemed to ring in Jiang Shan's mind.

Gao Wenwu's voice came sternly: "Don't forget, we almost died in our dreams." The culprits were these "fish".

"Do you think it's the octopus in front of you?"

Zhang Zheng was shaking while holding the camera. He just saw the octopus's tentacles rising in the water, trembling like a spirit snake.

Zhao Ying seemed helpless and said, "Stop making trouble."

Zhang Zheng didn't even argue with Zhao Ying, and said: " see, there is no life here. We have only seen this dead octopus until now."

All the fish did not even have ash left, but the octopus in front of it almost kept its complete body.

(Popular science, octopuses are molluscs, not fish.)
Jiang Shan pulled Zhang Zheng to distract him: "Show me the photos you took again."

Only then did Zhang Zheng's expression soften a little, he would not refuse Jiang Shan now.

At least five of them can be dealt with at the same time, so that they can't even remember when they fell into an illusion. At least this "creature" must be very smart.

Zhao Ying said softly: "The brain and neurons of an octopus are indeed extremely developed...the brain nervous system is the closest to that of a human being."

According to research, octopuses have lived on the earth for more than [-] million years, far exceeding humans.Even the number of nerves in an octopus exceeds that of many mammals on Earth.Moreover, the appearance and shape of the octopus, in some alien forums, many people said that the octopus is not a creature of the earth.This argument is very popular on the Internet.

Jiang Shan suddenly said: "Look at its feet, they were 'gnawed' by something, right?"

The tentacles and body of this octopus were not "eroded", the eight broken tentacles and the strange tooth marks at the fracture.

"You can see this?" Zhang Zheng said.

Forget that Miracle Shanshan's eyes are a kilowatt light bulb.

Gao Wenwu said, "Does it matter if it's eaten or eroded?"

Jiang Shan paused, she thought it was related.In the dream, the big fish eat the small fish, and the small fish eat dried shrimps.

What creature overlords this giant octopus and eats it?

"Look at its eyes! Did its eyes move?!" Zhang Zheng jumped far away as if he had been electrocuted.

The others immediately looked back into the glass wall. The octopus still maintained its previous posture, truly "opening its teeth and five claws": "It's just squeezed by the water, don't scare yourself."

As a result, at the moment of these words, the octopus face in front of it slammed into the glass wall, and the huge slam almost squeezed its already swollen face a dough.

"Look, look! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Zhang Zheng couldn't control another series of words.

Wei Yuan's voice suddenly came in: "Take a picture."

Um?Zhang Zheng paused with his mouth open.Jiang Shan also came to his senses: "Take another picture quickly while it's now."

Fortunately, although Zhang Zheng was quite frightened, he raised his camera and snapped a photo before he stretched his legs.

The photo was thrown out unsteadily, and everyone looked closely, and the first reaction was that the octopus was "extinguished".

The crystal-clear octopus disappeared.The octopus photographed now has its teeth and five claws, its head has been squished, and its miserable appearance is exactly the same as the one seen with the naked eye at this moment.

"It's really changed..."

If we talk about death, does it count as complete death now?

Regardless of all the yelling and screaming around, Jiang Shan stared at the photo intently, feeling a strange feeling.

The octopus that has turned back into the prototype of the flesh body can see more clearly.

Jiang Shan couldn't help pointing to the transparent photo taken before: "Is this the head of an octopus?" Because the organs have been transparentized, you can clearly see the outlines of each one.

"Which one is its brain?" Jiang Shan was a little curious.

Judging from the transparent photos, the head of the octopus is almost semi-hollow, and the inside of the huge brain cavity is obviously strange.

Wei Yuan suddenly looked over here.

Others aren't octopus experts either, and it's really hard for them to stare at empty photos and tell where the brain is.

The photos were transferred to Wei Yuan again. "Octopuses have nine brains."

Jiang Shan was a little surprised.

"The parabrain of an octopus is distributed among its eight tentacles."

Eight tentacles were gnawed, and what was gnawed off was its brain. "All its brains were eaten."

Including the master brain and 8 sub-brains.

"What, what do you mean?" Zhang Zhengcai asked with a silly face after a long time.

It is difficult for people who have not studied marine life to imagine that most animals on earth, including humans, have only one brain.The octopus, in addition to the head, also has 8 sub-brains distributed on the arms of its tentacles, each arm has a brain, the neuron master brain accounts for 40.00%, and the sub-brain occupies the remaining [-]%, so it is attacked by the octopus It is difficult to escape, because each of its tentacles can "decide independently" how to catch you.

But the octopus in front of me.

Wei Yuan put down the photo: "It is indeed dead."

The dead can't be clearer, nine brains are gone.Whoever eats the brain of an octopus eats only its brain.An empty shell was left.

According to Wei Yuan's ranking rules, the octopus is a real "ancient creature". According to the erosion rule, the octopus in front of him should be one of the safest creatures in the entire aquarium.

But it is dead now, and the state of death is still a bit miserable.

Zhao Ying's face was pale: "But why, why do you only eat your brains?"

If it is the jungle of the jungle, and the octopus is used as food by the stronger ones, will they still pick when they are extremely hungry?

Zhang Zheng said: "The meat of the brain is particularly delicious?"

No one paid attention to his bad taste.

Wei Yuan's fingertips seem to be unconsciously touching the photo: "What if this octopus is not considered as 'food'?"

Others didn't understand Wei Yuan's meaning.

Jiang Shan suddenly remembered that when the dean bought fish when he was a child, he opened it but there was no fish inside, only a clean shaved bone and two swollen eyes of the fish.The dean coaxed them, telling them to be good, eating fish eyes would improve eyesight.

"It's nourishment." Wei Yuan said.

Jiang Shan felt a chill.

Nurturing, nourishing?
"It is not easy to catch and kill an octopus, especially such a giant octopus." No matter from the perspective of evolution or the capacity of brain neurons, the octopus in front of me is definitely top-notch.

With 9 brains and [-] legs, it never fought or escaped. It was hollowed out and discarded in this glass coffin.

Even before he died, he tried his best to make himself transparent, but he did not escape the fate of death.

Write and delete, delete and write.happy weekend guys

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