
Chapter 131

Some creature here, powerful, intelligent, cruel.

"So, there is a monster in this aquarium who specializes in brain tonic...?"

Already feel my brain starting to get cold.

Zhang Zheng said: "Old Wei, you are the one who likes to tell strange stories, right?"

And when he speaks, he always looks very professional.It's hard to believe it or not.

Wei Yuan put away the photo: "Let's continue searching."

It doesn't make sense to continue this topic.

The key is that "Where is the brain" was first asked by Jiang Shan. Why did Jiang Shan subconsciously ask about the brain? Jiang Shan, who was walking behind the team again, was a little absent-minded. She always felt that she hadn't gotten rid of that voice in her head.

Although she woke up from the illusion, she always felt that the voice speaking in her mind was not a hallucination at all.

After walking for a while, Zhang Zheng began to mutter again: "I'd rather hang up directly than have my brain eaten. Lao Gao, remember to reward me with a bullet."

With this timid look, he obviously believed it, but he still insisted on speaking hard.

Gao Wenwu said: "Bullets will never be aimed at teammates, only at the enemy."

The real enemy "people".

Suddenly someone next to me said another sentence. "Don't talk, is there a sound of water?"

"Again?" Zhang Zheng turned his head reflexively, is it over?

Jiang Shan also said slowly: "It seems that there is." This time it seems to be different from before.

After Zhang Zhengnai calmed down, he also heard this time: "Could it be another dead fish?" He didn't want his photos to end up in this style.

Wei Yuan looked ahead, and there was a faint stream of water coming from the end of the dark passage: "No, the sound of water this time is regular."

The regular sound of the water is not the scattered rattling sound like the octopus carcass floating in the water before, but a continuous and flowing sound like a trickle.It was thrilling to hear the regular flow of water in this place.

Zhao Ying's tone was dubious: "Why does this sound a bit like an artificial spring?"

The design of the Starry Sky Aquarium is based on entertaining and educational. There is a large mechanical fountain in the middle of the fourth and fifth districts. Nine pillars form a ring and surround the fountain pool in the center. This fountain pool is the aquarium. dolphins, play place.

"Artificial spring?" With the word "artificial", it really caught people's attention.

Zhao Ying was startled: "Huahua?"

"Who is Huahua?" Zhang Zheng looked silly, "Is there anyone else with this name?"

Gao Wenwu said: "When I drove in just now, there was a billboard on the side of the road with a picture of a dolphin on it."

Gao Wenwu turned out to be a caring person.

"Quick! Let's go there quickly!" Zhao Ying walked away.

The others could only follow her who was suddenly excited, "What's so special about Huahua the dolphin you're talking about?" How could a dolphin become a star?
"Don't you read the news?" Zhao Ying glanced at him in surprise, "Huahua is a artificially bred pink bottlenose dolphin synthesized by the biological laboratory using the gene of the pink bottlenose dolphin:" also known as the Amazon river dolphin, is a A freshwater dolphin that lives in the Amazon and Orinoco rivers and is the largest freshwater dolphin in the world.

It's like reviving dinosaurs with the genes of ancient dinosaurs.

"Bringing some extinct (extinct) animals back to the world." Human beings say that it is to protect and protect endangered species.

Jiang Shan seemed to hear a ridicule in his mind: "Humans always want to perform the duties of God."

Jiang Shan suddenly turned his head and looked at the glass wall.

"Are you okay?" Seeing Jiang Shan's sudden strange behavior, Wei Yuan couldn't help asking.

Jiang Shan: "'s okay."

She had to admit she was a little nervous.Why revive extinct species, natural selection, survival of the fittest, this is the law of nature since ancient times, isn't it?
Excessive human interference with nature is protection or arrogance.

Zhao Ying, who was leading the way, suddenly stopped moving. She raised the flashlight and stared at the front, dumbfounded.

"Why don't you leave?" Zhang Zheng almost bumped into her.

Zhao Ying's light shines on the front, and a gate that is almost integrated with the glass wall can be seen erected there. "The door to District [-] is closed."

Isn't this too stepping on the back?There is a door in the tourist channel?

And haven't all the electronics failed already?The entire aquarium has suffered a major power outage.

How can this still be closed?

Zhao Ying leaned against the door and listened carefully for a while, "The sound of water came from here."

There even seemed to be the sound of dolphins diving inside.

Gao Wenwu took a closer look, frowned and said, "Is there any other way to open this door?"

The gate felt thick and heavy, and it didn't look like it could be broken open with brute force.

Zhao Ying used a flashlight to shine on both sides, but she didn't see anything like a switch. "This door seems to be operated from the other side. We don't have a button on this side."

Jiang Shan's eyes could see a line of small characters written on the side of the door: emergency safety door.

"Don't you think it's strange?" Jiang Shan raised his hand and knocked on the door. The door was solid and there was no echo. "This door shows no signs of erosion."

Zhang Zheng also leaned over and touched his hand, "Really."

The surface of the door was a bit slippery, and Jiang Shan seemed to see water stains. "What's in the fourth district?"

"Dolphins, whales, sea lions..."

Almost all large and rare deep-sea animals are in the fourth and fifth districts.

Gao Wenwu suddenly said: "If the door is closed from the inside, how did the people inside come out?" Doesn't this mean that the inside is directly sealed off?
"Maybe it came out while the door was not completely closed, or maybe..."

Wei Yuan's voice came over at this time: "In addition to the tourist passage, there is also the staff passage."

Of course, such a large venue will set up several safety exits. They are taking the most public route for tourists, but there must be other routes.

"We may be able to bypass it," Zhao Ying said after a moment of silence, "However, this means that we have to return to the first district."

The hard-won road before, the results of the search will be wasted again.

"How long did it take us to get here?"

"Two hours, four 10 minutes." Just because everyone is together, the time seems to be less difficult.

Gao Wenwu pinched his watch: "Including the time we passed out, we have been in the aquarium for a full six hours."

What this means is that everyone's physical strength and energy are all at zero limit.

"What about old Wei?" Zhang Zheng looked at Wei Yuan again.Count on him to have an idea.

Wei Yuan looked at the four players in front of him, Gao Wenwu put his hand on his chest at this moment, the hint was obvious: "Maybe we can use grenades."

Wei Yuan shook his head: "This is a confined space, no way."

So everyone is going to rest here?

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