
Chapter 132 Divided into 2 ways

"Maybe we can split into two groups?" Zhao Ying tried to suggest, "Find the way from the first district, and the rest of the people stay here to find a way."

Then whoever goes back to find the way, and whoever stays to find a way.

Wei Yuan was silent for a long time for the first time.This is indeed a difficult decision.

"Who can still hold on now? You decide voluntarily."

If you want to return to the first district, Zhao Ying must lead the way. Everyone's physical strength is relatively high. Whoever has the best physical strength now is the most suitable to go back.

Zhang Zheng ran and frightened, he was the weakest at first glance, Wei Yuan didn't use up much energy, he was sitting in a wheelchair.

Gao Wenwu was about to speak, he was indeed the one with better physical strength.

But he suddenly found that everyone's eyes seemed to be focused on one place in a strange way.

Jiang Shan felt a gaze fall on him.Immediately after the second, the third.

Jiang Shan, who has been standing aside very low-key, said in his heart: "..."

Zhang Zheng's eyes shined brightly: "...a miracle is good."

Undoubtedly, Jiang Shan was the one whose physical strength was least affected among them.

After all, Jiang Shan is no longer an "ordinary person".

Jiang Shan's own face was a bit dazed and three-pointed, well, sure enough, why is it her again?

"I'll take Ah Shan to find the way." Zhao Ying said.

Wei Yuan's hand fell on the armrest of the wheelchair. In fact, he has not exhausted his energy. If he goes back together, he can do it.

However, he looked at Gao Wenwu and Zhang Zheng.

"I have a way that might break the door, but it's more dangerous." Wei Yuan glanced at Jiang Shan, "It might be just right if Zhao Ying and Ah Shan can leave first."

The two girls who left in this way can avoid the danger he said, and this division of labor seems to be the best solution at the moment.

"What about Ah Shan's opinion?" Wei Yuan looked at Jiang Shan and asked.

Jiang Shan looked at him, wondering if he could think of asking himself, how could he have any opinions at this time, Jiang Shan nodded with a blank expression: "No opinion."

Zhao Ying smiled at Jiang Shan: "It's not too late, Ashan and I will go back and find our way again."

If Zhao Ying and Jiang Shan return smoothly and go straight to the fourth and fifth districts through another passage, then no matter whether Wei Yuan thinks of a way to pass through the door, at least everyone's mission can be completed.

In other words, if Wei Yuan and the others finally figured out a way to break the door, everyone can also meet in the fifth and fourth districts.

In short, dividing the troops into two groups is indeed a relatively safe method at present.

Of course, the worst thing is that both of them suddenly encountered a more force majeure danger, and everyone was wiped out.

But even if everyone is not separated, it is not ruled out that they may also encounter great danger, and then the group will still be destroyed.

Zhang Zheng said: "It's not very good, or I will follow."

Zhao Ying raised her eyebrows: "Could it be that you are more reliable than Ah Shan?"

Who doesn't know, the four of them together may not be worth one Jiang Shan.

Zhang Zheng was speechless, he had good intentions, why would he taunt him like this?

Zhao Ying looked at Jiang Shan, and seeing that Jiang Shan had no objection, she solemnly said to Wei Yuan, "Then let's go."

Wei Yuan nodded slightly: "Be careful."

Today, nothing else means much. "Keep your headset on and don't turn it off whether you get a reply or not."

They didn't plan to act separately this time, but just in case, the protective suits were still equipped with headsets, and they brought in two walkie-talkies.

Now one of them is given to Zhao Ying.

Zhao Ying and Jiang Shan quickly disappeared at the corner of the passage.Soon even footsteps ceased to be heard.

"Old Wei, you just said that there is a way to break the door, what is it?" Zhang Zheng couldn't help asking.

Wei Yuan looked at the glass walls on both sides. Inside the glass was turbid stagnant water. He pushed the wheelchair and motioned for Gao Wenwu.

"Doors can't be broken, but glass can."

Zhang Zheng and Gao Wenwu looked at each other, vaguely understanding what Wei Yuan meant when he said that it might be dangerous.

"So you want to..."

Gao Wenwu frowned: "If you destroy the glass wall, the sea water inside will gushing out."

The passage here is narrow and winding, and it is not clear how much sea water is inside the glass wall. If the split screen between the districts really disappears, the overflowing water is unimaginable.

Wei Yuan looked at the two of them: "So this is a risky way. And both of you can swim, right?"

Take away Jiang Shanzhi, the only landlubber, and the rest will be able to swim.

"From the octopus is the dividing point of the fourth district, so now the glass walls on both sides should be connected to the back of the door. If all goes well, Gao Wenwu can swim to the fourth district after breaking the window and open the door from behind."

The language is concise and understandable, but it may not be so easy to implement.

Gao Wenwu turned his head to look at the glass wall. The glass used in the aquarium must be S+ grade hardness glass. Breaking this kind of glass is not as simple as glass windows.But now these glasses have been "eroded" for several months, and a layer of black and gray substances attached to the surface can be seen with the naked eye.

At this time, with Gao Wenwu's power, it may indeed be possible to break these scarred glass.

"I can also swim over." Zhang Zheng gritted his teeth, "I'll go." Obviously swimming over is more dangerous.

Wei Yuan said: "Your physical strength is not as good as Gao Wenwu, he is the most suitable."

Dr. Wei is always unselfish.

"Wait for a while, until Zhao Ying and the others go far enough." After all, if the "water floods the golden mountain", the worst result is that the aquarium will be submerged.

Gao Wenwu removed the batteries in the flashlight. It was obvious that the flashlight was going to be used as a weapon by him again. He glanced at Wei Yuan: "If the water is really out of control, what will you do then?"

He and Zhang Zheng can swim and have a chance to escape, but what about Wei Yuan who is in a wheelchair.

Wei Yuan said: "I believe you can find the passage and open this door."

Gao Wenwu nodded slightly, and stopped talking nonsense, "You all try to stay as far away as possible."

Zhang Zheng rushed up and pulled Wei Yuan's wheelchair back crazily. The wheelchair creaked and slid on the ground. The two of them pushed all the way to the end of the passage, and with the flashlight, they could hardly see Gao Wenwu. .

"Old Gao! Be careful!" Zhang Zheng pinched the edge of Wei Yuan's wheelchair nervously.

Just listen to the huge bang in the dark!Bang!Boom!
There was a dense sound of hammers smashing glass, and their hearts jumped many times just by hearing that sound.

Suddenly they all heard a "swell", like the muffled sound of blasting, followed by a huge sound of water rushing in their ears, like a flood.

"Old Gao!"

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