
Chapter 14 Hospital

Chapter 14 Hospital
The dazzling white light made the whole world a snow-white, snow-white walls, snow-white ceiling, this is what Jiang Shan saw in front of him after he opened his eyes for some time.

Her mind was dull, much like when she just woke up in the tent before.

Jiang Shan felt a long-lost softness and elasticity under his body, as if he was sleeping on a Simmons bed, and there was still a lingering smell of disinfectant in the air.

This time, the surrounding environment seemed familiar amidst the strangeness. Jiang Shan slowly saw a stand beside the bed, a hanging bottle was hanging on the stand, and the other end was connected to her hand...


This idea flashed in Jiang Shan's mind, she remembered that Wei Yuan gave her a bottle of "water", she drank it without thinking much...

This was the last image in her mind.

Now that she woke up, she was no longer on the antique truck that bumped to the point of throwing up, but was lying straight on an even more inexplicable hospital bed.

At this time, it seemed that someone was approaching Jiang Shan's hospital bed, and when he saw Jiang Shan with wide-open eyes on the bed, he also showed an unbelievable expression when he was shocked.

"Wake up...she's awake!"

The person beside the bed suddenly turned his face and shouted out, this sound also startled many people, Jiang Shan saw many white coats, surrounded her, and her eyes were stabbed by the pure white all over the sky in an instant It hurts.

The closest one was a woman. Jiang Shan couldn't see her face clearly due to his unrecovered eyesight, but he could hear a nice voice: "Hello, this is Songshan Hospital."

Gentle and pleasing to the ear, it can soothe people's emotions.

Jiang Shan couldn't make a sound, so he could only blink twice.

Seeing that Jiang Shan could really respond, the white coat around her seemed even more excited, and finally that nice voice said: "Please don't panic, we need to do a routine physical examination for you."

Jiang Shan can't resist now, and can't say no to refuse. He can only keep his eyes straight, trying to see the people around him clearly.

It seemed that a beam of light shone into Jiang Shan's two pupils, "Head nurse, she should still be a little sensitive to light."

The pleasant voice paused and said, "It's okay, these things will recover slowly."

Jiang Shan felt a gentle breath lingering in his ears: "Close your eyes first and take a good rest..."

The dripping speed of the hanging bottle seemed to be adjusted faster, and Jiang Shan was knocked down by a huge dizziness again, and lost consciousness.


When Jiang Shan woke up again, there were no white coats around, and the whole ward was quiet. She first tried to move her limbs and found that she had regained consciousness.

Moreover, the field of vision was much clearer this time, she could see the chandelier on the ceiling, but the hanging bottle by the bed was gone.

Suddenly, Jiang Shan raised his hand, a white hand with manicured nails.

It was as if, the muddy hands and the dirt under the nails were all a dream.

And Jiang Shan really seemed to be in a dream, waking up from the tent and waking up from the hospital seemed to be another dream scene.

"Inform Dr. Wei that the person has woken up..."

Jiang Shan heard that familiar and pleasant voice, which seemed to be coming from outside the ward.

Then, the door of the ward was pushed open again, and a very beautiful woman walked in.It seems to be the "head nurse".

Seeing that Jiang Shan woke up, the woman was surprised, but immediately put on a smile: "You're awake, how do you feel?"

Jiang Shan found that she was still wearing a hospital gown. Not only was she trimmed clean, but she was also changed.

The head nurse sat next to Jiang Shan's bed. She smelled of hand sanitizer. Jiang Shan didn't know what he had experienced, but even thought the hand sanitizer smelled good.

"Hi, I'm Zhang Wanqiu, you can call me Nurse Zhang or Doctor Zhang."

Some patients can't tell the difference between nurses and doctors. Just this sentence makes it seem that head nurse Zhang is very humane.

Jiang Shan opened his mouth, and the voice in his throat came out dryly: "Where am I?"

The head nurse Zhang was stunned for a moment, and then she understood that Jiang Shan was a little confused, so she patiently explained: "This is Songshan Hospital, Dr. Wei's people sent you here, and you were still having a high fever when you came..."

In her original memory, Jiang Shan had never heard of the name Songshan Hospital, so she still didn't know where it was.

She looked at Zhang Wanqiu: "Is this Zicheng?"

Zicheng is Jiang Shan's city, and she wants to know where she was sent.

Head nurse Zhang paused for a while before saying softly, "This is Beijing and Hong Kong."

Jiang Shan kept his eyes straight and didn't speak for a long time, Jinggang?If I remember correctly, there is only one place called Jinggang, which is the capital's Jinggang.

She was sent to Beijing, the capital?
Head nurse Zhang comforted Jiang Shan again: "Dr. Wei told us to take good care of you, don't think too much, we will try our best to heal you."

This sentence is not unfamiliar to Jiang Shan, it is like a dream back to the past, from childhood to adulthood, what she heard the most is, we will try our best to treat you.

Jiang Shan knew that she was different from other cancer patients. Since she could remember, she had been instilled the fact that she was a terminally ill patient. Before the age of 16, he lived in an orphanage. Under social welfare, doctors would come for free consultation every month, so those doctors were shocked when they saw Jiang Shan's expression.

Head nurse Zhang must not have thought that a normal comforting word from herself would cause such a big reaction to Jiang Shan.

Jiang Shan frowned tightly and wanted to sit up, and even lifted the quilt.

She didn't expect that she went around and lay down on the hospital bed again. What she wanted to escape most in her life was the hospital bed.

"...I'm going to the bathroom..." Jiang Shan pushed Zhang Wanqiu's hand away with great effort.

Head nurse Zhang could only stand up quickly, "The bathroom is outside the corridor, I'll ask someone to take you there..."

Jiang Shan didn't care about anything and rushed straight to the door of the ward, Zhang Wanqiu followed closely behind, as if he was afraid that Jiang Shan would fall.

The moment Jiang Shan walked out of the ward, he looked at the long corridor and seemed to be stunned.There was no one in the corridor, and all the doors of the wards were tightly closed. It was unknown whether there were people living in or not.

At this time Zhang Wanqiu followed, she looked over Jiang Shan's shoulder to the empty corridor: "The bathroom is on the other side."

Jiang Shan turned around slowly, and head nurse Zhang still looked gentle, she said hesitantly: "Do you still want to go to the bathroom, I'll take you there."

This time Jiang Shan did not refuse, so Zhang Wanqiu took the lead and walked forward: "This way."

Jiang Shan got out of bed in a hurry without even shoes, but her feet were covered with thick socks, so she stepped on the ground without making a sound, while head nurse Zhang... She was wearing a pair of white slippers on her feet, without any shoes on. Socks, and you can still see her exposed heels.

(End of this chapter)

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