
Chapter 15 Radio

Chapter 15 Radio

There was a faint decaying smell in the bathroom, just like what Jiang Shan had smelled at the gas station. This bathroom only had two cubicles, and one door was still broken, hanging obliquely on the ground on one side.

Jiang Shan slowly entered another cubicle. When her hand touched the door of the cubicle, she felt a strange feeling, as if the door was soft and hollow inside.

Zhang Wanqiu was waiting outside, and said softly, "Call me if you feel unwell."

Jiang Shan didn't speak. She found that there was no mirror in this bathroom. She came to the bathroom to take a look at her current appearance, but this wish came to nothing.

Other than that, the restroom seemed to be no different from an ordinary hospital restroom. It was just as simple, and there was disinfectant on the sink.

About ten minutes later, Jiang Shan came out of the bathroom. The white socks under her feet were still spotless, as if the bathroom floor was clean beyond description.

Zhang Wanqiu asked with concern: "How do you feel, are you better?"

Zhang Wanqiu could understand that Jiang Shan had just woken up for the second time. He was not feeling well emotionally and physically, and needed more care.

Jiang Shan asked suddenly: "Where are my clothes and bag?"

The clothes she wore before she was unconscious, as well as the backpack on her body, were all gone.

Zhang Wanqiu was stunned for a moment, and quickly said: "Don't worry, we will keep all your things in the cabinet and take good care of them, and we will return them to you when you are discharged from the hospital..."

discharge?Jiang Shan looked at Zhang Wanqiu and didn't speak.

Zhang Wanqiu also seemed to realize that she had slipped her tongue, and she felt slightly embarrassed, and then she immediately said: "If you need anything, you can tell me, and I'll bring it for you."

Jiang Shan wanted her mobile phone, but she didn't want to tell Zhang Wanqiu.

So she walked back to the ward without saying a word, Jiang Shan didn't even know what kind of "examination" was done when she was unconscious, but from Zhang Wanqiu's attitude, it was obvious that she already knew that Jiang Shan was terminally ill.

This is all the information Jiang Shan can get at the moment.

"She seems very wary."

On the monitor screen, two white coats were staring at each other, and Jiang Shan's complexion could be seen even through the heavy electronic screen.

"I think it's normal. Judging from what she has encountered, it's normal to be wary." Another person next to her said.

"I still can't believe that she was the only one who survived in the mountains... Are you sure the news is correct?"

And lived alone for more than five months.

When the news came back to Beijing and Hong Kong, everyone had the same reaction as Zhang Zheng and his gang, unbelievable and unbelievable.

In fact, they couldn't help but wonder whether Jiang Shan was a "human being".

This is a semi-enclosed office with no windows. The door sign says Observation Room, and there are three surveillance screens on the table.

Standing in front of the monitor were two doctors in white coats. The young one called the old one: "Dean, here is her cranial scan."

The dean of Songshan Hospital, the old dean Geng Jianghui, the name Geng Jianghui is definitely an earthquake-level figure in the medical world. He once won the highest medical award in the world, but it is said that because he is almost [-] years old, he has already Retirement does not receive medical treatment.

Who would have thought that Geng Jianghui would come out again and become the director of this little Songshan Hospital.

And the younger one next to him was the top professor of biological research in the country half a year ago. He taught at the top biological research institute in China and has conquered many subjects. He is known as the contemporary "Shen Nong" Professor Zhao Qisheng.

In short, these two standing now are all figures who can be called national treasures.

Geng Jianghui pushed the reading glasses and took Jiang Shan's cranial scan, which clearly showed that Jiang Shan had a huge tumor in his brain.

10 times 15 is already quite amazing.

Geng Jianghui pushed his glasses again, then looked at Zhao Qisheng in disbelief and said, "How did she survive to this day with such a big tumor?"

And looking at Jiang Shan's appearance, he can still eat and sleep, it seems that he has not been affected.

This tumor is undoubtedly malignant, and it is still growing in such a special area of ​​the brain. Jiang Shan is hardly called a medical miracle, but a medical miracle.

Zhao Qisheng was thoughtful: "The research institute said that she doesn't remember what happened on the mountain, so it seems possible."

If the tumor compresses the memory nerve, memory loss is likely to occur.

Who would have thought that the only survivor was still a terminal cancer.For a while, although they knew it shouldn't be, everyone subconsciously felt it was a pity.

If this is a healthy person, maybe he knows what happened to the cave hotel and the mountain?

And now, they still don't know anything.


"Have the results of her blood test come back?"

Jiang Shan had no idea that he had been subjected to hundreds of examinations, and X-rays had been taken from head to toe, including hair.

"Not yet," Zhao Qisheng said, "You know, many instruments are 'failed' now..."

The test report that could be issued in half an hour before may now take a day.

The two national treasure-level experts looked at each other speechlessly, and they no longer knew how to speak.This wave of questions is really beyond the outline, I don't understand.


When Jiang Shan returned to the ward, Zhang Wanqiu thoughtfully brought two extra pillows for her, allowing Jiang Shan to sit against the head of the bed.

But Jiang Shan never showed too happy. She looked at the white ward. There used to be a window in Jiang Shan's room in the orphanage. Now there is no window in this ward, except for a window leading to the corridor. The door, the whole room is frighteningly white.

"Is there a TV?" Jiang Shan asked.

Even in the orphanage, there was a TV.

Head nurse Zhang paused for a moment, then said gently: "Our hospital doesn't have TV, how about... I'll find you some books to read? Do you like reading?"

She thought Jiang Shan was afraid of being bored.

But in fact, boredom is commonplace for Jiang Shan.Except for the month of traveling in her life, it was lively.

Thinking of traveling, Jiang Shan's face became expressionless again.

Zhang Wanqiu observed Jiang Shan's expression, "By the way, do you like listening to the radio?" She asked gently.

Radio... To be honest, Jiang Shan has never heard of such an ancient vocabulary.

No TV, but a radio?

Zhang Wanqiu seemed to be used to Jiang Shan's silence, she took out a palm-sized mini radio from the pocket of her white coat, and put it on Jiang Shan's bedside.

"You can listen to music. Music can help ease your mood and help you sleep."

It can be seen that head nurse Zhang is really professional in taking care of people, patient and good-tempered, and can accept Jiang Shan's cold eyes.

Jiang Shan looked at the radio by the bed, but said nothing.

No TV, no mobile phone, just lost the channel to understand the outside world.

(End of this chapter)

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