
Chapter 16 Killing Cancer Cells

Chapter 16 Killing Cancer Cells
In Jiang Shan's life, it seems that every stage is trapped by different forms and spaces.

The orphanage where Jiang Shan grew up was very shabby even in the orphanage. The impression was that the dean was either begging for donations every day, or he was on the way to ask for donations.

Even so, the orphanage is operating at a loss year after year.Everyone's kindness has been overdrawn these years, and life is so hard, how can we spare energy to help others.

Other children can often go to the community to participate in activities, pretending to be cute to get donations, Jiang Shan is just eating for nothing.

Before she was six years old, she couldn't even get out of bed. Every day at mealtime, the nurses brought her some leftover soup and leftovers. This also caused Jiang Shan to be malnourished and skinny. , The business of being cute and cute is completely over.

So the children in the orphanage rejected Jiang Shan and hated Jiang Shan. Everyone earns their food based on their skills, why can you eat ready-made ones.

There is no clear good and evil in the hearts of children, only simple black and white.

The most frightening thing was that one night, Jiang Shan felt out of breath. When he opened his eyes, he found that someone was actually pinching his neck. It was a little boy who was less than ten years old. That kind of ferocity is the real evil.

Later, Jiang Shan forgot who saved her. She only remembered that after waking up, the dean who never showed up was sitting in front of her bed. Jiang Shan felt the feeling of being cared for for the first time.Like the word "father" in the book.

For lunch that day, Jiang Shan also got a carton of milk for the first time.Especially from then on, the children in the orphanage stayed away from Jiang Shan completely, and they would run away like a frightened bird when they saw her appear.As for the little boy who pinched Jiang Shan, Jiang Shan never saw him in the orphanage again.

Jiang Shan didn't feel any guilt, and she didn't care where the little boy went, after all, it had nothing to do with her.

Everyone is an orphan, everyone is alone, even if they have kind hearts, they are left to themselves.


Jiang Shan was fiddling with that little radio, it wasn't even a bluetooth one, it was very old fashioned, the old one with an antenna.

And there are only two knobs, one for the volume and the other for the channel.

When Zhang Wanqiu took out the radio from his pocket, he seemed to have prepared it in advance. Which nurse would keep an antique radio in his pocket every day?
Jiang Shan turned the channel slightly, and there was a burst of electric sound, and then there was intermittent sound. If you listen carefully, it is a song you have never heard before.

Jiang Shan frowned, and continued to turn the channel knob down. There was a continuous sound of electricity, and then there was rustling. After several channels were turned down, none of them could be heard.

Jiang Shan was speechless.

Picking up the book that Zhang Wanqiu brought over, a particularly boring novel about moaning without illness, Jiang Shan lost interest after turning the first page, and the book was so tattered that it looked like it had just been picked out of a trash can.

Jiang Shanzheng was about to throw it aside, but suddenly remembered something, slowly picked it up again, turned to the page of copyright, and looked at the publication time on it.

September 199X.

? ? ?No wonder it's so old-fashioned and brought her a book from decades ago?
At the end of the whole day, Jiang Shan was almost bored to the point of a toothache. The mattress under her body was so soft that she simply lay flat and stared at the ceiling.

The four corners of the ceiling, she saw one of the corners, seemed to be slightly darkened, in this snow-white room, this blackness was too conspicuous, as if the walls had been corroded and blackened.

But it's not like ordinary walls that are moldy and discolored, and Jiang Shanming clearly remembers that it wasn't there yesterday.

Jiang Shan frowned, looking at it, she felt that the black substance was wriggling.


The scientific research institute also asked to pay attention to Jiang Shan's mental condition. After staying alone on the barren hill for five months, it was hard for them to imagine that normal people would not go crazy.

Is it possible that Jiang Shan's amnesia is a kind of PTSD.

The task Zhang Wanqiu received was to observe Jiang Shan as much as possible, chat with her, and stimulate her memories.The head nurse Zhang was recruited to Songshan Hospital because of her other identity - the therapist of the most famous private psychological clinic in Beijing and Hong Kong.

However, after just two days of getting along, Zhang Wanqiu felt like meeting an opponent.

First of all, she thinks that there is absolutely nothing wrong with Jiang Shan's spirit, let alone crazy.

Jiang Shan has quick thinking and clear logic. The most important thing is that a person's natural psychological quality cannot be faked in a short period of time.

If it is said that Jiang Shan will encounter some major stimulus and develop mental problems, the probability is very small.

Since his mind is completely normal, for Jiang Shan, it may be that he simply lost the memory of the few months on the mountain.The reason for the amnesia is something else.


As soon as Jiang Shan's test results came out, he was rushed to the observation room. Geng Jianghui immediately put on reading glasses and stared at the test report.

"In her blood, the white blood cell content is abnormally high."

According to the data on the test sheet, Jiang Shan's white blood cell count was three times that of a normal person.Exaggerated than leukemia patients.

It was so amazing that Geng Jianghui couldn't help saying: "Are you sure there is nothing wrong?"

No matter how you look at it, it seems that the inspection is wrong.If this value is true, Jiang Shan should have died suddenly.

The assistant doctor said tremblingly: "We checked it three times and made a cross-comparison, no, that's right."

Now that Jiang Shan is the key caregiver, no one dares to make mistakes in her inspection results.

Zhao Qisheng also took out a photo and put it under the spectrum: "More than that, look, this is her whole body scan light photo. Every organ in her body looks very healthy, not like a sick person at all."

The internal organs of cancer patients will suffer severe failure, which is irreversible.

But Jiang Shan's organs were fresh and vigorous, and no spreading cancer cells were found in the scans.

Once the two inspection results are combined, it can no longer be said that there is an error in the inspection.

"I have a guess." Zhao Qisheng swallowed, "White blood cells are immune cells. Such an abnormal value excludes blood diseases. Is it possible that it is a response of the immune system."

For example, infection, inflammation, the body's white blood cells will grow wildly.

In plain English, the immune system is going crazy at this time.

Geng Jianghui was surprised: "You want to talk about cancer? But the immune system cannot cure cancer..." If the human immune system can kill cancer cells, it can be called a miracle in the history of evolution.

Cancer cells come from the body itself, and the immune system only responds to foreign invasions.

Zhao Qisheng said with difficulty: "I understand, what I mean is, is there something else that activated her immune system...?"

(End of this chapter)

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