
Chapter 144 Devil

Chapter 144 Devil
Wei Yuan looked at Gao Wenwu: "How did you get here?"

The behavior of the creatures here before was obviously to separate them on purpose, so he speculated that whether it was Jiang Shan's road or Gao Wenwu's road, they should have encountered different obstacles.

Gao Wenwu told the stupid intellectual answer he encountered, which seemed stupid to him, but Wei Yuan's expression darkened when he heard it.

Isn't this consistent with the previous guess?

It was still surprising to hear Gao Wenwu say that there was a voice guiding him over.Separate them first, and then gather them together. It sounds like, sort and remove the ingredients first, and then throw them into a pot to stir fry.

"These creatures just want to see if you are smart." Zhang Zheng was smart for a rare time.

So passing the test means that Gao Wenwu's brain is easy to use.

Gao Wenwu was taken aback when he heard this, what is this mess?

Gao Wenwu was obviously worried about the person in the fish tank: "Is this person alive or dead?"

Just as he said these words, the man in the fish tank opened his eyes through the water and looked at him fixedly.

Even Gao Wenwu, a tough guy, was shocked by this stare.

This is a living person (in terms of vital signs), but he is dead.

"Stay away from that fish tank." Wei Yuan's words came from behind.

Of course, it is wiser to stay away from things that are not understood yet. Gao Wenwu looked around a little bit, but those swaying lights and shadows made his sight unable to fall into place.

Wei Yuan said: "These flickering electronic screens should also be used to disrupt our sense of direction."

At present, they seem to have light around them, and they are in the light, but this light is like an isolated island, making them unable to see clearly everything that is immersed in the darkness around them.

If you can come here by passing the examination, what about Jiang Shan and Zhao Ying?

Could it be that their IQ is not as high as the old one?Zhang Zheng suddenly jumped out of this ridiculous idea.

"I saw a sign on the way here just now." Gao Wenwu said suddenly, and he glanced at Wei Yuan, "XX Amusement Park. The first two words have been crossed out."

In the aquarium, is there a so-called playground?The aquarium itself is already a paradise, and I have never heard of a second playground inside.

"Words painted out?"

Gao Wenwu said: "Yes, and the guidepost itself was not placed on the side of the road, it was thrown on the ground, and I kicked it while walking."

No wonder Gao Wenwu paid special attention to a sign, which turned out to be a roadblock.

A sign with the words Randomly Discarded and painted over.

The key is that this brand has not been weathered and corroded?

Wei Yuan turned the wheelchair: "We have confirmed that this place must be somewhere in the fourth and fifth districts."

One of the most common tourist signs in the aquarium uses LED electronic screens. This kind of thing should be destroyed immediately.

The holographic combined aquarium, which was once known as built with the most cutting-edge technology, used to glow with streamers at night with its alloy shell.Pedestrians passing by from a distance can see the prosperity here at a glance.

It is the eye of Beijing and Hong Kong.

"It is unlikely that there will be an old and lost sign in the tourist passageway." The aquarium is committed to maintaining user services, not to mention the lost sign on the side of the road. There used to be more than 1 daily tourists, and you can't even see the dust on the ground. "So the high probability that you walk over is the staff passage, and the word 'playground' is not for tourists to see, it should be like the staff canteen and staff rest area, just let the staff see where it is. Any card."

Even stick a piece of paper and write a few words casually.There was speculation before, but not sure yet.

No matter how luxurious the shopping mall is, no matter how magnificent the villa is, if you have ever seen a staff dormitory, a restaurant back kitchen, or a nanny’s room, you will know that there will be backward and cramped corners under no matter how beautiful the building is.

"So the playground isn't the kind of playground that tourists would imagine?"

Wei Yuan said: "It's not a playground for tourists, but a playground for a certain creature here."

Suddenly the lights around them became brighter, and they heard the sound of gurgling water again, this time much louder, "Look at that man in the fish tank, he's wearing overalls."

"The fourth and fifth districts are all large sea creatures, and there must be a dedicated feeder and coach," Gao Wenwu nodded. "This person's identity is either a feeder or a coach."

It should be more likely that the breeder used to raise these creatures, but now he is kept in a fish tank by these creatures.

It may be that the feeder did not have time to escape when the incident happened, or there may be other reasons that caused him to become what he is today.

Sure enough, humans live a long time, and they will always be hit by their own boomerangs.

Gao Wenwu and Wei Yuan looked at each other, and they seemed to have made some decision at this moment.Gao Wenwu raised his hand to cover his chest.

The grenade he brought is still there.

These grenades were originally sealed and stored in the laboratory. When Gao Wenwu brought them out, he used a sealed bag for safety.

Therefore, the previous immersion had no effect.

But Gao Wenwu didn't speak, neither did Wei Yuan, the two just kept a tacit understanding.

It's not the last moment.

The eyes of the man in the fish tank kept on looking at the three people. To be precise, they moved from Gao Wenwu's body to Wei Yuan's body.

This human has a disability, and should be the weakest class in human society, but now this person makes them feel threatened.

"Will Zhao Ying and Jiang Shan come?"

In fact, the reason why they are standing still is because they are not sure about Zhao Ying and Jiang Shan's situation.

"The creatures here should be similar to the leader." Wei Yuan said softly.Everything so far has almost followed the rhythm, including guiding them step by step, in an orderly manner, it is unimaginable that in a few months, except for those creatures that were reduced to ashes, the surviving creatures have evolved (alienated) into what it looks like.

"Now I can only try my best to wait."


Jiang Shan hugged the seaweed ball and continued to lash out. "Zhao Ying", who had exposed two arms in the middle, tried to push Jiang Shan away, but it found that Jiang Shan's strength was as huge as a rock, and it would not let go when it held on to it.

The sphere was gradually torn off, revealing a human form. At this time, it seemed to realize that it had provoked a real stubble.

In the end, Jiang Shan rode directly on "Zhao Ying", and Zhao Ying's body fell to the ground. Jiang Shan tightly hugged Zhao Ying's head wearing a helmet, as if he wanted to use this to transmit some power into her head.

"Even if you don't let Zhao Ying go, I'll tear you apart." Jiang Shan's bloodshot eyes burst out with a murderous intent that didn't look like a human.Something like the primordial bestiality unleashed.

While not much is known about the symbiotic relationship between these thriving seagrass and these enigmatic creatures, the apparent destruction of the seagrass also took a heavy toll on these creatures.

So the corner of Jiang Shan's mouth curled up, and he tore off a big piece again.

Zhao Ying's face inside the helmet was completely distorted and deformed. Her mouth opened and closed like a fish spitting bubbles. It seemed that some kind of creature was squeezed out of her body and passed away.

The mouth shape opened and closed, as if to say, devil.

(End of this chapter)

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