
Chapter 145 Parasitic

This creature extracted Zhao Ying's memory from Zhao Ying's mind, and used it to better play Zhao Ying.

At this time, this memory began to attack Jiang Shan.

Devil, devil, devil, devil...

Jiang Shan stared at the frantically moving lips in front of him, but there was no sound from those lips, only lip language that moved faster and faster.

Jiang Shan felt a slight trembling all over.In the end, her tearing hands were stuck in the air, unable to fall.

Then Zhao Ying's staring eyes gradually became dull, as if her soul had disappeared, and then, after about half a moment, the dissipated pupils slowly refocused, "Ashan?"

From that mouth came a weak but clear Zhao Ying's voice.

"Zhao Ying!" Jiang Shan's eyes lit up.

The real Zhao Ying is back.

Zhao Ying looked at Jiang Shan who was riding on her body in front of her, with astonishment on her face. "What's going on here?"

Jiang Shan couldn't explain the situation clearly at the moment, so he could only quickly get off Zhao Ying, and stretched out his hand to help Zhao Ying up from the ground.

Zhao Ying subconsciously covered her head, but naturally she could only touch the hard helmet. She frowned: "What happened?"

Seeing Zhao Ying's blank expression, Jiang Shan was slightly surprised: "Don't you remember anything?"

Zhao Ying stayed there for a few more seconds, her mind obviously blank.It seems that the sequelae of being parasitized by this kind of creature are still very serious, as if a piece of the brain is lost.

"I seem to have a dream?" But I can't remember anything about the dream.

Jiang Shan didn't say anything when she saw this. Since Zhao Ying seemed to have forgotten what she had experienced in the illusion, it happened that Jiang Shan didn't want to mention the things that made her feel unhappy. "Zhao Ying, hurry up and see where this is."

Jiang Shan immediately remembered the business.

Zhao Ying couldn't help but look around when she heard the words, and rubbed her eyes again, it was so dark that there wasn't even a light, what do you think?
"What's around, describe it to me."

Jiang Shan hurriedly looked around carefully. Although she had a bad sense of direction, she walked along the road with that fake Zhao Ying, and remembered everything she met and saw clearly, so she quickly described it to the real Zhao Ying in front of her.

Zhao Ying thought about it carefully, and her face became more cautious: "If it is a place that I don't even know, it is probably the work area."

Zhao Ying is obviously not familiar with the things described by Jiang Shan. She has visited every place in the aquarium that is open to tourists, except for the staff area used by internal staff that is not open to the public.

"Don't worry," Zhao Ying said, "Let me think about it."

Although the aquarium in front of me has changed a lot, even if the creatures here have evolved some supernatural powers, they can't change the hard pattern of the aquarium. At most, they will use some tricks to confuse people, such as confusing the sense of direction, disrupting thinking, etc. .

Zhao Ying held her temper now and carefully recalled the construction drawings memorized before coming here.

Naturally, Jiang Shan didn't urge her, the matter of waking Zhao Ying up was settled safely, and she didn't find it difficult to do the rest.

"I suggest that we try to go back for a while." The guide also needs to regain a sense of familiarity during the journey.

Jiang Shan still had some impressions of the part of her "escape", so she signaled Zhao Ying to follow her.

On the way, Zhao Ying heard that she was "taken away from her home". She obviously couldn't believe it. This kind of thing was only heard in stories, and the person who took her home wasn't even a human being, it was probably a fish?
This may not be called seizing the house, it should be called parasitism, symbiosis.


After walking for a while, Jiang Shan saw the discarded walkie-talkie on the ground ahead.

She stepped forward and picked it up.

Fortunately, when the fake Zhao Ying was thrown away, she didn't take the opportunity to step on it a few more times to destroy it.So far, the walkie-talkie is fine.

After observing for a while, Jiang Shan handed the walkie-talkie to Zhao Ying again: "Maybe we can try to contact Wei Yuan and the others."

Zhao Ying took it over, fiddled with it a few times, and said in a low voice, "There is no signal."

They should be far beyond the range that the local area signal can communicate, and the walkie-talkie at this distance is useless.Besides, so what if they get in touch, their side is already so dangerous, and the other side is probably not the same.

The protective clothing that Jiang Shan had taken off was on the ground.

As soon as Zhao Ying cast her gaze over it, Jiang Shan said firmly, "I won't wear it again no matter what."

Zhao Ying was a little distressed, the cost of this set of protective clothing is sky-high now, and this girl just threw it here without hesitation.

Feeling distressed, Zhao Ying also knew that she couldn't take it away, "Please describe to me what you saw."

In fact, after entering the aquarium, Zhao Ying has no memories of all the journeys and memories, and she has no "experience" about everything.

Jiang Shan explained in detail this time that the team searched all the way to the end of the third area, saw the octopus carcasses that were eaten, and the door that suddenly appeared and blocked their way.She deliberately omitted things other than the illusion.It only said that after everyone entered, they were parasitic on the brain by some kind of organism, and finally "woke up" out.

It just happened to correspond to the fact that Zhao Ying hadn't woken up.

"Did you hear the sound of regular water flow?" Zhao Ying's eyes widened. Obviously, she couldn't believe that there was still energy left in the aquarium.

Jiang Shan nodded, "So hopefully they've found a way around the door by now."

Zhao Ying feels that the huge amount of information is difficult to digest now, so she separated from Jiang Shan alone to find another way to add more hope.

"I understand..." Zhao Ying said slowly after a while.

So she actually still bears the heavy responsibility of a guide, even heavier than before.

Zhao Ying took a few breaths slowly, her face was actually very pale now, and her whole body felt empty as if it had been hollowed out.This is because the parasite has been using her body for a while, and the huge consumption has brought about terrible sequelae.

But Zhao Ying didn't express anything, she knew that she couldn't miss the job at all.

Jiang Shan completely let go of his doubts when he saw his expression and micro-expression, and it was indeed the familiar Zhao Ying who had returned.

"I guess she...that creature didn't take you back to the real starting point." Zhao Ying was a little serious, "You said you saw the service desk when you came in?"

Jiang Shan recalled and nodded slowly.

It was indeed very similar to the hall that came in, at least Jiang Shan really didn't think about being suspicious.

But when Zhao Ying mentioned it now, she was a little hesitant.

The main thing in retrospect is that Zhao Ying is really calculating every step of the way. Is there really that kindness to lead her on the right path?Even if it was just going back to the starting point, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that the reason why Jiang Shan was so sure that there was the place to come in was because the fake Zhao Ying said on purpose: We have reached the starting point!

This sentence, thinking about it now, feels more and more terrifying.It's like saying that on purpose, just to attract Jiang Shan's attention and make her subconsciously preconceived. Do you believe this is really the starting point?
Jiang Shan suddenly found that she couldn't believe anything.

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