
Chapter 146 Candles

Zhao Ying fumbled in her breast pocket for a while, "Great, this is still there."

Jiang Shan took a closer look and saw Zhao Ying stretched out her hand and took out a very thin... What is this? It looks a bit like a birthday candle?

"Before I came here, just in case, I found a little candle and brought it with me." Zhao Ying's expression darkened, "It was my birthday a few years ago, and I worked overtime at the research institute. They ordered a cake for me. The rest A few candles."

No wonder, in the age of science and technology, there was no place to sell such things as candles, so only birthday candles with special significance were still produced by manufacturers.

Zhao Ying took out the lighter and flicked it several times before the pitiful wick flashed out, and she quickly pressed it to light it.

Even Jiang Shan, every year in the orphanage, would receive a small cake with candles symbolizing her age.

Although the candle is small, the bright light it burns seems to give Zhao Ying a reassurance. "Ashan, don't worry, I will definitely lead you to find a way out."

Jiang Shan looked at Zhao Ying, "Zhao Ying, you said those named names, such as the place where the devil was born... do these have special meanings?"

Zhao Ying showed a blank face, "I never thought about it, we don't even know what the origin means, I think these names are more or less mysterious."

This kind of riddle-like stuff really makes people dislike it. If you have the ability to say it outright, the more you engage in this kind of cover-up, the more people feel that you are not frank.And it is because of these messy things that they came to the aquarium and were imprisoned.

Zhao Ying's expression was not favorable at first glance.

Jiang Shan looked at Zhao Ying, wondering if a certain part of his heart had been comforted.

The previous remarks about the devil were indeed not Zhao Ying's thoughts, but just a certain creature here.

"What's the matter, Ah Shan, why do you ask this?" Zhao Ying wondered if Jiang Shan had something to hide.

Jiang Shan shook his head: "Nothing, just curiosity."

Just curious?Zhao Ying couldn't see Jiang Shan's expression clearly, but her carefulness made her feel that the matter was not simple: "Ah Shan, no matter what that... parasitic creature on my body told you before, you have to remember that it's not me. "

It doesn't mean she is Zhao Ying, and she will never say or do anything to hurt Jiang Shan.

Jiang Shan smiled for the first time: "Don't worry, I understand."

The two leaned on a thin birthday candle to light the way forward again, and Zhao Ying said, "I suddenly had an idea, even if the place we are now has deviated from the original route, no matter where it is, it also belongs to the ocean. part of the pavilion. Remember what our mission said?"

Search the entire aquarium to find anything that might be a clue.

Since it includes the entire aquarium, the place where they got lost is also counted.

Jiang Shan hadn't really thought about it this way before, it was an unconventional way, but she naturally trusted Zhao Ying as a road idiot, and felt that what Zhao Ying said made sense.

"Then let's search carefully as we walk, no matter where we go."

Zhao Ying laughed: "That's right." Leave everything to the hidden arrangements, the end of science is metaphysics.

In this way, the mentality of the two people is different, and now they are a stable group, no longer rushing to find the so-called exit, Zhao Ying held up the candle and began to carefully observe every corner of the way.

"The secrets of the restaurant are hidden in the back kitchen, and the secrets of the school are hidden in the dormitory, so if you look for something, if you just look at the countertop, you will never find it."

Jiang Shan's heart was moved. The secret of the orphanage was hidden in the utility room of the old nurse?

Or in the dean's permanently locked office?
Jiang Shan diverged his thoughts a little.

"There is a door here." Zhao Ying said suddenly.

On Zhao Ying's left hand side, there was really a door slanted, and Zhao Ying was holding a candle and trying to observe the door.

"It's an electronic lock." Zhao Ying seemed a little lucky, and pushed the door, "Then there is a high probability that it won't work..."

The door opened at Zhao Ying's fingertips.

All electrons are fake.

I actually experienced the freshness of sliding doors and picking locks in ancient novels.

Jiang Shan immediately looked inside the door. There was a large space inside, and there were two rows of neat cabinets.

This layout looks a bit familiar.

Zhao Ying said, "Go in and have a look."

Zhao Ying took the lead and walked in, held up the candle and shone it around. Some oil dripped from the candle and burned Zhao Ying's fingers.

Even wearing gloves, she subconsciously bared her teeth.

This hot feeling has not been seen for a long time.Let Zhao Ying truly realize a feeling of being alive.

As the days of doomsday pass, many people fall into a state of unconscious numbness.

"It seems that there was no number plate on the door just now." Or it was eroded if it was pasted.

Looking at the rows of cabinets, there are still a few names vaguely visible on the cabinet doors, "Is this the employee's personal belongings storage place?"

Anyone who has been to work knows that personal items cannot be brought to the workplace in many cases. Some companies will provide a special place for you to store your personal items and pick them up after get off work.

In a special place like the aquarium, you will not be allowed to bring things to work casually.

And these cabinet doors are almost always open.Some even had their keys thrown on the ground.

It's mostly empty inside.

Occasionally, there are some ashes that can no longer be seen, remaining on the bottom of the cabinet.

I always feel that everything in this room gives people a messy feeling.

"It feels like an escape scene," Zhao Ying was dumbfounded, "he took away the valuables in a hurry, and didn't even want to lock the door again."

After the accident, similar scenes can be seen almost everywhere.

It's all a mess, crumbling here and there.

Some even threw their children away.

Zhao Ying saw it with her own eyes.

Jiang Shan walked straight ahead, distanced herself from Zhao Ying, her eyes could clearly see the black spots on the cabinets.

When she reached the last row, her eyes froze.There is a locked cupboard here.

This cabinet seems to have chosen such an imperceptible place on purpose.Blocked by a group of open cabinet doors, if you don't go to the last row, you can hardly find that there is a locked cabinet door here.

"Zhao Ying, there is a different cabinet here."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Ying quickly walked towards Jiang Shan's place holding a candle.

Soon she saw the locked cabinet.

The combination of the cabinet door seems to be broken, and an old latch was added from the outside, and the lock head hung firmly on it.

It's strange that this cabinet seems to be different from others from the outside.

Zhao Ying touched the lock body, it was stiff, and tried to pull it again. Obviously, this old-fashioned lock is still quite explainable.

Jiang Shan said, "Let me do it."

I saw Jiang Shan reached up, grabbed the lock, and pulled it hard, and the lock deformed and fell off like noodles in her hand.

Weird and kind.

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