
Chapter 148: The Unbeatable Xiaoqiang

Don't be curious to open the locked place. Since it is locked, there must be something inside that cannot be released.

Unfortunately, Jiang Shan understood too late.

Such a disgusting thing, just looking at it directly makes Jiang Shan uncomfortable, how to deal with it?
"Zhao Ying, is there anything else in your pocket that you can throw away?"

At this time, Zhao Ying could also see from the faint outline that the six-legged thing crawling over was not a turtle at all. How could there be such an ugly and foul-smelling turtle?
"The materials we can and can bring are limited, and the things we bring have been screened repeatedly. How can there be useless things?"

The size of this cockroach was about as high as a human's small knee. No wonder Zhao Ying couldn't see clearly in the dark and thought it was a huge turtle. Unfortunately, even turtles that could grow to such a large size were rare.

The thick carapace covering the cockroach's body was still vibrating constantly.

And the crackling, crackling sound came from that shell.

Jiang Shan is really convinced, he is constantly refreshing his knowledge, and he can still see alienated cockroaches in the aquarium?Even letting her see a mutated fat-headed fish would be more reasonable than a cockroach, right?Sure enough, there is no reason to speak in this world now.

Jiang Shan remembered something: "Candles, are there any extra candles?"

Zhao Ying's face was sallow: "It's the one that was thrown away just now." She just stuffed it in privately.

Jiang Shan said decisively: "Go find it, I will cover you."

Zhao Ying: "Huh?"

Jiang Shan went all out, she took off her shoes.Hold it in your hand.

Sister, the soles of her whole body are still a bit lethal.

Eat me a sole roll.

"Zhao Ying, I'll count to one, two, three, and you start rushing."

Zhao Ying was arranged so clearly that there was no time to two three?Why not three two one?

But hearing that Jiang Shan had already started counting in her ear, she immediately tensed up.

"One, two, three, go find it!" Jiang Shan urged.

Even in the dark, Zhao Ying rushed out precisely with her sense of direction.

Just as Zhao Ying turned around, the cockroach seemed to sense the distance of its prey, and its slow movements suddenly became faster.

The shell behind it vibrated extremely rapidly, crackling, crackling.

Without any hesitation, Jiang Shan threw a shoe up, and hit one of the cockroach's compound eyes with a perfect blow.

"Hiss." The cockroach's pursuit was blocked, and most importantly, its hatred value was successfully transferred.

This is what Jiang Shan wants, as long as he doesn't chase after Zhao Ying.

With bare feet, Jiang Shan began to try to lure the cockroach away, but the cockroach's movements were unbelievably fast. After locking Jiang Shan as the target, it shortened the distance with Jiang Shan as quickly as a sprinter.

I go……

Jiang Shan ran away with all his strength, for fear that this disgusting thing would catch up with him.

After Zhao Ying probably found the place where she and Jiang Shan rolled out before, she squatted on the ground and frantically searched for it. She didn't know where the candle fell just now. After all, she just flew out of her hand, and the candle was light and Soft, no sound at all.

Jiang Shan's guerrilla warfare over there has reached a fever pitch, she dodges and runs against the four walls, but fortunately the room is big enough for her to use it.The six legs of the cockroach were extremely flexible, and it jumped towards Jiang Shan as soon as it saw it, and its movements were as fast as lightning.Those six legs simply arouse people's intensive phobia. Spiders and crabs have multiple legs, but they are not as ugly as the monster in front of them.

Under the carapace of the cockroach, there are several compound eyes.Every time it is turned, it emits a foul smell.

And those "eyes" seem to be able to see in all directions and everywhere.

No matter how flexible Jiang Shan's movements are, the cockroaches can catch her right away.She wanted to find out the dead spots of the cockroaches, but found that this ugly monster seemed to have no dead spots?

Jiang Shan could see that the monsters he encountered became more and more difficult to deal with each time.

"I have eaten and drank water for hours..."

Jiang Shan is really in pain, even if she is physically stronger than Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng, but it is not a bottomless pit, it is like a life and death race.

Zhao Ying only caught handfuls of "ashes" with both hands, and she naturally knew exactly what these ashes were.

Not long ago, not to mention touching the ash, just seeing it was enough to make her turn pale with fright.But now she has not changed her face, maybe she has become accustomed to staying with Jiang Shan, and now she just wants to find the candle quickly.

Zhao Ying suddenly felt a foreign object, she was just happy, but found that the shape was wrong.

When I picked it up and took a closer look, it turned out to be a piece of cut hemp rope?

Moreover, there was a strange smell on the hemp rope.

Zhao Ying was poured with a basin of cold water, she quickly threw it aside and continued to search for candles all over the floor. She almost searched for this location, why can't she still find it?

Jiang Shan still couldn't get rid of the cockroach, and she also found a more terrifying situation, that is, the cockroach was always in an enclosure about two meters away from the door, and if it found something wrong, it would immediately retreat to block the door, never allowing Jiang Shan to approach the door Opportunity.This is too scary, right?
Is this cockroach intelligent?

She actually knew that as long as she guarded the door, neither she nor Zhao Ying could escape?

Goosebumps started to appear on Jiang Shan's neck, and he subconsciously shouted, "Zhao Ying! Did you find it!"

Zhao Ying was also furious, the more anxious she was, the more she couldn't find her, "Give me some more time!"

A little more time, Jiang Shan is not afraid of being caught and killed by cockroaches, she is only afraid of dying of nausea.

Jiang Shan also knew that she shouldn't urge Zhao Ying, for fear that the more she urges, the more chaotic she will become, but she is also very anxious now, the cockroach is so difficult to deal with, and the only way now is to attack with fire.

Jiang Shan felt that her temples on both sides were throbbing crazily and still hurting, so she subconsciously covered her head.

Crackling, crackling.

Jiang Shan felt that the sound was very loud, and she found that the palms of her hands became sticky again, as if the two holes in her brain were leaking pus again.

After a pause like this for a while, Jiang Shan saw a strong and ugly green-eyed giant sticking to her face.

"Get out!" The stress reaction was enough, Jiang Shan slapped it out, "Go to hell!"

All cockroaches should be shot.

Although Jiang Shan reacted in the next second, he became even more disgusted.

She, she, she, actually directly touched this disgusting thing with her hand?

Save lives! !
The cockroach was slapped back a few steps by Jiang Shan. That slap hit its huge green eyes. It felt as if his hand had been inserted into the mucus. The sad thing is that Jiang Shan is now fighting melee. How much I regretted taking off the protective clothing now.

"Ouch!" Jiang Shan finally couldn't hold it anymore, and vomited two mouthfuls of jaundice after bending his body halfway down.

I had no choice, neither food nor water, I could only vomit bile.

Zhao Ying heard Jiang Shan vomit, and sweat dripped from her forehead.She obviously touched every inch, how could the candle disappear out of thin air?
Zhao Ying forced herself to calm down, the more she couldn't be messed up at this time, first of all things would not disappear out of thin air, there must be something she had overlooked.

Suddenly, she realized something that she seemed to have overlooked.

In order to verify this conjecture, she slowly stretched out only one finger, and gently stroked the ground with her fingertip. Finally, she felt a slight groove under her fingertip.Zhao Ying's heart suddenly brightened.

The floor of this room is laid out with regular floor tiles, and the junction of two floor tiles will form a thin crack, and the birthday candle is so small that it is likely to fall into the gap between the floor tiles.That's why Zhao Ying obviously touched the ground but couldn't find anything.

Zhao Ying immediately began to use her fingers to pick out the cracks in the ground. This time, she didn't look for long, and she clearly touched something with her fingertips.

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