
Chapter 149 The Foul Cockroach

Zhao Ying immediately pulled out the candle, and there was only a little oil left in the lighter, "Please, give me more power."

She pressed it with trembling hands, this time God seemed to appear, and it was done in one click, Zhao Ying excitedly turned around holding the candle.

In the next second, her smile froze on her face, and she was lost as if she had seen a ghost: "What kind of monster is this?!"

The huge and ugly body of the cockroach was completely presented in Zhao Ying's eyes, and she almost flew out of the candle again.

The cockroach seemed to lose patience, and it seemed to be extremely hungry. Its two green eyes moved away to the left and right. One stared at Jiang Shan and the other stared at Zhao Ying.

Zhao Ying's stomach was turned upside down, she, she also wanted to vomit.

I saw the cockroach's carapace flip, crackle, crackle, it seemed to lift its butt, and saw a white thing detached from it.

This scene disgusted the two girls again, Jiang Shanhou's scalp was numb, but he realized something.

"Not good! This cockroach, is it laying eggs?"

My grass mud horse... whizzing by.

Cockroaches, Xiaoqiang who can never be killed, can never be killed.Because it will always have countless eggs hidden in places you can't think of.

Zhao Ying's face was already green, and the vomit seemed to have poured into her throat.

The white "egg" vibrated, and it seemed that it was about to struggle to crawl out of something.

Survive immediately after coming out?What is this 3D printing?
Jiang Shan, who was the closest, bent down and vomited two mouthfuls of yellow bile, "Enough, Zhao Ying, come on, give me the fire..."

The egg had to be burned before it hatched, otherwise she and Zhao Ying would surely die of nausea here.

Zhao Ying held the small flame of the candle and moved towards Jiang Shan, but now the cockroach suddenly turned around and stared at Zhao Ying.

Suddenly, Zhao Ying went numb.

Before seeing the appearance of this cockroach, she could still grope around in the dark without any scruples, but now just looking at this ugly mutant creature makes her go soft.

She held up a thin candle with a small flame. Can this deal with cockroaches?
Compared with the size of the cockroach, this candle is as overpowered as a mayfly shaking a big tree.

Jiang Shan looked back at the worm egg, and the worm egg just happened to be placed at the door, as if it was really intentional.

At this time, the cockroach was crawling towards Zhao Ying, could it be... It still wanted to kill the little flame in the bud?
Jiang Shan didn't dare to think about it. Seeing Zhao Ying's face pale with fright, she threw out the other shoe that she had been clutching for a long time with all her strength!She expected to deflect the cockroach's route slightly, but who would have thought that the cockroach shook the carapace at this moment, and the shoe that flew over happened to get stuck between the carapace and the compound eyes.


Now there is no crackling sound, but Jiang Shan's last weapon is also gone.

"Ashan!" Zhao Ying suddenly had an idea, she took out the lighter and threw it out, "Go on!"

Jiang Shan saw the parabola accurately in the dark, and immediately jumped out with his feet, and stretched out his arms to firmly grasp the lighter.

After catching it, Jiang Shan started to ignite crazily, his hands were sore: "I can't hit it!
"T-Try a few more times." Zhao Ying held the candle tremblingly, and as soon as she moved a step, the cockroach's shell shook.

Mom, save her.

How could she recognize such a disgusting thing as such a cute turtle.

Zhao Ying's hands were shaking like chaff, and the candle flame was crooked by her shaking, "Don't, don't come here, don't come here..."

Zhao Ying shouted "Don't come here", and the cockroach took a step forward, and said "Don't come over" three times, and Zhao Ying retreated to the corner.

The little one who knows how to play tricks... is big and strong.

Jiang Shan was desperate to start a lighter, she stared at the useless lighter in her hand, all her luck seemed to have been used up by Zhao Ying just now.

Jiang Shan took a deep breath.

"Hey! Ugly thing!" Jiang Shanxi rushed forward a few steps fiercely, holding a lighter and approaching the egg, "Believe it or not, I lit your egg?"

The compound eyes all over the cockroach's body naturally caught Jiang Shan's movement, and even though its head was no longer on Jiang Shan's side, it still stopped moving.

Seeing that it worked, Jiang Shan hurriedly signaled Zhao Ying to come over.

Zhao Ying stuck to the wall and tentatively moved to the side like a chicken pacing, but the cockroach just stopped in place, neither retreating nor advancing.

It made both Jiang Shan and Zhao Ying's hearts hang.

Jiang Shan could only continue to try to speak harshly: "Do you know what this is? If I touch your egg, it will be turned into ashes, including you."

Since this cockroach is smart, let's bet it can understand human speech.This egg... is more or less the cockroach's own cub, I hope it can take care of it.

The cockroach's carapace began to vibrate again, and Jiang Shan's shoe got stuck, even if it fell off, she didn't want it anymore, vomit.

The cockroach's fat buttocks were lifted up, and a white sticky mass fell from there.

Now Jiang Shan and Zhao Ying seemed to have been struck by lightning, and they were both dead.

Don't play like this?Isn't this too foul! ?
Zhao Ying also seemed to realize that the eggs of creatures like cockroaches lay one nest at a time, that's why there is the saying of Xiaoqiang who can't be killed. Wherever there are people, there are cockroaches. Where there are no one, There are also cockroach eggs.

It won't be long before the room will be full of cockroaches and cockroach eggs.

Just thinking of that scene was enough to make Jiang Shan and Zhao Ying faint.

"Ashan, leave me alone..." Zhao Ying actually said in extreme fear, "You, you leave quickly."

After the cockroach laid its eggs at the door, it left the two-meter range by itself. If Jiang Shan ignored the unhatched eggs at this time, he could slip away from the door.

But I also wanted to know how Jiang Shan could leave Zhao Ying behind. Zhao Ying held the candle tightly, as if she was holding the last straw.

Jiang Shan looked down at the lighter in the palm of his hand. It was an ordinary lighter with a plastic casing many years ago. It can be seen that there is almost no liquid in it. The aging switch and scarce liquid have reached the end of its service life.

Then there is only one way, let you use your residual heat at the end.

This old-fashioned lighter has no additional safety measures, and many people were injured by lighters many years ago.

Jiang Shan also saw with his own eyes a child who stole the dean's lighter and injured his right hand.

Jiang Shan moved his arms and squinted at the gap between the cockroach's six legs.

In order not to repeat the same mistakes, it is best not to attack the hard shell on it.This time, Jiang Shan aimed at the cockroach's leg and threw it at the ground, which also reminded Jiang Shan that he should have aimed at its leg a long time ago, and broke his legs to see how you can still run!
The plastic-cased lighter was smashed heavily on the ground, and it naturally shattered into pieces in an instant, and made a loud explosion sound as Jiang Shan expected.

There was also a fire spark.

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