
Chapter 150 Fire

The sudden explosion also startled Zhao Ying, but when she saw the sparks burning on the ground, she immediately showed joy.

"Now! Hurry up!" Jiang Shan said in a hurry.

Even though the cockroach was big and cunning, but it was still a beast, the sudden explosion obviously knocked it out.

And the sparks successfully hurt its two thin legs.

Zhao Ying quickly moved towards the place where Jiang Shan was, but she still didn't dare to move too much, because the candle was so fragile that if it went out, there would be no tools to ignite it.

Zhao Ying also raised her other hand to half-cover the candle.

Jiang Shan was a little anxious. She caught a glimpse of the cockroach and seemed to react, and the shell on her back flipped again.

Just look at the originally green compound eyes on its body, moving slowly, turning a little blood red.

Jiang Shan didn't know well, the explosion must have angered it.

"Zhao Ying! Come here!"

Zhao Ying was less than five steps away from Jiang Shan, but the cockroach made an ear-piercing "crack"!
The shell on its body trembled like flying wings, vaguely forming a pair of wings, and it suddenly kicked with its four legs, and flew low to the ground!
This hang has been opened too much.

Jiang Shan knew that she rushed to grab the candle now, and the huge movement should also make the candle go out at once.She quickly took off her cotton coat and flung it out in her hands. The candle flames were jumping wildly, but it was enough. Once the clothes were covered with flames, they would ignite much faster.

Jiang Shan threw the burning clothes directly at the cockroaches that rushed over.

This time it was a real fire attack. The cockroach's eyes first touched the fire, and it quickly backed away.

At this time, Zhao Ying finally came to Jiang Shan's side holding the candle, and both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Shan knew that his clothes would not last long, so after forcing the cockroaches away, he dragged Zhao Ying towards the door.

At this time, the cockroach has already laid its third egg. This kind of thing is really good at continuing its race.

"We have to find a way to burn this house down." Jiang Shan's eyes reflected fire.

If the eggs in this room are allowed to hatch and run out, the entire aquarium may become a cockroach nest.That's why she had to ask Zhao Ying to find the candle.

Jiang Shan threw out the clothes that had been ignited to the maximum, and the clothes flew towards the cockroaches like flame butterflies, no matter what this time, they had to burn a fried carapace to be enough.

But he never expected that an accident would happen in that instant.

The cockroach opened its big mouth, sprayed out a mouthful of pus, and then bit the burning clothes.

It just saw its big mouth move a few times, it seemed to be chewing, and then the clothes were swallowed by it...

Jiang Shan was dumbfounded: "..."

Zhao Ying was dumbfounded: "..."

This cockroach is so hungry that it can eat anything alive.And Zhao Ying and Jiang Shan are two big living people, making it absolutely impossible for them to let go.

"What should I do?" Zhao Ying subconsciously asked Jiang Shan, "Can't this monster be dealt with?"

Jiang Shan was wearing a short-sleeved shirt now, and couldn't light any more clothes. She said to Zhao Ying, "Give me the candle."

I really didn't expect that this tiny birthday candle would become a life-saving straw for the two of them at this time.

"Zhao Ying, what is your birthday wish?" Jiang Shan couldn't help asking while holding Zhao Ying's candle.

Eh?Ask this at this time?Zhao Ying stammered a little: "I hope that I and the people around me will live a long life safely."

The environment Zhao Ying lived in since she was a child can be regarded as happy and loving. Every year, her birthday wishes are almost fulfilled, and she doesn't need to make any more material wishes. So when colleagues from the scientific research institute helped her celebrate her birthday years ago, she only had Such a simple wish.

But she didn't expect that the world would face a catastrophe shortly after her birthday, and her wish turned out to be the most precious.

Jiang Shan nodded thoughtfully when he heard the words: "Carrying your wish, I don't know if it will be possible to live a long life, but today at least it can bless us to get out of this room safely."

Zhao Ying couldn't believe it: "Really?"

Jiang Shan looked at the lumps of insect eggs on the ground. At this time, she was barefoot and her coat was gone. She could be regarded as a real barefoot person who is not afraid of wearing shoes.

Jiang Shan threw out two shoes, one was still stuck on the shell, and the other was on the ground not far away.

Now that the lighter is gone, only this candle is left, and there are not many left of this candle.Birthday candles are not meant for lighting, so it's good to burn them for 10 minutes.

What Jiang Shan needs to pass now is the test in his own heart.

"I have an idea."

Zhao Ying felt that Jiang Shan was constantly adjusting her breathing.It was rare to be nervous like that, "Ashan, what are you going to do?"

Jiang Shan said slowly: "I'm going to..." Anyway, it's already so disgusting, it's enough for her to be disgusting alone, there's no need to tell Zhao Ying.So she changed her words, "You will find the right time later, when I call you, you will rush out of the door immediately, and then remember to close the door."

Zhao Ying looked blank: "What do you mean, why do you have to close the door? What about you?"

Jiang Shan said: "Anyway, just do as I say, I guarantee that we are both fine." The last sentence Jiang Shan gritted his teeth, as if he wanted Zhao Ying to believe her on purpose.

Just look at the first egg, which already has a leg poking out of the egg.

"Turn around and don't look at it, it's a little disgusting."

Jiang Shan took a step towards the eggs, raised his foot and stomped on them!
Puff... The thing that exploded from the huge insect egg in an instant was almost invisible, and some yellowish liquid dripped out on the ground.Zhao Ying's movements were still a step slow, she turned her eyes away with a disheveled face, at that moment she really wanted to poach her own eyes, it's good to be blind.

Although Jiang Shan's actions were fierce, he turned around and already vomited out.


Vomit all the nausea in the next life.

The cockroach inside the egg has taken shape, but it has not yet formed a hard shell, and it will be crushed into mud if it is stepped on by Jiang Shan.

The cockroach shells in the house shook more and more violently, and Jiang Shan's shoe fell off.

crackling.The cockroach opened its mouth again, and swallowed it towards Jiang Shan!

The candle in Jiang Shan's hand seemed to be slightly tilted, and the drop of wax oil just fell on the insect eggs.

When he came into contact with that huge pool of pus, an unbelievable thing happened in an instant, and a flame half as tall as a person sprang up!
Jiang Shan dodged quickly, and the cockroach almost jumped onto the fire.It made several crackling sounds again, and I don't know if it was the vibration of the shell or the crackling of the real fire.

Jiang Shan quickly rushed towards another insect egg, followed the gourd drawing, and stomped hard on it!


This is really, beyond words.

The cockroach larva trampled on by Jiang Shan struggled twice, and Jiang Shan mended his feet again without hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, the light of the candle flame hit the pool of liquid a little.

There was another flash of fire, which stunned Zhao Ying.

Who has never stepped on a few cockroaches in life, the small ones are okay, but the big ones are really disgusting. "Thank you so much for laying such a big insect egg, there is a lot of oil in it?"

Cockroaches are often eaten in the poor canteen of the orphanage. The children are scared to cry, and the aunt in the canteen impatiently waved the iron spoon. What are you afraid of eating cockroaches? They are giving you protein!

Now this protein is really enough.

Jiang Shan looked at the giant cockroach struggling in the fire, this disgusting creature that lays eggs everywhere, should die in the same way.

When the cockroach rushed up with the fire, Jiang Shan had already rushed to the next egg.

Trampled to death, ignited.

The lumps of grease, what a good combustion aid, but if Jiang Shan was not afraid of nausea, he would have trampled to death and burnt the first time.

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