
Chapter 157 Skeleton of a heterosexual man

The dancing dolphins and the spectator-like men in the stands form a weird and cult image.

If this scene were placed in the aquarium a few months ago, it would be perfectly normal, but it happened at this moment.

In a lifeless aquarium, the air is filled with countless erosive substances. At this time, there is a venue with live dolphins, a man sitting on the stand.

Jiang Shan subconsciously stopped Zhao Ying behind him, and looked at the man who stood up warily.

Whoever this person is, it's almost certainly an "outlier."


The man turned his face, and he was in his early thirties, but the skin on his face was a bit strange, as if swollen, and there was a flesh-piercing scar on his chin.Without this scar, he would have looked kindly.

"Let's sit down and watch the dolphin show together." The man actually smiled at them. "In the past, you had to buy a ticket to see it."

Jiang Shan didn't move at all because of his words, watching the show?Is this person crazy?

"Who are you?" Jiang Shan questioned.

The man's eyes fell on Jiang Shan and Zhao Ying, whom she was protecting tightly, "It's really extraordinary that you can come all the way here."

Most of the people would die when they entered the door, and barely woke up from the illusion. In the end, they were provoked by the "heterogeneous" among their companions, and they began to suspect each other and kill each other. There was no chance to survive.

However, the original most exciting scene was not seen at all.

The parasitized Zhao Ying was pushed away from the beginning, and the remaining three men did not fight among themselves from beginning to end. They listened to the one in the wheelchair even when the water reached their heads.

And the little girl (Jiang Shan) who walked with the parasite was even more amazing. Not only was she not driven mad or killed by the parasitic companion (Zhao Ying), but she killed the parasite instead.

At this time, the man's heart was also very emotional.

Looking at the other party's nonchalant look, Jiang Shan felt a nameless anger rising: "You haven't answered yet, who are you?"

The man was wearing a black rubber diving suit, which could still be seen to be wet.This attire made her more wary.

And just talking to Wei Yuan not long ago, still reminding them that there is another person in this aquarium besides their team.

This is too "spiritual".

At this time, the sound of a dolphin entering the water was heard next to him, and the man said to himself: "Such a beautiful performance, don't you want to watch it, what a pity."

Jiang Shan had already looked around secretly, there was no other exit in this venue, she quietly said to Zhao Ying behind her: "Zhao Ying, let's go out." Leave here.

But after saying that, Jiang Shan turned his face away, but was surprised to see that the door the two of them came in had been closed.

Jiang Shan pulled his face down and stared at the man: "Did you do it?"

The man looked at the closed door: "This is a voice-activated door. It seems that the electricity has finally run out. There is no way. Now all the electricity is used to maintain the operation of the dolphin playground."

Dolphin playground.Just this venue?

At this time, Zhao Ying's body swayed, and she seemed to be paralyzed. Jiang Shan hurriedly supported her, gritted his teeth and ordered the man opposite: "Open the door."

Thinking about it with my toes, I knew that this man deliberately opened the door to lure them in, but now he said that the power of the door was exhausted.

Full of nonsense.

The man clicked his tongue: "Why is the smell of gunpowder so strong? You look very tired. There is water and food here. Would you like to sit down and rest?"

Zhao Ying really needs to rest, but Zhao Ying can't eat water and food.

Jiang Shan supported Zhao Ying to sit down on the nearest step, then stood up by himself, facing the strange man.

"I don't care who you are, I don't have time to spend with you now." Jiang Shan squeezed his fist and took a step towards the man, "Either open the door and let us go out, or I'll beat you up and then let you open the door and let us go." Let's go out."

It was the first time Jiang Shan took the initiative to threaten someone, because she was really irritable now.This broken aquarium is really endless, she wants to see if she can get out today.

The man sneered: "I kindly want to provide you with water and food so that you can have a good rest, but you don't know what's good?"

Jiang Shan stepped on some foreign object on the steps, and it was so hard that it hurt her. She quickly lowered her head, and her very clear eyesight swept the dark corner of the steps at this time, and she saw that there were discarded objects under the steps at the bottom of her feet. A few white skeletons.

Jiang Shan moved his foot away stiffly, and found that the pain she had just stepped on was because she had just been stuck in the depression of this bone, and in the depression, two rows of blade-like teeth could be vaguely seen. shape……

Is this a human skull? !

Jiang Shan's whole body felt like an electric shock. He raised his foot and kicked it suddenly. The skull rolled down the steps and disappeared into the corner of the shadow.

Jiang Shan's body bounced back a few steps away. She held back her cold sweat and saw that in the gaps of those dark steps, there were many white bones. They looked different in shape, but they were all part of human bones!

Jiang Shan's scalp was about to explode, this scene was so shocking, it was ten thousand times more terrifying than those fake ones in the illusion.

Dancing dolphins, silent auditorium, no audience in the auditorium, all corpses.

She couldn't believe it, staring at the man who seemed to be "kind and normal" in front of her, and asked after a long time: "What did you do? What is your relationship with this aquarium?"

The man looked at Jiang Shan with a hint of interest in his eyes. He had noticed the difference in this girl from just now. She was different from those humans who were afraid of taking off their protective clothing. At this time, she was almost unequipped, with short sleeves The lower half of her bare arm was exposed to the air, and her whole body was not only nonchalant, but also like a leopard full of tension at the moment.

The girl just said she was going to beat him up.

"Do you think that you are the first batch of humans to come here?" The man smiled, "The previous batch of escaped humans wanted to hide in the aquarium like crazy, and also wanted to search for the remaining supplies in the aquarium to survive. , the results can be imagined.”

They thought the aquarium was a shelter, and hid in with hope, but they died faster in the end.

At this time, Jiang Shan was faintly aware that the smell of rotting corpses in the air was really not just dead fish.

The man smiled slightly at this moment: "Since you have entered here, it is naturally impossible to go out again."

Jiang Shan's fists clenched again, she stepped on the bones, and walked towards the man, "Since I came in, there has been a voice in my head that I can't get out, is it you? We can't get out, it's your turn." What's the deal?"

He said that humans are crazy and want to hide here?There is only one truly crazy person here, and that is the man in front of him.

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