
Chapter 158 Singing

Jiang Shan punched down, she wanted to make a quick decision, so no matter the speed of rushing over or the strength of punching, she used [-]% of it.

She hit the man's face, after all, this face looks so annoying, and the face is one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body.

The man didn't seem to dodge while standing, Jiang Shan hit the flesh firmly with a strong fist... But it wasn't the man's face, Jiang Shan seemed to react for a second before he stared blankly at being caught in the man's hand in the fist.

"It's very imposing, but you don't know how to fight, little girl?" The man smiled and lifted the scar on his chin, and his kind face finally looked a little ferocious.

"There is no way to punch, and when you rush over, your body is in a mess. You can't hit people with brute force."

Jiang Shan began to doubt life again, why one or two are so difficult to deal with, just when she reacted and wanted to pull her hand back, the man lowered his face at the same time, grabbed Jiang Shan's fist hard and threw her back out!

Jiang Shan staggered several steps from being pushed abruptly, and almost fell on the steps below... Then she looked at her arm in disbelief, was it almost broken just now?

Does this man also have strange powers?
Jiang Shan felt terrible.

At this time, the man also slowly clenched his fists tightly, as if he could still hear the sound of bones crunching when he squeezed.

"Come again?" The man waved at Jiang Shan.

Jiang Shan's eyes turned red in an instant, and she rushed forward again and vented her fists crazily at the opponent regardless. She didn't believe that her speed would not be able to hit a person, what's wrong with only brute force, even if only brute force is used, it is impossible lose.

She's going to beat this guy up.

Many of Jiang Shan's rain-like fists were blocked by the man. This man seemed to be really proficient in boxing and fighting techniques, and he could always stop Jiang Shan very skillfully.

And if there are professional people present, it will be seen that the man makes extremely sophisticated military punches.

But after all, Jiang Shan had cheated before, and finally a few punches hit the man's body solidly.

It was indeed a real body of flesh and blood, at least she heard the sound of a man's bones breaking apart several times.

But this man didn't even hum, and the corner of his bloody mouth was still smiling. "I see, you are the little girl with something in her head, the one who killed Huahua's companion."

Jiang Shan's eyes were red from the beating, and she didn't pay attention to what the man was still saying. She just wanted to beat the man to the ground as soon as possible.

"Ashan!" Zhao Ying shouted as if with all her strength, her voice was full of fear.

At some point, the sound of the dolphins jumping back and forth in the pool hadn't fallen into the water for a long time.

Because this dolphin had already stood on the audience stage at some point.

Its upright posture is a bit weird, and its "fish tail" stands on the ground.And its eyes were looking at Jiang Shan and the man who were fighting on the high platform.

Zhao Ying couldn't help trembling slightly, she felt that something bad was about to happen.

As I said before, Huahua is a species artificially recombined with the gene of the pink bottlenose dolphin in the laboratory and bred by melting the embryo. Its body size is 2.7 meters. At this time, it "stands up" and has almost a giant-like sense.

Zhao Ying trembled more and more, she couldn't control herself,
When I was sitting in the stands, I never felt that the dolphins were so huge, because the stands were so high and so far away, I just felt that the dolphins jumping in the air were so dexterous and cute.

Why do dolphins suddenly behave strangely?

Is it because the man said just now that Jiang Shan killed his companion?

But in the next second, the head of the dolphin suddenly turned [-] degrees and looked at Zhao Ying who was alone.

Zhao Ying: "..."

Zhao Ying had also seen Huahua in a performance before, who turned her head and played with the ball at this angle, and never thought it was so weird. It was only then that she discovered that the genes of the dolphin Huahua did not seem to be as simple as the pink bottle-nosed dolphin.

But at this moment, the pool water behind him seemed to stir again, there was a slight wave, and there was obviously something under the pool water.

Zhao Ying also realized that Huahua, the dolphin, could not be the only creature in this aquarium that could invade the minds of five of them at the same time, and the so-called "Huahua's companion" who was killed also showed that there was more than one dolphin here.

Zhao Ying really wanted to remind Jiang Shan, but she saw Jiang Shan and the man fighting thrillingly, and she was afraid that Jiang Shan would get hurt if he was distracted.

Moreover, Zhao Ying seemed to be possessed by a demon. Being stared at by the two eyes of the dolphin, she felt as if she could not move her body. There seemed to be a soul in those eyes.

And that soul is trembling with Zhao Ying's soul at this moment.

Zhao Ying felt a pain in her head, as if she had been stabbed. Thousands of steel needles pierced her brain, and her eyes began to bleed and gradually turned red.


She couldn't help but want to call for help.

At this time the dolphin jumped up, its streamlined body seemed to be in the water, and flew lightly into the air, but its goal at the end seemed to be Zhao Ying.

Zhao Ying didn't even have the strength to stand up now, and watched a huge dolphin with a soul rushing towards her.

So when Zhao Ying was finally able to shout out, her tone was so terrified.

When Jiang Shan heard the sound, her dense fists appeared, and she turned her head for a second, but she didn't think of looking up to the sky.

Jiang Shan only saw Zhao Ying's face full of fear.

She was still wondering, she was dealing with the scariest man here, why Zhao Ying was so scared while sitting on the steps.

The next moment, Jiang Shan felt severe pain in his chest.

How can you be distracted when masters are fighting.

The man seized the opportunity and punched Jiang Shan hard twice, both of which hit Jiang Shan's heart hard.

Not only is it a ruthless move, but it is also a one-hit killing move.

Such a move by ordinary people in life is likely to kill them.This man shot without hesitation, like a cold-blooded demon.

Jiang Shan's body was broken and flew out like a kite. Although she has strange strength and speed, she is still a girl who weighs a hundred catties. It turns out that people can really be kicked out, as long as the strength is large enough.

The moment Jiang Shan flew out, her brain became weightless. She happened to see the figure of a dolphin above her. The difference was that the dolphin jumped up by itself. Even Jiang Shan thought that figure was so fit and elegant.

The two eyes of the dolphin intersect with Jiang Shan in the air.

At that moment, Jiang Shan seemed to hear the voice of the dolphin, and Huahua the dolphin also seemed to hear the beating heart in Jiang Shan's chest that was beating out of control.

At that moment, Jiang Shan seemed to hear singing in his mind.

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