
Chapter 196

Chapter 196

Gao Wenwu looked at Jiang Shan and said, "You didn't realize the seriousness."

It is precisely because Gao Wenwu believes in what Jiang Shan said that he feels like facing a formidable enemy.If the erosion speed reaches this level and people turn into dust before our eyes, what is the concept?How long will it take for the entire human race to disappear?one day?
Jiang Shan's expression calmed down after a while, and he looked at Gao Wenwu: "I'll also lock him in that room with the security guard who faked his identity. It's up to you what to do with him."

If the skeleton man turned into ashes again while he was with her, she wouldn't be able to wash it away even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

Just when the two people were obviously in a dilemma, bursts of roaring suddenly erupted outside, a bit like a siren, and there were also the chaotic and noisy stamping and noise of many people.

Jiang Shan heard a panicked voice: "Run quickly! The Beijing and Hong Kong Guards are back!"

Jiang Shan and Gao Wenwu immediately looked at each other, and when they reacted, they both looked shocked.

The Beijing and Hong Kong Guards are back?
No way, it was too unexpected for both of them.

"How long have we been here?" The fight with the two strange figures, the dwarf man and the skeleton man, made the two of them completely unaware of how much time had passed.

But from the light and shadow coming in from the outside, Jiang Shan suddenly realized that the angle of the sunlight was obviously different from when she came in.

Could it be that... Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng's beacon-fire method worked?
For a moment, Gao Wenwu and Jiang Shan didn't know what expressions to put on.Lighting beacons and sending signals, I didn't expect that such an ancient method would work at this time.

It was obviously not appropriate for Gao Wenwu to go out at this time. He was still spattered with Jiang Shan's blood and unknown substances from the fight. If he went out at this time, he might be directly targeted as a target in the chaos.

Jiang Shan's ear was pressed against the door. She was not very good at separating noises yet, so many sounds poured into her eardrums, which would make her brain very painful.But Jiang Shan is obviously trying to adapt, and it seems to be quite effective.

Someone was pleading. "I'm just looking for something to eat, don't kill me."

Someone is running away, "Don't block my way, get out of here!"

Some people are quibbling, "I didn't do it, I was just passing by and saw the door open..."

Gao Wenwu's eyes gradually became somewhat complicated when he looked at Jiang Shan. "Your wound."

Gao Wenwu wanted to show Jiang Shan her wound, but Jiang Shan's shoulder looked very strange at the moment. The exposed skin and flesh were scorched black under the torn clothes, as if countless black substances had penetrated into her wound and spit out.

This scene is beyond human medicine, and Gao Wenwu can't do anything about it.

"Someone said there was a fire and there was smoke." Jiang Shan rolled his eyes.She didn't seem to care about the wound anymore.

Beacon flames.

There was also the sound of armored vehicles rolling over the road, which could be heard as large troops returning to the camp, and many people were screaming and wailing.The screams are endless, reminiscent of battlefields where people are dying of hunger.

Although Gao Wenwu didn't have as good an ear as Jiang Shan, he could still feel the loud noises and shouts outside.

The noise outside lasted for more than half an hour. The gunshots alone were fired about six times. Some of the gunshots could be heard to be fired at the sky as warning shots.

"Wait a minute, what does it smell like?" Jiang Shan suddenly frowned and moved his ears away from the door. "And when did this room become so quiet...?"

Where is the restless skeleton man?What about the cabinet that keeps banging?
Suddenly she realized that it seemed like she hadn't heard any other sounds in the room except her and Gao Wenwu's breathing for a long time.Jiang Shan's voice stopped abruptly as his eyes turned indoors.

It didn't matter at this glance, I saw that the dead body of the dwarf man on the ground had hardened and turned black, and most of his body had been swallowed up by black matter. Waves of strong putrid smell came from his body.

In just ten minutes, the dwarf man's body had already begun to decay to a high degree!
"You, look at his head..." Jiang Shan took a breath.

The dwarf man's neck and head were missing. There was a scar as big as a bowl on his neck, and countless black substances flowed out of the broken headless part...

Jiang Shan felt that he would have screamed before.There was a pool of black stuff that snaked from under the dwarf man's body to the locked door of the cabinet.

"No!" Gao Wenwu roared and rushed out.

Jiang Shan also followed closely behind.

The two copper locks on the cabinet door were still locked, but when Gao Wenwu quickly opened the lock of the cabinet and opened the door, Jiang Shan and Gao Wenwu both froze in place.

The entire interior of the cabinet was covered with dense black matter. On the left side of the cabinet where it was connected to the wall, there was a large hole dug straight into the wall. At the same time, an extremely foul smell of rot could be heard coming from the cabinet. taste.

"Run away!?" Jiang Shan never expected that the skeleton man could escape in this way under such circumstances. It was only because they had only paid attention to the movement outside before, not even noticing the slightest difference.

Gao Wenwu's face was gloomy: "We were careless."

They were all attracted by the sounds outside and completely forgot about the abnormality inside.

Who would have thought that such an accident could happen at this time. The centipede was dead but not stiff. The vitality of the skeleton was too tenacious.

Looking at the headless corpse on the ground, the two of them felt chills in their hearts.

"How is Zheng Suo?"

Gao Wenwu felt scared for a while. Zheng Suo was still lying in the same place and breathing steadily. It seemed that the skeleton man didn't have the energy to do anything to Zheng again.

Jiang Shan squatted on the ground and looked at the wounds on the dwarf man's neck. "His head was torn open alive." The torn fracture in the skin of the neck, the outer layer of skin lost its support and drooped softly on the ground, which was much worse than the so-called cutting. The first scene is terrible.

It's obviously the work of the Skeleton Man.Those five fingers as sharp as a scalpel can cut through human skin effortlessly. Jiang Shan still has the hideous gash left by that hand on his shoulder.

Unexpectedly, I didn't even have time to take revenge.

"Why did you have to rip off his head in the end?" This is really puzzling.Bizarre and puzzling.

Gao Wenwu didn't know what to do in this situation. The whole scene was so outrageous that people couldn't believe that this was something a human being could do within his conscience.

"What's your opinion?" Jiang Shan looked at Gao Wenwu beside him.This time, Gao Wenwu and Jiang Shan witnessed the mysterious disappearance with their own eyes, and a corpse's head was also taken with them.

In fact, looking at the scene in the cabinet, Jiang Shan was a little unsure whether the skeleton "transformed" or really ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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