
Chapter 197 Aggressive

Chapter 197 Aggressive
The head, the head again, why suddenly many things seem to be related to the head.

Both Jiang Shan and Gao Wenwu could still remember what happened to the aquarium, the missing octopus brain, and the head that threatened to be eaten.

"So eating pig brains can really nourish the brain?" Jiang Shan remembered that pig brain flowers were a good thing in the past.

Gao Wenwu frowned and could only say three words: "Stop talking."

Jiang Shan suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the door. Almost at the same time, a voice came from outside the door, "Is there anyone inside?"

It's the Beijing and Hong Kong Guards who are here.

"Yes." Gao Wenwu responded almost immediately.

The voice outside the door paused, and the sound of weapons being loaded was vaguely heard. Then the voice outside the door became much more serious: "Raise your hands, don't act rashly."

Obviously, there are at least three guns pointing at the door right now. If there is any slight movement, you may feel like a gun is passing through your heart.

Gao Wenwu immediately raised his hands and revealed his identity: "I am Gao Wenwu from the Biological Laboratory. Don't shoot."

Jiang Shan reluctantly raised his hands. He couldn't see them through the door, so why bother with everything.

The voice from outside came again: "What's going on inside, how many people are there? Was there an attack? Is anyone injured?"

Gao Wenwu said solemnly: "The situation is a bit complicated... There are three of us. Director Zheng Yi is currently in a coma. Two people are injured."

While speaking, Gao Wenwu glanced at Jiang Shan subconsciously. He didn't know whether "injured" was an appropriate word to describe Jiang Shan's current state.

Jiang Shan also heard Zheng Suo's name for the first time, Zhengyi. This name was really round and round.

The person outside the door asked cautiously: "Are you wearing protective equipment?"

Gao Wenwu paused: "There is no protective equipment."

As soon as they heard that someone was unconscious and there was no protective equipment, the people outside were obviously nervous, and they vaguely heard a short order: "Everyone, stay back."

Then the voice came again: "No one is allowed to leave the room, stay inside and wait for the next instruction."

Gao Wenwu frowned, mainly because Zheng Suo, who was in a coma, needed medical intervention, but it seemed that he could only wait for now.

In order to quell the riot as soon as possible, the Beijing-Hong Kong Guard was obviously serious about it. Hearing the unusual frequency of gunfire, Gao Wenwu couldn't help but feel awe-struck. It seemed that many people were going to die this time.

Gao Wenwu suddenly walked over and took out Zheng Suo's clothes and handed them to Jiang Shan who was standing aside: "Put on my clothes."

With Jiang Shan's current appearance, he was afraid that Jiang Shan would be treated as an alien by the incoming Beijing-Hong Kong Guards.

Jiang Shan glanced at the clothes, and there seemed to be a flash of ridicule in his expression, and then he reached out and took it.

"It's best for them not to get close to the place where the sign on the door says 'Vicious dogs are inside'." Jiang Shan reminded lightly out of good intentions.


The various screams coming from outside gradually faded away. I don’t know how long it took, but someone seemed to throw a smoke bomb into the house. In the white smoke that filled the sky, Zheng Suo was carried out, and Gao Wenwu and Jiang Shan were each dressed in clothes. The people in protective suits were taken away separately. Jiang Shan was used to this kind of treatment. When she saw someone put a glass cover on her head, she didn't even move.

Finally, the various commotions in the base came to an end, but this time Wei Yuan's team was dispersed and arranged to be questioned in different rooms.Responsible for narrating the entire process of the incident.


The biggest loss this time was that the entire remaining medical equipment was destroyed, including the only blood analyzer that was also smashed.

Jiang Shan's blood analysis results were naturally destroyed in this storm.

Because the base's fall was unprecedentedly serious, many new faces came to the post-disaster reconstruction meeting.

Is it possible that they are aiming at

Jiang Shan's existence is not that widely known.

The news of the survivor Jiang Shan had no chance to spread.

Medical resources were already tight, and now they were even worse. Everyone had a solemn look on their faces.

"If we continue like this, even if we can barely suppress it this time,

The number of casualties is also a problem. Some people were injured by stray bullets, and many people cannot be resettled.

Medical resources are in short supply and the number of injured is increasing. It’s simply unbearable.

Gao Wenwu sat in the simple monitoring room and began his inquiry transcript——

"You mean one of them could disguise himself as Director Zheng Yi? He even deceived you?"


"This disguise is exactly the same as Director Zheng Yi?"

Gao Wenwu frowned: "To a certain extent... you can say that."

The two people who asked exchanged glances: "Are you sure you saw everything with your own eyes?"

"Of course."

Gao Wenwu felt a little uncomfortable. "Again, did you have close contact with those two 'people'?" Or the Thing.


"Do you think there's anything wrong with your body now?"


"At times like this, it's best to tell the truth."

"I'm telling the truth."

"As you said, those two people have already become alienated after being corroded and infected. If you come into close contact with them, the corrosive substance is likely to spread to you."

Gao Wenwu looked at the two people facing him across two layers of glass, and didn't understand the other person's intention of asking so aggressively: "Send me to Songshan Hospital for a check-up?"

Although the faces of the two people were covered in protective clothing, Gao Wenwu could tell that he had never seen these two people at the base, and they were newly sent from above.

"This is a normal inquiry process, please don't resist."

Gao Wenwu's face was expressionless. He could still tell the difference between normal questioning and hostile questioning.


When Zheng Suo woke up from his coma, he saw himself lying in a white ward. Given Zheng Suo's level, his treatment was naturally much better——

Zheng Suo’s inquiry record:
"I didn't see how those two people came in."

Zheng Suo lay down on his desk to rest before dawn.

"As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw them standing in front of me." For Zheng Suo, the impact was big enough.

"I don't know why they want the equation." It can't be given to them anyway.

The dwarf tied up Zheng Suo. Zheng Suo's reaction was already very calm, "There must be an organization behind them."

The two people in charge of the inquiry carefully recorded Zheng Suo's words, and their last words were gentle and polite: "You may need to stay here for a while."

The room with no windows on all sides looked so familiar.

Zheng Suo remained silent: "I can understand and will not cause trouble to the organization. Necessary isolation measures are needed."

The two people then exited the room, and as the door was closed, the whole room fell silent.

Wei Yuan (Ph.D.)’s inquiry record——

Because Wei Yuan had been staying in the church and had almost no involvement in the whole process, the ones who finally opened the door were Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying who returned.

However, in the first half of the night before the riot, the first doctor shot and killed fell not far from Wei Yuan's office.

"That doctor was shot before your eyes."


"It's so late, why is he looking for you?"

"I do not know."

The silver-haired young man who asked stared at Wei Yuan, his gaze almost locked into Wei Yuan's eyes: "Did he really...not have time to say a word?"


Although no one specifically introduced this silver-haired man's origins, he looked like a master of interrogation. Wei Yuan could feel the oppression deliberately radiating from his body.

The silver-haired man seemed to have met his opponent. There was no fluctuation in Wei Yuan's eyes, and there was almost no emotion.

Such people are terrible, even if they took a lie detector test in the past, it would be useless.

"Would you please think about it more carefully?" the silver-haired man said, "It is normal for ordinary people to have temporary forgetfulness under such circumstances."

These words sounded like an insinuation that Wei Yuan was not an ordinary person.

"We found out the doctor's route. He went directly to you after leaving the laboratory. His situation is obviously very urgent...?"

Wei Yuan looked at the silver-haired man: "Maybe. But he died before he could tell."

"You didn't see anyone suspicious after the gunshot?"

Wei Yuan said: "It was dark at the time and nothing could be seen. The murderer should have shot from a distance." He couldn't see his fingers.

The silver-haired man suddenly teased: "It's dark, how can the murderer hit the target directly from a distance?"

Wei Yuan looked at him: "So how can we be sure that his goal was to shoot the doctor? Maybe he just wanted to shoot someone at random."

It could be the doctor, or it could be someone else.

The silver-haired man was silent.

Then he smiled and looked at Wei Yuan with clear eyes: "Dr. Wei, with all due respect, are you trying to protect someone?
(End of this chapter)

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