
Chapter 198 We Are Not Familiar

Wei Yuan stared at the silver-haired man, their eyes almost intertwined, and said softly: "Protect?"

The silver-haired man didn't know if it was an interrogation method, but he looked at Wei Yuan frivolously. "Only one person has used the blood analyzer in the laboratory in the past few days, and the reason why the doctor who was shot was still in the laboratory so late was because he was waiting for the blood analysis results to come out..."

As soon as this result appeared, the other party immediately contacted Wei Yuan. It was obvious that the result of this blood was fishy.

Wei Yuan seemed a little tired and rubbed both sides of the bridge of his nose, and said softly: "Is this your conjecture, or is there evidence?"

The silver-haired man frowned.

Where would there be any evidence at this time? There was no surveillance, no recording, and no witnesses.

Wei Yuan put down his hand and looked at the silver-haired man opposite him with a cold expression: "Even at this moment, conviction based on suspicion is not allowed."

The silver-haired man looked gloomy.


Inquiry records of Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng——

"We followed the path in the back mountain all the way to the beacon tower. We met two robbers on the road, but they were scared away by our guns."

"No, we didn't shoot, not all the way."

Someone at the scene had already checked the condition of the gun and the magazine, and confirmed that the gun had no signs of being fired in the short term.

"At that time, we just wanted to find rescuers as soon as possible. We didn't think that much at all."

"Not without."

The interrogation asked: "So the two of you have always been acting together and have never been separated?"

Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng: "Of course."

Zhang Zheng was originally escorting Zhao Ying, and he was also responsible for holding the gun. How could he be separated from Zhao Ying.

While Zhao Ying was speaking, she naturally called Jiang Shan "Ashan".

Unaware that the three interrogators on the opposite side gave each other strange looks, one of them asked Zhao Ying a little coolly: "Do you have a good relationship with that survivor?"

Zhao Ying was still unconscious: "Yes."

On the contrary, Zhang Zheng felt a faint hint of unfriendliness flowing, but he could not remind Zhao Ying under the gaze of three people.

"Can you tell me what happened to you in the aquarium?"

"Aquarium...why? Is it related to this incident?"

"You won't know if it matters until you tell me." The interviewer's words suddenly became a bit harsh and unfriendly.

Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng couldn't help but glance at each other, and finally noticed a faint uneasiness.

I thought I was just talking about the unrest at the base, but now I feel like it's not that simple?

Jiang Shan’s inquiry record——

Several people stared at Jiang Shan inside through the thick glass wall, as if they were watching a gorilla reenactment.

In front of Jiang Shan, a small microphone was stretched out, and sounds from outside came in from inside.

"Are you the only survivor of that cave hotel?" The silver-haired man was still smiling, looking at Jiang Shan in the glass house with unknown meaning.

Jiang Shan looked at the other party's appearance and felt that it was not pleasing to his eyes, so he didn't reply.

The silver-haired man didn't feel dissatisfied. Maybe it was because Jiang Shan looked younger and more delicate than he thought. "Does your wound still hurt?"

Jiang Shan: "It doesn't hurt."

The injury on her shoulder has even begun to "heal."In just a few hours, only a small trace of the wound that exposed her bones was visible to the naked eye.

But just like the "granulation buds" on both sides of her temples, there was also a similar fleshy lump at the shoulder eye.

The silver-haired man looked at Jiang Shan's appearance. To be honest, he thought he would see a very "alien" person with the same terrifying appearance as those in the closed ward of Songshan Hospital. However, Jiang Shan is so normal, so normal when you look at her. Face could even forget that she was "abnormal" for a while. "I would like to ask, are there any wolves in the world that don't eat sheep?"


Jiang Shan stared at the silver-haired man. She knew it was him who asked the question. Is this man mentally retarded or did he do it on purpose? "What do you mean?"

The silver-haired man smiled: "Please answer my question."

Jiang Shan: "...Yes."

The silver-haired man seemed to be interested: "What is it?"

Jiang Shan's face was expressionless. Since the other person was mentally retarded, she could answer anything: "Cockroach (lang)."

It just so happened that she had just encountered a nasty cockroach.

The silver-haired man: "..."

Jiang Shan heard the sound of the door in front of her being turned, and then the door opened in front of her, and the silver-haired man walked in. "Hello." He said.

Jiang Shan stared at this person, hello?This is a familiar and ironic opening line.

The silver-haired man sat down opposite Jiang Shan, "Your imagination in answering the question just now is amazing."

The first thing affected by the attack is the brain, and the symptoms of many "patients" are reflected in their intelligence.But Jiang Shan's reaction ability is obviously excellent.

"The reflection of the human mind on the objective material world is the sum of various psychological processes such as feeling and thinking. Thinking is an advanced form unique to human beings that reflects reality. Existence determines consciousness, and consciousness reacts on existence."

The silver-haired man should be very satisfied with Jiang Shan's answer.Jiang Shan obviously has advanced thinking.

Jiang Shan understood that the stupid question just now turned out to be an even stupider test.

"Then let's continue the questioning." The silver-haired man smiled and said, "Excuse me, what do you think of Dr. Wei Yuan?"

Jiang Shan said coldly: "What do you think? We are not familiar with each other." We have only known each other for a few days.

"Dr. Wei Yuan seems to treat you differently from other team members."

Jiang Shan is more indifferent, is it different?That's really different.

The silver-haired man's smile and expression seemed to be a mask on his face: "I heard that Dr. Wei Yuan asked you to join the search and rescue team against all odds. Do you have any opinion on this?"

Jiang Shan asked, "What opinion do you need?" It's just a transaction.

The silver-haired man didn't expect to encounter another tough problem. Jiang Shan's attitude seemed to be even more disdainful and repulsive than Wei Yuan's. "When it comes to you, he seems unwilling to say more."

Jiang Shan said: "Isn't that normal?" They were not familiar with each other.

What was this interrogator trying to say?
Behind the smile of the silver-haired man, he seemed to be clenching his molars a little, and asked, "Do you think this incident has anything to do with you?"

"Has something to do with me? What do you mean?"

The silver-haired man was more straightforward: "Do you think those two 'alienated people' are targeting you?"

At her?Jiang Shan was even more speechless: There is no need to ask any questions.If I remember correctly, the skeleton and the dwarf didn't even know who Jiang Shan was.

"Why do you know the equations they talk about?"

"I..." Jiang Shan paused for the first time, and she glanced at the silver-haired man. "The equation is engraved on the wall of the basement of the library, and everyone present has seen it."

"Everyone?" The silver-haired man's tone was uncomfortable, "Then why are you the only one who can recite it?"

Jiang Shan said expressionlessly: "I have a good memory." Can't you?

The silver-haired man's posture was condescending.

Since Jiang Shan has a normal brain, she can lie and quibble.Conceal, avoid the important and take the easy.There are all the dark sides of humanity.

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