
199 Dark Side

The silver-haired man suddenly reached into his arms, and several photos appeared in his hands.

He smiled at Jiang Shan, then separated the photos in his hand one by one, placed them on the table in order, and placed them in front of Jiang Shan.

The first photo was of Songshan Hospital, and the second photo was a portrait of a woman. Looking at the portrait, Jiang Shan felt a little familiar.

"Do you remember this familiar neighbor?" the silver-haired man said to Jiang Shan.

Neighbor?Jiang Shan frowned and suddenly remembered that this woman was the patient at Songshan Hospital whose eyes were corroded with black holes.

The third picture after that is of the little boy.The fourth picture shows a messy house covered in black dust.This scene was more familiar to Jiang Shan. It was the house of the corrupted woman that she had guarded before.

The first three photos all have obvious signs of corrosion and are old and yellowed. Only the last photo of a woman's empty house is obviously newly taken.

Jiang Shan stared at the silver-haired man, wondering what he was going to do.

"You think this has nothing to do with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"These people are more or less related to you."

"What relationship do you mean?"

"They have all had close contact with you." The silver-haired man said seriously.

"Not long after coming into contact with you, a sudden mutation occurred."

"What did you say?"

The silver-haired man pointed his finger at the photo of the female patient, "Do you think these are all coincidences?"

Jiang Shan found it unreasonable: "When I met that female patient, she already looked like that." What does it have to do with her?
It was she who saved Dr. Huo Qiyong from the female patient.

The silver-haired man seemed to sigh slightly: "Before you were admitted to Songshan Hospital, this woman had no obvious abnormalities." Like many other eroded people, the brain is in a dormant state or has only fragmented memories.

The erosion process and speed are also within the normal monitoring range of Songshan Hospital.

Jiang Shan only felt that there was no need to blame him.Does this have anything to do with her?

The silver-haired man gently reminded: "Look at the first photo again."

The first photo is the overall outline of Songshan Hospital.

"The female patient who suddenly changed happened to live directly above your ward." Looking at the distribution of the wards, the distance between the two wards is actually only a thin floor tile (ceiling).

Jiang Shan stared at the silver-haired man for a long time without saying anything, "Are you kidding?"

"This is a case from Songshan Hospital. It clearly records the monitoring data of the female patient every day. The abnormal changes in the data started from the day you were admitted to the ward."

The silver-haired man magically took out a medical case on yellowed paper.He also deliberately turned the case around and placed it in front of Jiang Shan.

Jiang Shan stared at the ghostly characters on it, so confused that he couldn't recognize a single word.

This case now became her incriminating evidence.

"If an incident occurs once, it may be a coincidence, but when it occurs a second time, in many cases, coincidence cannot be used to fool the past." The silver-haired man's voice was still so pleasant.


Outside the glass room, two people standing observing the interrogation looked at each other, "I heard that he used to interrogate others, and because his methods were too unconventional, two people committed suicide? What did the higher-ups think of letting him come this time?" "Very During this period, we can only use some special people, and the incident at the base was too bad."

The other person was silent for a moment: "But Dr. Wei you have to take his face into consideration?"

Speaking of which, Wei Yuan is still being quarantined alone. This was almost impossible before. It was impossible for Wei Yuan and the people in his group to receive this kind of treatment.

"The case in his hand is not true at all." Another person seemed to be dissatisfied with the silver-haired man's approach.He frowned, engaging in this kind of fishing law enforcement?
The silver-haired man obviously also has a bad reputation. As long as he can achieve his goal, he will use countless methods to destroy his outlook on life.

Jiang Shan didn't like this silver-haired man, but she still responded coldly: "First, my ward was not arranged by me."

Why not say that Songshan Hospital is behind this?
"Secondly, how dare you sit in front of me?"

The silver-haired man smiled. Jiang Shan was indeed very rude in what he said. Now that there is no legal restraint, many people no longer even have the subconscious reaction of guilty conscience or panic when facing interrogation.

The silver-haired man felt very sorry.

"Although I don't know the reason, at present, your 'influence' should only be effective on those who have been eroded."

In other words, if the person being eroded gets close to Jiang Shan, it seems that he will be affected invisibly.

This can be seen from the fact that Jiang Shan has been living peacefully at the base for some time.Jiang Shan seems to have no harm to ordinary humans.

I still remember that Wei Yuan once said a similar theory when he brought Jiang Shan to the base.Jiang Shan does no harm to people.

The silver-haired man took out another medical case, and this time Jiang Shan recognized his name even though there were many dragons and phoenixes flying around.Not knowing what this person was up to, Jiang Shan watched coldly.

"About the details of the cave hotel and the barren mountain, what is recorded here is that you don't remember it."

After Jiang Shan was rescued from the mountain, he was sent directly to Songshan Hospital, and all inquiry records were filed by Songshan Hospital.

"You stayed on the mountain for six months, and all life on the mountain became extinct. You were the only one who survived."

"Six months, no memory at all."

When the word memory was mentioned, Jiang Shan's eyes visibly moved.

The silver-haired man caught it. He was like a wolf that had caught its prey. "Even if many people suffer from short-term memory loss, they will slowly recall it in the future. Permanent amnesia is rare."

Jiang Shan said: "I have a tumor in my brain." This silver-haired man is so capable. Now that he has obtained her case, doesn't he know this?
Her memory unit cannot be compared with that of a healthy normal person.

The silver-haired man seemed not surprised that Jiang Shan would say this. A sly look flashed in his eyes, "But hasn't your tumor 'disappeared'?"

One of Jiang Shan's test results showed that the X-ray showed that the location of the tumor was empty.

But no one clearly told Jiang Shan about this result.

The silver-haired man was deceiving Jiang Shan.

He assumed that Jiang Shan was not an ignorant fool.

But this time there was no fluctuation in Jiang Shan's eyes, as if the previous movement was just an accident: "I don't know what you are talking about."

There was something about this silver-haired man.

The silver-haired man reached out to take the case, and Jiang Shan suddenly reached out and pressed it on the case. She stared at the words on it: "What is written on the second page? Why don't you open it and take a look?"

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