
Chapter 2

Chapter 2
The next day, Jiang Shan was still woken up by the huge bell. Jiang Shan saw that the clock on the wall indicated that it was 09:30 in the morning. If she remembered correctly, their tour group booked a plane at [-]:[-] noon. It's time to start now, but why didn't Xiao Chen, who is a tour guide, come to remind Jiang Shan to get up?

Jiang Shan got up suddenly, without even washing his face, he rushed to the hall with his messy hair, but the hall was empty and no one could be seen.

Jiang Shan's heart was cold, she was worried that she might be left behind, and immediately took out her mobile phone to call the tour guide Xiao Chen, when suddenly, she caught a glimpse of a pink suitcase next to the cabinet at the front desk.

It was stored there yesterday by a female guest for the convenience of catching a flight this morning. At this time, the box didn't even move its position.

Jiang Shan's movement of dialing the phone stopped instantly, not only because of the suitcase, but also because the signal bar on the mobile phone disappeared.

No internet signal.

Jiang Shan, who calmed down slowly, had already noticed that something was wrong around him.Because it's not just passengers, there's not even a staff member at the front desk.Even if the passengers leave, there should be staff, right?

But the entire hotel lobby was empty, not only that, Jiang Shan recalled just now, when she rushed all the way here, she didn't seem to meet anyone.

What's going on here?Where has everyone gone?
Jiang Shan stood blankly in the hall, his feet still wearing slippers.

It was only after staying there for an unknown amount of time that Jiang Shan remembered something, and immediately ran back to the guest room area, knocking on the doors one by one, "Is anyone there?"

"anyone there?"

"anyone there?"


On the corridor of the cave, there was an echo of Jiang Shan.

Jiang Shan unscrewed the doorknobs one by one, these rooms were all empty, the quilts inside were neatly folded, and there was not even a sign that anyone had slept.

When she finished knocking on the last room, she saw Xiao Chen's suitcase, and the tour guide card, passport, and other items he threw on the bed.

It was as if everyone was still in the same state as they just checked in yesterday, and nothing had changed.

For a moment, Jiang Shan suspected that she had hallucinations due to the side effects of the medicine, or was it because she hadn't woken up in a dream?
Jiang Shan came to the restaurant of the hotel, and there was a sign at the door saying: Dining time is from 7:10 to [-]:[-], please dine with your room card.

Jiang Shan walked in. In the large cafeteria, all the plates were empty, and only one table seemed to have food on it.

Jiang Shan walked over and found that it turned out to be a rotten apple with black patches all around, and it even seemed to be wriggling...

Before Jiang Shan could get sick, he saw a glass freezer next to it, which read: Ice Cream Dessert Buffet.

But Jiang Shan saw that in the glass cabinet, all the food had turned dark and ugly, and some of them were still oozing black water...

Jiang Shan looked terrified, turned his head and left the restaurant.

She rushed out of the hotel lobby and went outside. The entire cave hotel maintained a beautiful and weird appearance. The outer walls of the rock walls, which are said to have been formed for thousands of years, turned out to be a little mottled overnight.

Jiang Shan saw that the entire perimeter of the hotel, leading to the back mountain, was surrounded by a circle of barbed wire that was forbidden to step on.

Jiang Shan walked forward along the barbed wire, and saw sharply that a piece of wire had been cut in a hidden corner.

The break in the barbed wire looks obviously new, and as expected, it was done by Xiao Chen's group.

Through the fracture, Jiang Shan also saw a row of messy footprints leading to the mountain.In order to go up the mountain, this group of people not only destroyed the fence, but also disregarded basic morality.

But Jiang Shan looked around, but he didn't even see any footprints going down the mountain.

That is to say, Xiao Chen and the others haven't gone down the mountain yet?

Jiang Shan was stunned.

She slowly raised her head and glanced at the mountain in front of her. It was lush and green, as if it was so quiet that Jiang Shan couldn't even hear the birdsong.Forget about vocals.

It felt suffocating.

Jiang Shan returned to the empty hotel lobby and sat at the original front desk. He didn't remember how long he had been in a daze. The wind-up clock on the wall had struck many times very sharply.

In this hotel, all the old-fashioned wind-up antique clocks are used, and there are almost no modern facilities. Even the check-in machines at the front desk are old-fashioned typewriters, plus manual account books.

During this period, she had tried the dial-up phone at the front desk and the intercom, but there was no signal at all. Even if she wanted to leave here and take a taxi to the airport, she couldn't do it.

And Jiang Shan's mobile phone has never had a signal.

Seeing the sky outside the hotel, it was getting dark again.


Jiang Shan forced herself to calm down and accept the reality that she was trapped in the hotel.

All the people are really gone.

In this case, other people may panic very much.

Jiang Shan also panicked, but she adjusted her breathing a few times, and her face had recovered a bit of blood.

Because to be honest, of all things in the world, the worst case scenario is death.

And Jiang Shan was already dying.

Therefore, in theory, Jiang Shan has nothing to fear.

Jiang Shan looked at the darkened hotel lobby. Not only was the food in the freezer rotten, but all the electrical systems here seemed to have broken down. It turned into a real, lifeless primitive cave.

Jiang Shan tried her best not to panic, she hadn't eaten for a day, and with her physical fitness, there was no need for accidents, just starving here for a few days would be over.

There seemed to be only one way left before her——up the mountain.Try to find the tour guide Xiao Chen and the group of travelers.

Since the footprints are only uphill and not downhill, it is very likely that they are still on the mountain.

Although Jiang Shan didn't understand what happened, it shouldn't be a good thing.

But Jiang Shan had no other choice now. Looking at the gradually darkening sky outside, she stood up resolutely and returned to her room.

Jiang Shan simply packed up his things.

All her belongings are a backpack, which contains almost nothing except two sets of clothes and toiletries.Jiang Shan picked up the empty medicine bottle, looked at it for a while, thought about it, and put it back into the mezzanine of the backpack.

She opened the bedside drawer, and there was a flashlight for firefighters in it.After turning it on, the bright light moved Jiang Shan's heart. It seemed that every room would be equipped with such a flashlight in case of accidents.

Jiang Shan immediately searched for three flashlights from other rooms, and each room had two spare bottles of mineral water. Jiang Shan tasted the water and it didn't seem to have deteriorated.

So Jiang Shan stuffed a bag full of mineral water and a flashlight, and set off.

Now Jiang Shan didn't even have to hide from the staff, she walked directly through the corridor of the hotel, and quickly circled to the back of the mountain.Came to the cut barbed wire.

"It's not intentional violation of the rules, I hope you will forgive me."

Jiang Shan stood in front of the mountain and exhaled.

(End of this chapter)

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