
Chapter 3 Weird Photos

Chapter 3 Weird Photos
The row of footprints pointed out the direction for Jiang Shan very clearly. Jiang Shan also picked up a thick branch from the ground and used it as a crutch for himself.

The lush grass on the ground was trampled to pieces, obviously it was done by Xiao Chen's group of people without public morality.

Jiang Shan's life creed has always been to respect the rules and cherish life.The translation is - if you don't die, you won't die.

For these people who were born healthy and free of disease, they could live a long life, but they choose to die, Jiang Shan is destined to be incomprehensible.


Jiang Shan took out his mobile phone and looked at the signal bar every time he walked a certain distance, hoping for a miracle.

The moon rose into the sky, but the miracle did not happen.

Jiang Shan got goosebumps as he walked up the mountain, the whole mountain was so quiet!
Isn't there even a bird or insect on such a large mountain?

It was as if Jiang Shan himself was the only living thing walking in this mountain.

Jiang Shan took a deep breath, recited a few nursery rhymes silently, and continued walking...Suddenly she seemed to have stepped on something, which was hard.

Jiang Shan moved away slowly, took a look with the flashlight, and saw the items on the ground clearly.

It's a camera.

The angle of the camera is very strange, the lens is facing obliquely upwards, as if it is still shooting something.

Jiang Shan was a little familiar with this camera, and with a flick of her eyes, she figured out that it belonged to a young student couple among the passengers.

Jiang Shan was deeply impressed by the young couple chattering along the way, showing a sense of presence.She still remembers that the young couple proudly took out the camera and boasted that it was bought at a high price from an auction house. The camera used special film and said it was the world's first old-fashioned camera.

I still remember how they looked at the camera baby, at this moment, how could they be discarded here at will?

Jiang Shan reached out to pick up the camera, dusted it off, and stuffed it into his backpack.

However, one after another, Jiang Shan saw some "items" again, such as parasols, sunglasses, wallets...all belonged to that individual in the brigade.All their things were discarded on the ground, and the hearts of those who watched were terrified.

There are still people's clothes.

Suddenly Jiang Shan stopped abruptly.

She rubbed her eyes carefully, and she found that the footprints in front were gone.

And it disappeared all of a sudden, as if out of thin air, the footprints of so many people who were originally messy and mixed together were suddenly all broken, as if so many people had all disappeared or evaporated from the ground in an instant.

Jiang Shan was dumbfounded, this time completely dumbfounded.

Like a headless fly that has lost its direction, falling into a huge daze and confusion.

In the end what happened?Items can be discarded, can human footprints disappear at once?

Jiang Shan seemed to hear her own heartbeat and exhalation, which became louder and louder, shaking her eardrums tremendously.

what to do?Jiang Shan seemed to be asking himself.

The gradually enveloping darkness was obviously devouring the last hope, Jiang Shan couldn't help turning his head, and glanced at the hotel that had gone away behind him.

Where to go?

At this moment, under the moonlight, Jiang Shan saw a tent.

Jiang Shan's eyes lit up, and she, a patient, rushed to the tent in two or three steps excitedly, subconsciously thinking that it was left behind by the tour group.

However, the moment Jiang Shan approached the tent, Jiang Shan's expression froze on his face, and his joyful mood fell to the bottom at that moment.

The outside of the tent is covered with dense spider webs, and there are holes in several places. The old look seems to have been abandoned here for many years.

It was another disappointment of pouring cold water on his head, Jiang Shan stared at the tent for a long time, and the curtain of the tent was half drooped.


Jiang Shan lifted the curtain of the tent.He bent over and walked in.

For a moment, an unpleasant smell of decay entered Jiang Shan's nostrils. Anyway, she wanted to find a place to rest tonight, and this tent seemed to be the only choice.

After seeing the furnishings in the tent, Jiang Shan was a little shocked. All the items were still neatly arranged, and there were even half-covered bedding on the ground.

The arrangement in this if the owner had just left.

Jiang Shan frowned, she couldn't figure out everything that happened on this mountain.

She took off her backpack and threw it on the ground, the flying dust made her cough several times.

After that, she counted all the supplies. When she came, she brought all the water and food in the hotel room. If she couldn't find the tour group, the leftovers would be enough for her to eat for three days at most.

Jiang Shan couldn't help picking up the old camera again. This camera only has two buttons, which is easy to operate.

Jiang Shan pressed the red one, and it turned on.

The first photo is a sweet photo of the young couple, with a bright background and intimate actions.Heartless and ignorant of sorrow.

Jiang Shan pressed another button, and the photo flipped.

It can be seen that this young couple likes to take pictures very much. They are as small as holding a flower, and they have to change into a dozen different poses to take countless photos. The whole journey is recorded on this camera in detail.

Suddenly a photo popped up without warning, and Jiang Shan stopped turning the page.

A strange face appeared on the photo, and it was wrong to say that it was strange, because this photo was taken of the face of the tour guide, Xiao Chen.

In the photo, Xiao Chen seemed to turn his head inadvertently, looking at the couple.

There was still a smile on the face in the first picture, and then turned to the second picture, still in the same posture, but the smile on the face seemed a little stiff.

Jiang Shan turned to the third picture, and Xiao Chen's face was already in a close-up state, appearing in the picture.

At this time, there was no smile on his face, it was all dull.He looked straight into the camera.

As if he saw something.

Jiang Shan slowly turned to the fourth picture, still taking pictures of Xiao Chen's face, but at this moment his expression turned a bit ferocious, slightly distorted.

Jiang Shan's finger rested on the page-turning button, and he didn't press it down for a long time.

There is a weirdness in this photo. Why did that slippery and sophisticated tour guide show such an expression?


Jiang Shan pressed the page-turning button again, and in this picture, Xiao Chen's face was almost a close-up, because the focal length seemed to be constantly being zoomed in.

In this picture, Xiao Chen also raised a hand, as if pointing forward.

The terrified expression on his face became more and more clear, and after a while, there was some kind of terrified distortion.

Jiang Shan stared at Xiao Chen's expression on the photo without moving for a long time, because the expression on Xiao Chen's face was so real, fear seemed to overflow the photo and even infected Jiang Shan.

If Xiao Chen made this expression on purpose, then he is really comparable to the actor.

At this time, the camera showed that there were still the last three photos.

Jiang Shan adjusted his breathing slightly, and then slowly pressed the page-turning button...

In the next photo, Xiao Chen actually maintained almost the same posture as the previous one, with his hand stiffly pointing forward, but this time, his fingers were almost pointed at the camera, and his eyes were also straight. , It's as if Xiao Chen is looking through the photo - looking at her.

(End of this chapter)

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