
Chapter 4 Crop Circles

Chapter 4 Crop Circles
Just a few photos, bringing a nameless sense of oppressive horror.

But Jiang Shan knew that this was not her field of vision at all, but the young couple who were holding the camera to take pictures at that time.

But why did Xiao Chen point at the couple and suddenly show such a distorted and frightened expression?

Go ahead, the penultimate one.

The ever-zooming focal length shows the fear and fear on Xiao Chen's face almost in detail... The extreme zooming-in of the camera also allows Jiang Shan to see that Xiao Chen's eyes are also full of surprise and astonishment , Fear and horror.

And when Jiang Shan finally turned to the last one.

The shot doesn't get any closer, and no matter what angle you look at, this last shot is almost identical to the last.It was as if two identical photos were taken consecutively.

But Jiang Shan felt that something was wrong, so she switched back to the previous one, and switched these photos of Xiao Chen back and forth repeatedly. After speeding up, she could clearly see that Xiao Chen turned his head and went to the back. A series of micro-expression changes on the face, as realistic as an animated film, flashing and finally twisting.


Suddenly Jiang Shan stopped.

She stared at the last photo.

Xiao Chen's raised right hand seemed to have a little black spot under his palm.

These little black spots can easily be thought to be dust on the lens, or shadows produced when the photo is exposed.

So it looks exactly like the previous one.

But after Jiang Shan flipped through the photos so quickly, her naked eyes caught some "dark spots" that flashed in the photos during the rapid switching between photos.

Not only in the last photo, but in almost every photo after Xiao Chen turned his head, there are such "black spots".

It's so tiny it feels like a speck of dust, or a speck cast by a tree's shadow.

Just the last photo, this dark spot has become denser and more conspicuous.

Jiang Shan looked at it for a long time. She didn't know what the spots in the photo were, but she just vaguely felt a strange and strange feeling spreading from her back.

Looking at it, she seemed to feel a little bit of the fear that Xiao Chen showed in the photo, the indescribable and unexplainable treachery...

Just then, the camera screen suddenly went black.

The flashing power indicator light on the top of the camera went out completely, obviously the battery was exhausted.

At this time, Jiang Shan was sitting in the dark, his back was soaked with sweat.


Flight RC3571, chartered by Tongcheng Travel Agency with 17 passengers, disappeared on March 3 when it was supposed to return, and its whereabouts are still unknown.

There are photos of all the passengers circulating on the Internet, which are the last images left by everyone when they boarded the plane and went through the security check. The photos flashed past one by one, and many people were still smiling excitedly on their faces. One of them The young couple, who appeared to be a couple, made mischievous faces at the camera.

Jiang Shan's photo flashed across the screen, with a delicate and pale face, he looked very young at first glance, and he should still have a good time.

The airport and the airline were the first to discover it. The passenger plane HC14, which was scheduled to return on the 3571th, suddenly lost contact.

For such a big matter, it is reasonable to call the police as soon as possible. After the police arrived, they also tried to contact them. After there was no response, they urgently contacted the local police and asked them to send someone to the cave hotel to find out the situation.

As a result, something unexpected happened. After the local police went there, they responded that there was no one in the cave hotel. Not only the passengers, but even the staff were all gone.

Also, they are missing a police officer.

A police officer saw the footprints left by the passengers when they went up the mountain, so he proposed to go up the mountain to search, but he never came back.


The family members were the most excited. It was the parents of a student couple who first reported the case. Two senior students who were about to graduate told their families that they were going on a graduation trip, but they never returned.

Later, more and more people began to call the police. After the incident, the police found the travel company that had concealed the matter for almost a month. communication equipment is interrupted.

The police detained the person in charge of the travel company and obtained the identity information of all the passengers.

The family members cried together and strongly demanded to carry out a blanket search of the mountain. Their relatives must still be there.

The police first sent drones. After all, without knowing the situation, drone surveillance is safer.

As a result, more than a dozen drones were sent back and forth, and after arriving at the area of ​​the cave hotel, all of them lost their signal.Later, I wanted to retrieve the GPS satellite aerial photos, and found that that area showed an abnormal dead gray on the entire map.

Not only that, but soon everyone discovered that all the aerial photography equipment failed when they reached the sky above this area, as if the mountain and the cave hotel formed a natural shielding field, perfectly isolating all electronic communications.

Then the local police in the cave hotel began to offer high rewards to those who entered the mountain. Under the reward, several groups of people went forward and followed, but none of them came back.

Even with the most advanced equipment and escape guides, no one sent back even a little news.

There is a dead silence inside the mountain, and a dead silence outside the mountain.

Now no one is willing to approach that area anymore, even if the reward is sky-high, no one cares.

All kinds of mysticism and gossip began to prevail. The most outrageous thing is that the cave hotel is connected to another space, indeterminate, quantum mechanics.

However, even the most famous physics expert in the world can't explain why this matter happened.

This isn't physics anymore, it's supernatural, right?

In the high-rise building of the Beijing-Hong Kong headquarters, someone pushed open the heavy double wooden doors. Everything here is antique and does not match the modern building.This office belongs to one person, one who seems to love all things old and traditional.

"Dr. Wei." The man who opened the door and came in called out to the figure sitting in front of the window. "The laboratory has sent all the protective clothing you ordered."

The figure in front of the window turned around, and it turned out to be "turning" with the chair. The sensor light in the room turned on, only to find that Dr. Wei was sitting in a wheelchair!

Dr. Wei walked over slowly, pushing the wheelchair with his hand, "Okay, thank you."

Dr. Wei looked to be in his early thirties at most, and belonged to a very young echelon, but his legs were dangling weakly in his trouser legs, and he was a disabled doctor.

"Where are you really going?" Secretary Xiao Xu couldn't help asking.Hearing that Wei Yuan wanted to use the latest protective clothing, the entire research institute was shocked.

Now only the grief-stricken family members of the missing are still unwilling to give up. "One parent chartered a private jet by himself, but he didn't even come back with the plane."

This is truly tragic suicide.

But Xiao Xu couldn't say sympathetic or stupid words, because if his relatives disappeared, would he be willing to do the same?

Suddenly, the projection screen in the office flickered, and a section view of a mountain peak appeared on it.

Wei Yuan is holding a miniature remote control in his hand, and is controlling the screen, "This is the screen retrieved from the previous satellite image."

Unlike the current state of being completely blocked, the entire mountain and cave hotel still appeared in the satellite image normally at that time.And now these former satellite images are the only thing they can study.

A total of more than 1000 satellite images have been studied by experts for hundreds of rounds.It seems that everyone has discovered something.

"These black spots."

Xiao Xu saw that around the mountain, there seemed to be a circle of black, faintly visible substances.It's like a "crop circle".

Around this mountain, every satellite image (that is, every day) can see this black circle.

At first, researchers thought there might be some kind of rare mineral at the bottom of the mountain.Moreover, the cave hotel has been in operation for half a century, and there has never been an accident. Even though the satellite image shows this mysterious black circle, no one cares too much.

There are too many substances on the earth that we have no way to explain.

(End of this chapter)

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