
Chapter 205 Food Chain

"How many people like you are there?" The silver-haired man seemed to really regard the extremely lethal AK in his hand as a toy, pointing the gun at everyone in the room...including Wei Yuan.

Qi Tianlei was obviously frightened by this lunatic and said everything: "I, I don't know..."

Qi Tianlei himself is a chess piece controlled by others, so how can he know more.

Wei Yuan stared at the silver-haired man: "Do you have a gun license?"

Even if the silver-haired man has the authority to interrogate others, this authority does not include him holding a gun to someone's head.

The silver-haired man looked at Wei Yuan meaningfully: "Gun license? Does Dr. Wei think that kind of thing is really useful?"

There is no need for this kind of thing in civilized times. Likewise, in uncivilized times, this kind of thing is just self-deception.

Have you ever seen a leopard capture its prey? Do you still need permission? The food chain is the only law between heaven and earth: "If I want to shoot Dr. Wei now, in order to defend yourself, wouldn't you raise your gun and fight back at me?" ?”

Wei Yuan really couldn't understand this madman.

In the eyes of a person who has been lawless in the past, there is no such thing as rules.

He was nothing more than a provocation, insulted by being pointed at a gun by Wei Yuan the day before.Wei Yuan did not carry a gun under the blanket today. Since this person came to call him, it means that he must have found a way to deal with him. If a person like the silver-haired man can make him suffer once, there is no way he will suffer a second time.

as expected.The base now lets such a person interrogate how many people have died indirectly or directly in just a few days.

"Either you shoot now," Wei Yuan looked at him steadily, his eyes no different from before, "or put down the gun and don't let me see you pointing a gun at anyone again."

If you have the guts, pull the trigger now.

Pointing guns at unarmed people like a beast, nothing more than trash.

The most important thing is who gave him this gun. As far as Wei Yuan knew, only the Beijing and Hong Kong Guards had firearms of this level.

The silver-haired man stared at Wei Yuan blankly, and the AK he was using to show off stopped moving. After a moment, he suddenly let out a harsh laugh, his whole body bent over in an exaggerated manner, and the gun in his hand also fell to the ground: "Yes, By the way, Dr. Wei just said before that he would report me to his superiors, do you want to report today as well?"

As he said that, the silver-haired man straightened up and raised his hands, as if surrendering, "I admit, I don't dare to kill Dr. Wei."

At least I wouldn't dare do it at the base.

The silver-haired man is not really crazy, he is purely evil.

Wei Yuan no longer wanted to pay attention to this beast, glanced at the gun on the ground, turned the wheelchair and left directly.


How many people are there like Qi Tianlei?When he came outside and took a big breath of air, the air squeezed into his chest. Wei Yuan knew that he was not as calm as he looked.

Because, there is only one ten thousandth chance that what Qi Tianlei said is true.

Qi Tianlei's "confession" was so subversive. They originally thought that the so-called moles and traitors were instigated to rebel later, but they never thought that such people would have been selected long before this catastrophe began. Where are people?
So terrifying.

If it is such a person, then there is no way to prevent it.

At this moment, a huge gunshot came from the house behind him, and it seemed that only half of a scream was heard, and the sound was lost before the full scream could be made.

I don’t know who became the dead soul of the gun.

But it seems to be almost expected.

Wei Yuan's face turned pale and he grabbed the sides of the armrests of his wheelchair, staring at his knees covered by the blanket, his eyes finally losing their determination.


In the church, except for Jiang Shan who hid in the room and read a book, everyone else was sitting at the conference table outside.At this time, no one is in the mood to do anything. Only when everyone is together can they feel a slight sense of belonging.At this time, Wei Yuan pushed the door open and came in. Seeing that he was unharmed, everyone naturally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Dr. Wei."

"Old Wei!"

But when they wanted to ask, Wei Yuan went back to the room without saying a word.

Everyone: "..." They all saw Wei Yuan's expression.

"I have never seen Old Wei's expression like this." Zhang Zheng turned to look at Gao Wenwu and Zhao Ying after a long time and said.

Wei Yuan actually has no expression most of the time, and when he does, he is calm, and others are used to it.

But today, when Wei Yuan came back, his expression was wrong from the moment he walked in.It feels like something is completely beyond control and expectation.

"Have you ever seen Wei's expression like this?" Zhang Zheng asked Gao Wenwu and Zhao Ying again.

Gao Wenwu shook his head.

"It's a little bad."

Zhao Ying's hand on the table was shaking slightly uncontrollably, "I heard a lot of people wailing last night."

The wailing of people thrown into a big pit was the sound that lingered in Zhao Ying's mind.

It's like a nightmare, scarier than a nightmare because it's all real.

Zhao Ying's lips trembled and her face turned pale.She was in the worst state, so how could she notice that something was wrong with Wei Yuan.

Zhang Zheng and Gao Wenwu were both silent.Of course they all knew this.

Gao Wenwu even wanted to rush out several times yesterday.

If it weren't for fear of compromising the team.

Even more terrifying things still happened. At the beginning of the disaster, some people still had illusions that the etiquette, justice and shame left over from civilized society would still remain in people's bones and would not disappear all at once. But as the disaster progressed, As time goes by, everyone's thoughts begin to change, humanity is erased bit by bit, and animal nature is inspired bit by bit.

People will become less and less humane.

"If it weren't for Lao Wei, we might have been thrown in, right?"

But something seems wrong with Wei Yuan now? "What did that Bai Mao say to Old Wei that made him so irritated?" Zhang Zheng looked like he was also irritated.

What could excite Wei Yuan?
A few people couldn't imagine how exciting it would be if Wei Yuan's expression was the same as when the sky was falling. "I'm just saying that Bai Mao is not a cheap man. Could he be a spy from the enemy who infiltrated our side?"

He does things regardless of right or wrong, uses extreme methods, and seems to have everyone's secrets in his hands.

If you think of this person as the villain of the opposing camp, then almost everything can be explained.

"I want to know even more," Gao Wenwu said coldly, "whether we will hear those sounds again tonight."

The person just now said that someone has already been recruited. Since he has been recruited, it means that all the interrogations have come to a conclusion.Then starting from tonight, no one should be thrown into the pit again.

Those wails and screams deserve to end.

After these days of nightmares, I can finally have a peaceful sleep.

Zhao Ying looked stiffly at Gao Wenwu and Zhang Zheng opposite. "What are you going to do if you hear it again tonight...?"

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