
Chapter 206 Lighthouse Prison

Ten days before the incident.

In the most central prison in Beijing and Hong Kong.

Many people don't know that there is such a place in Beijing and Hong Kong, a nine-story tower building standing in the center of the sea.Many citizens think this tower is a "lighthouse", but few people know its true function.

Surrounded by at least a hundred nautical miles of water, it is impossible to reach or leave here without a ship.

Built using the geographical advantages of Beijing and Hong Kong - a true island prison.

There are no more than ten criminals detained here, and they are isolated on every floor, with absolutely no ventilation between them.Every criminal is guarded by prison guards who are on active duty with special forces. It can be said that they can hardly fly even if they have wings.

The prison guard on the third floor felt very unlucky every time he looked up and saw that smiling face. Have you ever seen a criminal who smiles all day long?Who could laugh in a place like this, and every time that smile really matched the description of the mysterious smile.

"What the hell are you laughing at?" The prison guard raised his baton and pointed at the boy with an unconventional hair color through the glass window on the cell door.

His unusual hair is also a bit scary.The prison was filthy, with rats scurrying in the corners, and because it was surrounded by the sea, the air was filled with fishy, ​​moist smells mixed with all kinds of rotting meat. How could anyone laugh in such a hellish place?

Even the prison guards working here can't stand the stench emanating from their bodies.

The silver-haired young man saw the prison guard's angry and bloodshot face through the narrow glass window. The smile on his face just got bigger: "Of course I'm smiling because I'm happy."

Laughter means happiness, crying means sadness. Human emotions can be defined by such simple symbols.

And few others doubt these symbols.As long as a person smiles brightly enough, he can make everyone believe that he must be happy.

The prison guard was obviously irritated and yelled angrily: "Are you still happy after being arrested and sent to jail?"

This silver-haired man is serving a life sentence and will never be able to leave here.

Thinking of this, the prison guard slammed the cell door twice.

Then the silver-haired young man's eyes gradually moved to the prison guard's face, but there was no smile in his pupils. "Aren't you the same as me?"

The prison guard's back was so cold when he looked at him that he wanted to dig out his eyes. The prison guard yelled, "What the hell are you talking about? Who is like you?" He would end up in jail like someone else. Like criminals?
The silver-haired young man looked at the prison guard intently and smiled faintly: "Aside from where we stand, how else are we different?"

They are all in this dark tower cell, he is closed by a door, he is standing in the cell, and the prison guard is standing outside the cell, but the entire tower cell is surrounded by the boundless sea water...

The prison guard's face moved violently.

He has been guarding the prison here for many years, and he is trapped in the middle of the sea every day. He cannot go anywhere. It is just another form of "jail".

The prison guard's expression changed, "Damn it..." What's worse than stepping on a painful foot?

Who would sacrifice themselves on this island not for the extra monthly salary?Even...if he hadn't offended his superiors in the military camp, how could he have been retired early and sent here.

But all this cannot be exposed and ridiculed by a low-level criminal.

At that moment, he had long forgotten the prison's warning, which the warden had said on the first day the silver-haired young man was transferred to prison.

"Do not look or speak to this prisoner."

"Avoid any possible communication... Never open the cell door."


The prison guard grabbed the key hanging from his waist and made a mistake that he would never have the chance to undo in his life.He had a baton in his hand and a gun at his waist.

All the villains, murderers and corpse-dismembering monsters imprisoned in this prison will eventually kneel down and beg during their long sentences.In the eyes of the prison guards, there was no difference between this silver-haired boy with a silver tongue.

"Today I will let you know what is the difference between me and prisoners like you..."

The moment he opened the door, the silver-haired young man's eyes changed, becoming like a hunting leopard in the animal world, staring at the prey that walked in on its own initiative.

The prison guard didn't even notice any changes in the young man standing motionless in the dark corner. He leaned over unprepared and raised his baton with a curse.

The electrified baton struck hard on the young prisoner's body.

The high voltage is enough to cause intense physical pain, and most people even fall down and roll around immediately.

But the silver-haired man didn't move at all, with a bewildered smile on his face that disgusted the prison guards.


The prison guard didn't even have time to show surprise on his face. The young man who had always been smiling raised his shackled hands like lightning and hugged the prison guard's head tightly within a very narrow range of movement.

The baton was firmly stuck in the middle of the shackles.

The smile on the young prisoner's face widened and became ferocious. He squeezed the prison guard's head tightly with both hands, as if squeezing a rubber ball.

The seemingly thin body actually burst out with astonishing strange power.

"The difference..." the silver-haired man said faintly, there is indeed a difference.

The prison guard's IQ is as fragile as an antelope caught by a leopard.

Seeing that the face of the prison guard opposite was squeezed and distorted, he could not even speak a word. A large amount of blood poured out of his nostrils and lips, and his two eyes were even squeezed so hard that they almost came out of their sockets... Qi Qi was squeezed It only took a few seconds for Kong to bleed. The silver-haired man finally let go of his hands and saw the prison guard falling to the ground like a kite with its string cut off.

"It's boring..."

The alarm rang wildly in the prison, and the silver-haired man looked at the open prison door in front of him, not even interested in walking out. He just sat down cross-legged on the spot, with the bloody corpse of the prison guard in front of him.

The food chain, the food chain in nature almost never changes, a leopard will always be a leopard, and an antelope will always be an antelope.

There may be some smarter antelopes, but if they meet smarter leopards, the outcome will be the same.

It's just a guarantee of living a little longer.


The lighthouse represents hope, but the prison is a place to bury any hope, so the combination of the two is a great irony.

The prison guard's body was dragged away and after the blood stains were cleaned up, an indescribable gray substance seemed to be left on the ground.

The silver-haired man put on his peaceful smile again. He was waiting for execution peacefully. After all, he was tired of this world.

Until, the person who walked in was not an executioner armed with a sniper rifle and gas bombs, but a doctor-like person wearing a protective isolation suit. This person actually had a smile on his face and said to the silver-haired man: "Hello, Bai Jin gentlemen."

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