
Chapter 207

The silver-haired man sat on the interrogation chair and whistled. The man whose throat he cut didn't dare to look at him, "I know, you all call me crazy behind my back."

The silver-haired man looked playfully at the person next to him who didn't dare to raise his head.As soon as he said these words, the people next to him trembled even more.

"It doesn't matter." The silver-haired man said softly, "Only mediocre people care about what others say. Besides, madmen and geniuses are both the same type of people."

The genius is on the left, the madman is on the right.

"Already," the other person standing next to the cut-throat man had a stiff face at this time, "the mole has obviously been found... why do you still need to continue the interrogation?"

I thought the silver-haired man's game was over, but I didn't expect that he would still continue to spread terror in the base.

The silver-haired man looked at the man: "Who said there can only be one mole? Have you ever seen only one prisoner in a prison?"

The silver-haired man smiled as he spoke, with a very frightening expression on his face. The man didn't dare to speak anymore, otherwise he might be the next one thrown into the pit.

"You feel sorry for them, but who feels sorry for those members of the Beijing-Hong Kong Guard who were ambushed?" the silver-haired man said meaningfully.

Since returning, almost no one dared to mention the ambush in the Beijing-Hong Kong Guards. The dark clouds shrouded the place, and the originally harmonious and ordinary life base became the [-]th floor of hell.

The silver-haired man is the Satan in this hell.

Zhao Ying sat at the table in despair with dark circles under her eyes. The screams from last night did not stop at all.

"I don't believe that I can just sit back and watch as he continues to disregard human lives," Zhang Zheng said.

Today there were a few pieces of dry bread and a meager half bottle of water on the breakfast table for several people.

Wei Yuan said slowly: "If I guess correctly, he is also taking advantage of this turmoil to clean up the population."

Clean up the population! ?
"The base's resources are no longer enough." Wei Yuan closed his eyes.

In fact, this is something that many people are well aware of, and the trigger of this unrest is the acute shortage of pharmaceutical resources. It supports a population that exceeds resources hundreds or even a thousand times, and has long been in danger and vulnerable. .

In other words, this silver-haired man could be so "random" and do all kinds of heinous things in their opinion, but no one stopped him. Wei Yuan has figured it out these days, because this is basically a kind of... tacit approval.

It's not that no one can stop him, it's that no one wants to stop him.Being able to push one person out to take all the blame is already the best solution at the moment.

Zhao Ying had tears in her eyes: "I can't accept it."

Many people cannot accept it, no one can accept it, especially those who have been "given up", "Why should I be given up", "Why is it me who is given up".

You won't get the answer the moment you are thrown into the pit.

There is never a reason. The ants that were crushed to death don’t need a reason.

Gao Wenwu stood up: "I'm going out for a while."

Wei Yuan said: "Stop."

There was nothing they could do to stop it, other than giving away one more head.

Gao Wenwu stared at Wei Yuan: "Doing nothing is cowardly behavior."

"Send yourself to death is a reckless act." Wei Yuan raised his eyebrows.Without food and medicine, those people would die.

In fact, no way to die is dignified.To die means to lose everything.

During the stalemate, a scream came out unexpectedly.

So close, right next to them.

After several people were stunned for a moment, they looked at the door of Jiang Shan's room.

"Just... was it Ah Shan who screamed?" Zhao Ying's face was even more shocked than when she heard Dakeng's scream.

Will Jiang Shan scream?
Yes, scream.

They heard a rustling sound, and a moment later the door was opened. Jiang Shan, wearing pajamas and messy hair, stood at the door holding a pillow.

Jiang Shan's face looked a little ugly. "Stinky girl, what are you...??!" Zhang Zheng was in disbelief.

"Did you call?"

What, did you see a cockroach?

Only Jiang Shan could still sleep soundly during the day. They had been tortured for the past few days and were hopeless.

When Jiang Shan saw everyone looking at him, he raised his feet for a long time and slowly walked towards a few people.

Zhao Ying went up and took her hand. Could it be: "Having a nightmare?"

Novel indeed.Jiang Shan looked really frightened.

Jiang Shan's eyes seemed to become a little strange again.If you look closely, there seems to be a faint golden ring deep in her pupils.

"I see something."

Wei Yuan narrowed his eyes subconsciously: "What did you see?"

Jiang Shan didn't seem to know what to say, it was quite difficult to say.When Jiang Shan woke up, she felt something hovering above her head, and then she felt like she was being stared at.

Then Jiang Shan saw a face.

Her face was pale and expressionless, and her eyes were hollow and deep, making people feel chilling.She was right opposite Jiang Shan, not even a finger away from Jiang Shan, so close that she looked directly at Jiang Shan.

But Jiang Shan was lying flat on the bed at this time, and this woman was face to face with her, cheek to cheek, which naturally meant...

Jiang Shan's eyes stiffened and moved upward. The woman was hanging from the ceiling, and her soles were fused to the ceiling.It was as if her feet were sinking directly into the ceiling, as if they were growing out of the ceiling.

In this scene, of course Jiang Shan screamed, and it was natural and reasonable.

"I saw Sadako."

"Have you seen Sadako!?" Zhang Zheng swallowed the pumpkin in his mouth.

Jiang Shan felt that this description of the scene she saw was very appropriate. The first image that popped into her mind at that time was Sadako, "It's not the real Sadako." Of course it couldn't be the real Sadako.

"What do you mean, Ashan?" Zhao Ying still had the patience to ask one more question.

Jiang Shan paused for a moment before describing what he saw bit by bit... "It's that woman."

A moment after screaming, Jiang Shan calmed down, and then she stared at the pale face carefully for a few seconds. Suddenly, she recognized this face.

Jiang Shan added, "The woman Lao Gao asked me to guard." The one who turned into ashes.

After a few seconds of extreme silence in the church, everyone looked at Jiang Shan, with four words written on their faces, which were hard to describe.

It was Wei Yuan who broke the deadlock and summed up Jiang Shan's description in one sentence: "You mean, you saw the woman who had been eroded reappeared."

Jiang Shan nodded immediately, yes, that's not what he meant.

The others continued to look at Jiang Shan, still speechless.

Jiang Shan knew what they wanted to ask: "I'm not dazzled."

She really saw it.

"Ashan, are you too stressed?" Zhao Ying couldn't help but stretched out her hand to try Jiang Shan's forehead. After all, Jiang Shan had already had two high fevers that wouldn't go away. In addition, she was drowsy for unknown reasons, so it was really easy. Worrying.

Gao Wenwu also spoke slowly: "It's not your fault for not keeping an eye on that woman."

Jiang Shan does not need to feel guilty or have any psychological burden for this.

Jiang Shan looked at the four faces opposite and emphasized again word for word: "I am not hallucinating. She is inside now."

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