
Chapter 208

Five people, including Wei Yuan, were all crowded at the door of Jiang Shan's room, five pairs of eyes looking inside.

It was easy to see at a glance in such a small room. The big mattress took up half of the sight. There was nothing in the corners and the four corners of the ceiling.

"Here, nothing."

Just now, Jiang Shan said that the woman was still in the room, which really surprised them, thinking that the bell was ringing in broad daylight.

But Jiang Shan kept staring directly at the top of his bed, as if there was something there.

But a few people really didn't see anything.

"Stinky girl, are you sure you're not having a nightmare? There's nothing shameful about it." Why be so concerned about face at this time?

Jiang Shan raised his hand and pointed in front: "She is right there, can't you see her?"

The woman maintained the posture that scared Jiang Shan just now, hanging upside down, staring at the empty bed motionlessly.

Jiang Shan couldn't help but feel his heart beat faster due to this visual impact.

But what's even scarier than this is that no one around you can see "her".

Wei Yuan took the lead and "walked" in with his wheelchair. The room was small, and his wheelchair took up almost a quarter of the space once he entered.

He motioned for the others to stay at the door, while he pushed the wheelchair slowly closer to Jiang Shan's mattress. From Jiang Shan's perspective, Wei Yuan's eyes almost met the woman's.

But this woman's "sight" doesn't seem to be a real sight, it's just extremely empty and soulless.

Wei Yuan slowly looked up into the air. Naturally, he could only see the peeling wall covering all the way to the damp ceiling. If there really was a "Sadako" here, the height would be at least two meters according to visual inspection.

Wei Yuan stretched out a hand, palm facing up, and then slowly moved upward.

"Don't go any further," Jiang Shan's eyes were dull and his eyelids were twitching. "You're almost touching her." There was only half an inch left, less than half an inch, and the woman's face hanging upside down was right at the tip of Wei Yuan's finger.

Zhang Zheng couldn't help but turned to look at Jiang Shan. In broad daylight, did this girl have to tell them scary stories?

Wei Yuan's hand stopped, and his eyes looked slightly into the air. He still couldn't see anything, but he didn't doubt Jiang Shan's words.

Instead, his gaze was fixed on the ceiling again.

"Bring me a UV flashlight," he said.

While the others were still stunned, Gao Wenwu immediately turned back and brought back a flashlight a moment later.

Wei Yuan opened the beam and shined it directly at the ceiling.At that moment, several people behind him took a deep breath.

The moment the ultraviolet beam shone through, dense black squirming substances were clearly visible on the ceiling...

Now everyone could see it with their naked eyes, and the black substance almost aroused everyone's nerves.Wei Yuan slowly adjusted the beam to the maximum, and the black material gradually seemed to be unstable and restless, and then the color became darker and appeared to show a certain shape.The outline is like a pair of human feet.

"I'm going..." Zhang Zheng's soles began to slip.

Zhao Ying also covered her mouth.

Jiang Shan didn't have the energy to pay attention to the changes in the ceiling, because she saw the woman's face move the moment the flashlight illuminated it.

The woman who was as motionless as a statue slowly turned her face towards Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan didn't know it yet. He stared at the "erosive matter" that was constantly condensing and appearing on the ceiling, until Jiang Shan rushed up and turned off the flashlight.

The moment the flashlight was turned off, the ceiling returned to its original state, and the woman whose head was twisted slowly turned back to its original position.Jiang Shan then sat down on the ground holding the flashlight, "My eyes hurt."

Jiang Shan felt that her eyeballs were about to burn. She wanted to rub her eyes, but liquid began to ooze from her eyes, but her vision began to be blocked, and more and more hot liquid flowed out.She seemed to be going blind.


Everyone saw that the thing flowing out of Jiang Shan's eyes was black. It was not tears, but something like black pus.

Zhao Ying hurriedly tried to wipe her, but Wei Yuan shouted to stop: "Don't touch her!"

Everyone's movements are frozen.

Wei Yuan approached Jiang Shan, reached out and took down her flashlight, and then glanced behind him.

The woman hanging upside down at this time became increasingly unclear in Jiang Shan's eyes, leaving only a vague outline. In the end, she blinked suddenly, and everything returned to normal.

She couldn't see the woman hanging upside down, nor could she see anything strange.

"Ashan?" Zhao Ying stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Jiang Shan's eyes.

The golden ring in Jiang Shan's eyes seemed to be gone, and her pupils became darker than before.

"Is that woman still there?" Wei Yuan asked.

Jiang Shan was stunned for a long time, "No more."

Is it gone or invisible?
Wei Yuandao: "Let's go out and talk first."

Zhao Ying helped Jiang Shan up, but Jiang Shan kept staring at the sky, as if he didn't want to believe that he couldn't see anymore.


A security guard was dragged to the warning tape at the edge of the pit. Guard members in full protective gear raised their guns and forced the security guard to walk into the warning tape. The security guard was so frightened that his face turned pale. My legs were shaking so much that I couldn't walk at all.

The three team members pulled down the safety bolt of the gun and slowly contracted their hands on the trigger.

Either walk in on your own, or be shot and body dumped in a few minutes later.

"I, I will never let people like you go..." The security guard roared desperately, then turned around and jumped into the pit decisively and crazily.

The three team members still raised their guns and waited vigilantly for a long time. From their distance, they could see that the black corrosive material had spread to the top of the pit, forming a circle of silent ashes around it.

It is said that people who are eroded will not feel any pain, but they will just float away bit by bit silently, just like dandelions, and only the gray flakes slowly falling in the air can be seen.

There was thick numbness in the eyes of the Beijing and Hong Kong Guards, which had enveloped them all. They put away their guns and moved away from the pit.

Ridiculous thoughts of dying people. The world is already so dark and gloomy. If there really are ghosts, they would really like to see them.

The eyes of the man who fell to the bottom of the pit gradually became dull, and all human emotions began to be emptied from his brain.

People at the bottom of the pit cannot climb up, because when they fall into the eroded ruins, the first thing that is eroded away is their sanity.

Then the body slowly dies away... and returns to ruins.

It is said that the sense of pain is actually an ability of biological evolution. Pain can let you know that you are still alive, and pain can also be an early warning, allowing you to avoid greater illness and sacrifice.

When people no longer feel pain, the immune system loses its early warning function.

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