
Chapter 209 Sharp turn down

Zheng Suo, who was released after ten days of imprisonment, seemed exhausted, but he still called Wei Yuan's team immediately.

"Maybe there is a way to end this senseless massacre." Zheng Suo had obviously heard about what happened in the past few days.He didn't approve of what the silver-haired man was doing, but there was nothing he could do with his authority.

Everyone else looked at Zheng Suo. There was a way to stop the massacre, but now?
Zheng Suo looked at them and sighed heavily: "I can tell you that the turmoil at the base this time was just the trigger. In the final analysis, the mission performed by the Beijing-Hong Kong Guard failed."

Wei Yuan and the others have heard a lot of these rumors in the base these days. What kind of tasks does the Beijing-Hong Kong Guard perform?

After I came back, everything seemed to have changed.The sense of belief in his eyes was gone.

"School." Zheng Suo slowly said two words.

After the erosion incident, after the initial brief period of huge chaos, senior officials in Beijing and Hong Kong made quick decisions and first evacuated schools, kindergartens, nursing homes and other special places to ensure the safety of children and the elderly.

So it was a shock when Zheng said the school was revealed.

"The Beijing-Hong Kong Guards received a mysterious information that there are still survivors in the No. [-] Middle School located in the East Third Ring Road area, and the Beijing-Hong Kong Guards are required to do their best to rescue them."

Wei Yuan immediately frowned: "I have the impression that this school was the first place to be evacuated. How is it possible that there are still people there now?"

How long has it been? If there were any people, they would have been gone long ago without water or food.

Zheng Suo leaned back in his chair and rubbed his brows tiredly, "Yes, you are right. This is based on rational thinking, but you have to know that many times it is impossible to deal with everything rationally."

Especially when the subject is a child.

The so-called mysterious tip was actually sent directly to the top management. After studying it, the top management decided to implement the rescue as soon as possible despite insufficient information. "It is said that there was a class of students who were being taken by the teacher to do practical lessons in the basement, so they were not evacuated in time."

There are still survivors in a school that has been evacuated long ago. The information itself is very confusing.

"Using students as bait... is so despicable." Gao Wenwu's fist hardened.

Zheng Suo's tone became more serious: "Mainly, this is not all. The tip said that in the principal's office of the school... there is also a secret email about erosion."

Why does it feel like déjà vu?Several people in Wei Yuan's team looked at each other.

So in fact, in addition to rescuing people, using erosion secrets as bait is another reason why rescue team members take the bait.

"Actually, the Beijing and Hong Kong Guards did not advance rashly. They formulated a cautious strategy, which was to send two teams of troops to explore the road first. In fact, if this were not the case, the result might be that the entire army was annihilated..."

So the Beijing-Hong Kong Guards that came back were missing two vehicles because the two teams that were sent out were gone?
Among the five members of Wei Yuan's team, Jiang Shan was expressionless, Wei Yuan had a gloomy face, and the others looked frightened.

"What kind of ambush is it?" Wei Yuan asked.

It seems that everyone is vague and has been unwilling to tell the most important thing.The Beijing and Hong Kong Guards have the best equipment and weapons, and both teams are mobilized to support each other. No matter what, it is impossible for them to be without resistance.

How come the whole army was wiped out.

Seeing Zheng Suo's expression getting even worse, Wei Yuan knew something was wrong, "Actually, no one knows what happened. It took less than 10 minutes for the two leading teams to enter. According to the plan, one of the teams went directly to the principal's office. Quickly said through the intercom that they found the things in the principal's office and were going to take them out. At that time, several teams outside thought the mission was carried out smoothly. "

If nothing else happens, something will happen now.

At this time everyone was silent.Just when you thought it was the best, things took a turn for the worse. This is how fate often plays tricks on people.

Zheng Suo didn't want to talk anymore, but he knew the purpose of calling Wei Yuan and his team today, so he could only continue to describe it: "But another leading team responsible for search and rescue, after entering the school, No news came out, and the team members outside tried to contact them. According to the original agreement, the remaining team members would not go in until they gave a safe signal. But there was a problem with the signal. So they made a plan that they later thought was the wrong decision making."

Wei Yuan already guessed what happened when he heard this, "They asked the team from the principal's office to look for people that the other team couldn't contact?"

Zheng Suo's dry lips took a sip of the remaining water in the glass.So it was a mistake that I realized only after the fact.

The most important thing to do at that time was to have the team from the principal's office withdraw immediately.

In this way, maybe they can also get clues to the principal's office and save everyone in this team.

But there are no prophets, no regrets and what-ifs.

"So far, the two teams have lost contact." Zheng Suo's mood sank to the bottom as when he heard about it.As a result, neither the things nor the people were taken out.

Zheng Suo said: "The team members who stayed outside could only hear the occasional broken words coming from the communicator, but their words could not be transmitted." It seemed that the signal was blocked, or unilaterally blocked.

This scene is similar to libraries and aquariums.

They lost two captains who had experienced hundreds of battles. The two teams had trained outstanding special operations team members for many years, and they were the most precious rescue resources.

And everyone’s confidence.

The remaining team members who did not enter, after both teams lost contact, did not rush in recklessly and kill again.

What matters is what they end up hearing on the receiver.

"Don't come in. Leave quickly."

"We've all been lied to!" screamed

They are all well-trained players and will not make such sounds.

When the people who stayed outside heard this, it was understandable that they couldn't help but rush in almost immediately.But at this time, the captain of the corps who stayed outside also received the highest-level instructions.

"This mission is a scam, retreat, all retreat."

At the same time, the communicator made a sharp roar, and then an unexpected scene happened almost the next moment, and the entire school exploded.

Countless rubbles rose into the sky, a huge explosion collapsed the building, and the building where the principal's office was located turned into ruins.

Now, even if the team members outside wanted to rush in for rescue, there was nothing they could do.

Moreover, such large-scale explosive weapons were brought in by the Beijing-Hong Kong Guards themselves. It was obvious that the team members inside detonated the mines for unknown reasons.

He blew up the school together with himself.

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