
Chapter 210 Chips and Transactions

I don’t know since when, hearing that someone’s life has disappeared has become a cruel daily routine.

It's a miracle to be alive now.

"In short," Zheng Suo said in a tone that he didn't know how to describe, "this is some of the news I heard about this mission."

For Zheng Suo, what he came into contact with was not even the most real and comprehensive facts, but just what he heard could summarize the tone of this mission.

Because it's a school.So no one dares to say.

The actual situation could only be worse than what Zheng said.

But at this time, the base was also plunged into terror and chaos because of the presence of a mole. Once these two things were combined, the atmosphere suddenly changed, and it was almost like a shocking conspiracy that had been planned for a long time.

Wei Yuan raised his eyes: "Director, you just said that there might be a way to prevent this massacre at the base."

This sentence made everyone else who was in a bad mood wake up.

If Wei Yuan hadn't said it, everyone else would have almost forgotten what Zheng Suo had just said.

"What is the method?" Wei Yuan directly asked the key points.

Zheng Suo took a deep breath. The dark circles still hung on his eyes because he hadn't slept much for a long time. "This is something I have to discuss with you."

Wei Yuan already had a bad premonition.

Zheng Suo spoke slowly and slowly: "This incident originated from the failure of the mission, so the only possible solution is... to complete the mission that the Beijing-Hong Kong Guard has not completed."

After saying this, almost everyone looked at each other, "How to complete it? Weren't they all bombed..."

And isn’t it said that it was originally false information?How to complete a task that does not exist?

Zheng Suo said again: "The rescue mission was fake, but another team... they confirmed that they found key things in the principal's office."

In other words, it is not all false, there is truth in the false, and there is truth in the false.

Only Zhang Zheng still asked stupidly and naively: "Then why do you need to discuss it with us? Are we that important?"

The surroundings were so quiet that no one spoke, and everyone's breathing almost stopped.

Zheng Suo's eyes flashed across the expressions on several people's faces, and then he showed the same expression: "The higher-ups hope that your team will complete this mission..."

What? ?
Wei Yuan simply gave up and closed his eyes.

Everyone's expressions were frozen except for him, as if the pause button had been pressed, revealing a magical subtlety.

"Did we hear correctly..."

"I know this sounds weird, but that's what I heard." Zheng Suo also coughed slightly, and then continued after a while, "It involves the names of many people, and I still hope you can seriously consider it. "

Wei Yuan suddenly said: "Is this Bai Jin's idea?"

Bai Jin, the ghostly silver-haired man (white hair).

Seeing Zheng Suo's expression stiffen, he knew that the answer was pretty much the same.

Wei Yuan's expression turned cold. Who else in the current base has such authority to control others, and he is the only one who doesn't care about sacrificing others.

"No, what do you mean?" Zhang Zheng couldn't help but asked, "Why can't I understand? Why should we be asked to carry out a task that even the Beijing and Hong Kong Guards have not completed?"

They weren't even a formal team, but a real grassroots team actually ordered them to die?

What's the difference between this and risking one's life?
"Excuse me," Wei Yuan said, "This mission started from an unknown source of information. How is it different from the one at the aquarium? Why do you have to be led by the nose again this time?" They say it's in the gutter. If the boat didn't capsize twice, even if he got sick and went to the doctor, he wouldn't have hanged himself from a tree.

Besides, two teams of elites from Beijing and Hong Kong have already been sacrificed. It is determined that this is a trap. Do you want to continue to kill more people?
Even Wei Yuan couldn't understand this matter.

Zheng Suo said firmly: "This time is different, because... they have ensured that the thing is there."

The search team in the principal's office clearly stated that they had found that thing.However, it could not be brought out.

So this is the biggest pain point.

Because the team from the principal's office did say they found something.

So this time it must be a little stronger than the aquarium mission.A little bit.

Wei Yuan said nothing coldly.

He could already guess that when Zheng Suo came to tell them this, there was a high probability that some kind of agreement had been reached.

"This matter is not his alone to have the final say." Zheng Suo finally said, sighing by the way, "I hope you won't reject it and think about this matter carefully."

Zhang Zheng scolded him directly: "What's so good about this? Let Baimao go on his own! Won't he die if he doesn't pretend?"

"Everything about the survival of all members of your team during the three missions has been reported to the higher authorities." Zheng Suo's face became solemn.

The silver-haired man most likely acted as a spoiler and encouraged Wei Yuan's team to do this narrow escape.

For the first time since entering the room, Zheng Suo laid his eyes on Jiang Shan. Jiang Shan had always been the most "alternative" and followed several others wearing slippers: "Wei Yuan, why do you think you can be so successful?" Keep Jiang Shan in your team?"

It's not because Dr. Wei has a great reputation, of course he does have a great reputation.

"If these missions hadn't been successful, you wouldn't have been able to keep Jiang Shan."

Zheng Suo actually showed off his cards like this, especially at this time, when everything is naked and realistic.

Because Jiang Shan played a role, even an incredible role.This prevented Jiang Shan from being "cleaned up".

Jiang Shan stood aside with an expressionless face. She had been acting as a silent background since she came in. I didn't expect that the background could be cueed. What's wrong, does it have anything to do with her?
Wei Yuan stared at Zheng Suo: "Let's go on a mission, and then what?"

What are the so-called costs, transactions, and bargaining chips for letting them perform tasks?

Zheng Suo could finally say it out: "I will wait for you. This is the agreement I made with them. They will wait for you to come back."

"No one else will be harmed until you come back."

People will no longer be thrown into the pit, and the terrifying dark clouds hanging over the base can be temporarily suspended.

This matter began with the failure of the mission. Something has a beginning but no end, and the only way to solve it is to put an end to it.If we find that "thing", we may be able to save the situation from getting out of control, and then we can get more clues about erosion.

Wei Yuan had a half-smile on his face: " long?" Will he wait for them indefinitely?

Zheng Suo was silent for a long time and said: "Ten days, this is the maximum period I can strive for with them. If you can come back safely within ten days..."

Take your stuff and come back safely.

Two conditions, even things are more important.

If Wei Yuan's team hasn't come back after ten days (that's the worst possible outcome), they will lose their lives, and the people in the base will continue to face the horrific doomsday.

Team Wei Yuan was forced to go on a mission again~

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