
Chapter 23

Chapter 23

In fact, Jiang Shan remembered something.

It's just that she doesn't want to say it yet.

Because those things are like memory fragments, flashbacks in dreams, and she doesn't know how to connect them.

The key is those fragments, which are terrifying.

Jiang Shan sometimes likes to tease his own name, and when a person is "Jiang" dead, his words are also kind.Because of his short life, Jiang Shan is better at protecting himself than others.

Jiang Shan maintained her amnesiac persona quietly, and she decided not to say anything until many things were clarified.

Zhang Wanqiu said to "apply" for a camera for Jiang Shan, but she did not have this permission, so she had to go to the dean Geng Jianghui.After Zhang Wanqiu confirmed that Jiang Shan had no "three urgent" needs, he decided to leave for a while.

Now that the stair passages on both sides are closed, and the elevators are out of service, Zhang Wanqiu is not afraid that Jiang Shan will run away.

She opened the door of the corridor with the key in her pocket. After checking that no one was there, she entered the corridor and locked the door again.


In the observation room, seeing Geng Jianghui's displeasure, the assistant doctor seemed to explain: "Many test results are starting to be inaccurate now. There were several misdiagnoses in the sixth ward the day before yesterday. Director Huo also wanted to be more precise."

Now the chance of misdiagnosis is increasing, and the whole hospital is in a hurry. As the director of the laboratory department, Huo Qiyong is really under a lot of pressure.

Even so, the inspection result should be reported first, how could it not be reported privately.Besides, whether the result is valid or not is not up to him, the director of the laboratory department.

Geng Jianghui pushed the reading glasses: "Is he in the office? I'll go find him right away."

Zhao Qisheng also hurriedly said: "I'll go too." He really wanted to know what the result shown in the film made Huo Qiyong decide not to report it.

Just when the two were about to step out of the observation room, a rush of sirens pierced through their ears.

The two elderly experts were shocked, and turned their heads to look at the alarm behind them in surprise.

The communication red light on the table flickered rapidly, and the sound became more and more urgent like the 120 ambulance.The hospital siren hadn't sounded for a long time, and Geng Jianghui looked surprised: "What's going on? What happened?"

Zhao Qisheng looked at the lit floors: "Like the sixth district?"

Just after saying that, all the lights on the communicator started to flash, and the alarm sounded louder and louder. According to the level, it sounds like the alarms in the entire hospital area are now ringing.

"The dean is not good! A patient from the sixth district has escaped!" A panicked voice in the communicator was a little distorted.

Geng Jianghui thought he heard it wrong, "What did you say?" Who ran away?

Zhao Qisheng heard it clearly, but the content was so shocking that his whole face trembled.

"The patient in the 13th room of the sixth district ran away! Just now the nurse went to the ward round and found that the patient was gone!"

The roar from the communicator was already a bit sharp, as if the panic of the caller had spread to the observation room.

Now everyone gasped, Geng Jianghui's white hair and beard trembled together, "How could patients run away... aren't all the wards locked?!"

And there are people patrolling during the day, how could it be possible to just run away?
"The electronic lock has failed..." A trembling voice responded, "The man turned the lock cylinder and escaped..."

And just in time for the lunch break, the patrol officers were carelessly relaxed.

Geng Jianghui shook his body, and the assistant physician next to him was frightened and helped him up: "Dean!"

Geng Jianghui said intermittently: "Hurry up, report to the whole district, the whole district, and evacuate immediately!"

The patients in the sixth district ran away, and no one understood better than them that it was not just a case of a patient running away.Zhao Qisheng said directly to the communicator: "It's monitoring, did you find out where he went?"

"Several monitors have failed, nothing can be seen, and the locks leading to the fourth and fifth wards have all been pried open..."

Zhao Qisheng couldn't believe it: "What did you use to pry it?"

A voice came from the communicator for a long time: "Before the patient was admitted to the hospital, the house was unlocked..."

If it is a face recognition electronic fingerprint lock, it must not be opened.

But now that new technology fails, old technology comes in handy. "Don't say anything... Evacuate! Evacuate immediately! Call Jinggang's guards!"

The procedure for dealing with this situation is firmly imprinted in their minds, emergency evacuation.


Jiang Shan also heard the alarm in the ward. This was the first time she heard an unusual noise outside after entering the hospital, and then there was a sound similar to the radio:
"There is an emergency! All medical staff, please evacuate urgently! All medical staff, please evacuate urgently!"

Jiang Shan looked at the door of the ward suspiciously. The content of the broadcast was weird, and there was no emergency?
And, why only the evacuation of medical staff was mentioned?If something happens in the hospital, shouldn't the patient be evacuated first?
As a patient, Jiang Shan felt slightly offended.

The broadcast rang many times in a row, and Jiang Shan felt the ceiling above his head, as if there were dense footsteps.

The voice somewhat surprised Jiang Shan. She raised her head and looked at the ceiling. It turned out that there were really other medical staff in this hospital. When the emergency came out, the usual tranquility was finally broken.

Jiang Shan pricked up her ears and listened. Subtle movements could be heard throughout the hospital, above her head, below her feet, and on the upper and lower floors. This unusual noise lasted for about 5 minutes, and it seemed to be gradually moving away. .

It seemed that she was the only one outside the corridor on this floor, which was quiet and no one walked by.

Jiang Shan finally felt something unusual, such a big change, usually at this time, the head nurse Zhang Wanqiu should have rushed in.

But all the way to the top of the head, the sound of his feet faded away, and Jiang Shan's surroundings became quieter.

Jiang Shan had a feeling that she was really the only one left in such a huge hospital.

Jiang Shan tried to call out: "Head nurse?"

No one pays attention to her.

"I want to go to the toilet..."

After shouting this a few times, Jiang Shan finally gave up. It seems that Zhang Wanqiu is really not on this level.

Jiang Shan looked at the silent ward door, she finally got out of bed barefoot, walked to the ward door, gently pulled the handle, and the door was unlocked——opened.

She poked her head out and looked out of the corridor. The whole corridor was white, like a white cave.

Jiang Shan raised his foot and stepped out of the ward.


After the medical equipment of the entire Songshan Hospital began to collapse one after another, according to a trace of "rules" discovered by the scientific research institute, Dean Geng ordered the most important observation room to be moved to the basement floor of the hospital.

There was originally an empty parking lot, and they discovered that the vehicle that had been abandoned underground was the last "broken" of all the equipment.

(End of this chapter)

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