
Chapter 24 is very wrong

Chapter 24 is very wrong
Zhao Qisheng asked: "Has everyone withdrawn?"

At this moment, Geng Jianghui and Zhao Qisheng were all crowded in the ambulance, yes, the ambulance, this scene is somewhat funny.

"Director Huo just went back to get things, and said that he would take out the report..."

What time is this and the ATC report?

Just as Zhang Wanqiu went down to the first floor to go to the observation room, he heard the district-wide alarm, "All medical staff evacuate! All medical staff evacuate!"

When she was in shock, all the medical staff on the first floor had put down their work and rushed out the door.

No one even asked "what the hell happened", no matter what happened to him, life is important.

This was like a fire drill. Songshan Hospital had rehearsed many times since the first day. Zhang Wanqiu had no time to react, and was pushed out of the hospital by the crowd.

When she came back to her senses, an iron lock was firmly hung on the gate.

"I heard that the patients in the sixth ward have escaped!"

Only after the crowd had left the hospital building did people start talking about it. "Did you run out? What can I do?"

Zhang Wanqiu's face turned pale when he heard everyone's discussion, "Jiang Shan, Jiang Shan is still inside!"


Jiang Shan had already walked to the empty corridor at this time, she slowly observed the front and back, and tried to take a step forward.

There was a strange smell in his nose, and Jiang Shan couldn't help sniffing again.

She found that her sense of smell seemed to have become particularly sensitive. In the past, her immune system was weak, and she had a cold and stuffy nose all the year round, and her minor ailments never stopped. But these days in the hospital, she seemed to have opened up her seven orifices, and suddenly her eyes and ears became clearer.

Jiang Shan smelled this smell all around, like the pungent smell of paint.

She didn't smell it when she went to the toilet yesterday, Jiang Shan couldn't help but stretched out his hand, and wiped vigorously on the white and flawless wall.

She had wanted to do this a long time ago, and the strong white around her always made her feel uncomfortable.

Then she saw that on her finger, a white sticky substance seemed to be wiped off by her.

This is... Jiang Shan looked at the surrounding walls in disbelief. The reason why the surroundings are so white and spotless is because the corridor has been repainted?
In order to keep this hospital clean, it must be a bit perverted...

As a patient, how can she breathe formaldehyde?

Jiang Shan heard a "bang", as if something fell down, she was startled and turned around immediately, the sound seemed to come from the end of the corridor.


Generally speaking, in this case, she should go back to the ward, lock the door, and stay.

Jiang Shan thought to himself.

This situation is obviously very wrong, abnormal in every way.

The radio hadn't sounded for a long time. Jiang Shan thought about it with his toes, and felt that there was a high probability that the "medical staff" had already withdrawn.

Who made that sound?
Jiang Shan slowly took a step towards his ward.

Take another step.

Her ward door was the only door open in the hallway, and Jiang Shan was welcome to close herself back in anytime.

In the corridor, there was a sudden cry.

Jiang Shan: "..."

The crying was intermittent, and it was mixed with the sound of sniffling from time to time, and the crying became louder and louder.

Jiang Shan took a few deep breaths. For some reason, she felt that the crying sounded quite normal, loud and regular.

It's not like the feeling of resentment in ghost movies at all.

Maybe you should check it out?
"Woooooooooooooo..." Jiang Shan really couldn't hear the voice, as if he was wronged.

It's like the sobs of children in orphanages who are wronged because they don't get candy.

Jiang Shan lost, she walked towards the direction of crying.Jiang Shan had already explored this floor when he went to the toilet before. There are security corridors on both sides of the corridor, which are similar to the security settings of ordinary buildings, except that the passages on both sides are locked by iron locks.

She once saw head nurse Zhang unlock the lock with a key.

Now Jiang Shan is slowly approaching one of the safety exit doors, her footsteps are very slow, and with thick cotton socks, Jiang Shan is sure that she has never made any sound of footsteps.

The wailing seemed to be coming from inside the corridor.

She deliberately left herself a little room to react, in case she saw something scary later.

As a result, Jiang Shan saw a lock on the ground.

The lock that was shrunk on the safety door fell off for some reason, and the locked door is now also ajar.

Weeping faintly came from the crack of the opened door.

Jiang Shan slowly leaned down and glanced towards the crack of the door.

Sitting on the stairs was a little boy in a hospital gown, at most ten years old, crying very sadly, his whole body curled up, his legs hugging his chest, sitting on the ground and crying loudly.

Jiang Shan opened his mouth wide, uh, I didn't expect it to be such a harmless scene.

As soon as Jiang Shan relaxed, he made a sound, and the little boy immediately raised his head, looking at Jiang Shan with eyes swollen from crying.

Jiang Shan was still watching outside the door without moving. Not to mention, the little boy was quite cute, and he didn't look like the kind of "ghost baby returning to the soul" or "orphan complaining".

Jiang Shan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a friendly smile.

The little boy also looked at Jiang Shan in a daze, and called out for a long time: "Auntie?"

Jiang Shan forced out a trembling answer: "Hey..." Auntie was there.

It is understandable that children can't tell the difference between aunt and sister.

Hearing that Jiang Shan agreed to him, the little boy's eyes lit up immediately, feeling aggrieved as if he had found an outlet to vent, and began to cry again in a crying voice: "Auntie...

Jiang Shan hesitantly pawed at the door, wondering what happened just now. Could it be that this child was thrown down during the evacuation just like himself.

If so, it doesn't seem like it should be left alone.

She decided to test it out, "Little brother, you, why are you here? You can't run around when you're sick."

The little boy's eyes were dim, and his nose twitched: "They all ran away, leaving me alone..."

The little boy was sobbing and out of breath, and spoke incoherently.

But when Jiang Shan heard it, he couldn't help but start to os, why is this hospital so unethical, and something happened that actually left the patient behind the doctor and ran away.

The little boy squatted in the corner with his legs crossed all the time,

In the horror movies I watched before, why did the protagonists die so quickly, because they always acted against humanity.Don't run away when you encounter danger, but go back.


Zhang Wanqiu crazily rushed to the ambulance, her slippers flew away: "I have something important to report to the dean!"

She slammed on the door glass.

The people in the car stared dumbfounded at the usually calm head nurse Zhang, what is this for?

Zhao Qisheng frowned and rolled down the car window: "The more this is the case, the more you have to calm down..."

"Jiang Shan is still in the third ward!" Zhang Wanqiu shouted.


(End of this chapter)

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