
Chapter 25 The First Patient

Chapter 25 The First Patient

At the time of the incident, everyone was indifferent to others, and even forgot that there was a "special patient".

After all, if something really happens, I am the most special.

Zhang Wanqiu was afraid for a while. In Songshan Hospital, even if she was Jiang Shan's complete guardian, who knew that everything was so coincidental. When the siren sounded, she couldn't return to the third ward.

What will happen if Jiang Shan stays in there alone?

"You, why didn't you bring her out?" Zhao Qisheng's expression froze.

Zhang Wanqiu stared straight at him: "It's been 10 minutes since the siren went off, is there time to change into protective clothing and move her away?"

Besides, she was the only one in the third ward who dared to approach Jiang Shan without wearing protective clothing, so how dare she ask this question now! ?
Zhao Qisheng turned his head to look at Geng Jianghui. At this special time, everything is under the command of the dean.

Geng Jianghui felt that his heart was a little bad after running just now, and he asked tremblingly: "Have you contacted the Beijing-Hong Kong Guard? When will they come?"

They have a special plan to deal with this situation, and professional matters must be left to professional people.

The assistant doctor in charge held up the mobile phone and said awkwardly: "I can't get through the phone right now...what should I do."

Very well, the phone was disconnected, the car was turned off, and there was a hospital panic in broad daylight.

On the other side, the ambulance driver tried to step on the accelerator twice, and then looked at Geng Jianghui a little nervously: "Dean, the car seems to be unable to start."

The sound is muted.

Everyone took out their mobile phones and tried to make a call. As you can imagine, the signal bar completely disappeared.

Now if they can't get in touch with the Beijing-Hong Kong Guards, it's useless even if they all hide in the ambulance.

Zhang Wanqiu was furious: "Quickly reopen the courtyard!"

It is definitely impossible to reopen the closed courtyard.They still have the safety of so many medical staff, it is impossible to put everyone in danger for Jiang Shan alone.

Geng Jianghui was silent. As the dean, it was impossible for him to make this decision.

"She is the only survivor of the cave hotel, and she is very likely to know the origin of this disaster..." Zhang Wanqiu's anxious eyes turned red.

If it weren't for Jiang Shan's great value, how could they take the risk to stay here.Now is it necessary to put the previous efforts in vain?

Geng Jianghui still didn't speak, and Zhao Qisheng hesitated to speak. Jiang Shan is indeed valuable, but everything is uncertain. Regarding what happened in the cave hotel, Jiang Shan knew or didn't know, and up to now it's all just everyone's guess .

It's not worth the risk of sacrificing everyone for an unpredictable result.

Geng Jianghui's expression turned ugly, and he suddenly turned around and asked, "Is the monitoring in the third ward still normal?"

The assistant doctor was stunned, and quickly nodded while holding the mobile phone: "Normal! I will check and replace it every night, and I just changed it last night!"

In the entire ward, only Jiang Shan's floor must be fully monitored, because she is the most important observation target.

It is precisely because all the attention is on Jiang Shan that the sixth ward will fall.

Geng Jianghui opened the car door himself: "Let's go back to the observation room and turn on the monitoring, hurry up!"

The dean took the lead in charging, and the others would have to go if they didn't follow. Everyone ran wildly into the observation room.

When I ran just now, I was too hasty, and the door of the observation room was still open, so they all rushed in.

Geng Jianghui was wiping his sweat while the monitor was still working. On the big screen, Jiang Shan's ward appeared first, and the ward was now empty.

Zhang Wanqiu rushed over directly, and Zhao Qisheng beside him hurriedly directed: "Cut to the corridor, hurry up!"

The young assistant physician panicked holding the remote control, and the monitoring angle swayed wildly, finally locking onto the corridor.

At first glance, Jiang Shan was not in the corridor either.

Zhang Wanqiu was stunned for a moment, and suddenly his face turned pale, "Safe passage! Turn to the safe passage on both sides!"

The assistant doctor held the remote control, "It seems that there is no surveillance installed in the passage..." All passages are locked, and only medical staff can enter and exit with the key. In the current situation where electronic equipment is crazy and malfunctioning, there is really no need to waste surveillance. on the channel.

Until the assistant doctor tried to push the angle of view to the end, he finally caught something, which was the corner of Jiang Shan's hospital gown.

Only half of Jiang Shan's body can be seen, and the other half of his body seems to be stuck in the passage and he doesn't know what he is doing.

It was as if Jiang Shan was in the passage while leaking out of the corridor.

Seeing this, Geng Jianghui gasped: "Did you not lock the door of the passage?"

If it is unlocked, Jiang Shan can run away now.

Of course Zhang Wanqiu locked it, she stared straight at the half of Jiang Shan's back in the monitor, this side of the corridor is not where the bathroom is, so she didn't understand what Jiang Shan was doing.

In the corridor, Jiang Shan couldn't help pushing the half-closed door forward, looked at the little boy more carefully, and heard the little boy say: "Auntie, I'm hungry..."

Jiang Shan couldn't see the pitiful expression, "I have milk in my ward, do you want to drink it?"

Thanks to Jiang Shan, I couldn't eat it in the morning, so I kept a box.

The little boy seemed to have bright eyes, sucked his nose twice and cried, "They won't give me anything!"

No way, Jiang Shan couldn't believe it, he didn't even feed the children?Does this look like something done in a serious hospital?
Looking at Jiang Shan's body looming from the monitor, he seems to be stepping forward for a while, and retreating for a while, as if he was very hesitant...

"Is she talking to someone?"

"Probably not, there are no other patients in the third ward except her..."

You can't talk to yourself, can you?After observing Jiang Shan for so many days, he didn't seem to have this habit.

Zhao Qisheng thought of something, and looked at Geng Jianghui: "Did you just say that the patient in the sixth ward would... pick the lock?"

The two people's eyes met.Zhang Wanqiu roared sharply next to his ear: "What will happen?!"

Everyone's faces were a little green, "The patient in the sixth ward is too young...Although the doctors and nurses who took care of him did a lot of comfort work, he may still be shocked..."

After all, every day at my bedside, when I open my eyes and see the medical staff dressed in iron barrels, stabbing themselves with needles, adults can't stand it.

Otherwise, Jiang Shan is an anomaly.

In order to prevent Jiang Shan from discovering the "abnormality", Zhang Wanqiu was only allowed to approach her alone, and the "examination" was carried out at night when she was asleep.

But for others, it is not so detailed.

Geng Jianghui tremblingly asked: "Where did the patient in the sixth ward get 'eroded'?"

Dr. Ma is in charge of the sixth ward, and he was the one who sounded the alarm just now to notify the whole district.The assistant doctor hurriedly rang the communicator on the table: the LAN was still available.

"I saw Dr. Ma outside just now, I'll ask him!" The assistant rushed away with a headset.

About 5 minutes later, the voice of the assistant gasping came from the communicator: "Doctor Ma said that the child was sent to the emergency room because of a stomachache. His belly button appeared..."

The little boy was still crying and yelled "hungry" twice, and he seemed timid, holding his knees and squatting still.

Jiang Shan stretched out his hand to him: "Come on, I'll take you to drink milk."

The assistant's voice continued: "The child can't eat, and asks the medical staff for food every day, and cries if he doesn't give it, and wants to bite the nurse who gave him the injection..."

(End of this chapter)

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