
Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Jiang Shan is not good at coaxing children, and this child is too sensitive, the tears are shedding as if he doesn't want money.

Orphanage kids are not that vulnerable.

Jiang Shan looked at the huddled child, "Why don't you come over with Auntie first?"

The little boy looked at Jiang Shan's outstretched hand, and there seemed to be a gleam of light in his eyes. "Is it really okay, Auntie?"

Jiang Shan's foot was the iron lock that fell off, and there was an old wooden sign next to the safety door of the corridor: No entry.

Jiang Shan leaned against the baseboard of the security door, stretched out his hand, and looked at the child with a smile.

My hands are sore, whether I will come or not.

Tears welled up in the little boy's eyes, his hands finally let go of his knees, and a dirty little hand stretched out, as if to put it in Jiang Shan's palm.

Why are the kid's hands so dirty?His fingers were still stained with rust.

At this time, her hand was suddenly grasped tightly: "Thank you, auntie."

Jiang Shan looked at him, and after grabbing Jiang Shan's hand, the little boy was finally willing to stand up slowly. He had been hugging his legs to his chest and curled up together.Jiang Shan couldn't see any part of his body except his neck.

At this time, the upper body covered by the legs finally leaked out.

The little boy was not tall, and only reached Jiang Shan's chest. The hospital gown he was wearing was also very old and wrinkled.


Jiang Shan stared straight at him, and the hand held by the little boy began to feel a little numb.

The little boy suddenly scratched his stomach through the clothes with the other hand, and some black crumbs fell down in an instant.It's like dandruff, it's amazing.

The child walked towards Jiang Shan, "Auntie, why am I itching so much?"

Jiang Shan saw the black dandruff, and heard the innocent child's voice next to his ear, continuing to say: "What should I do?"

Not only hungry, but also itchy.

Why are other people in the hospital refusing to give him food, and the medical staff are so fierce.

Only the aunt in front of me is really nice.


In the observation room, everyone was on tenterhooks.

"The little boy's parents lost contact after seeing his physical changes..." They said they went to buy milk for the child, but they disappeared.

What the hell are these parents.

"Dean, just now the colleagues in the laboratory said that it seems that Director Huo hasn't come out yet." The assistant doctor brought back a message with a pale face.

Director Huo said to go back to get the inspection report, but no one saw him come out again.

It was like a leak in the house and it was raining all night, Geng Jianghui paled: "Continue to find a way to contact the Beijing-Hong Kong Guard."

Zhang Wanqiu has been staring at Jiang Shan's half-revealed back, at this moment she suddenly pointed to the monitor screen and shouted: "Look!"

Jiang Shan held the little boy with one hand, and the other hand was still on the door frame of the security door. At this time, the little boy grabbed more and more fiercely, and he saw countless black ash fell to the ground...

Jiang Shan's pupils dilated.The clothes were grabbed by the little boy, and Jiang Shan saw that there was a black hole in the child's stomach?
It was as if Jiang Shan withdrew the boy's hand holding him like lightning, and closed the safety door with a "bang".

The little boy was shut out of the door before he had time to react.

"Auntie?" He still asked blankly.

Jiang Shan's forehead began to tingle.She saw the iron lock on the bottom of her feet, picked it up, and hung it on the door.

On the monitor, everyone saw that Jiang Shan suddenly left the surveillance blind spot and was exposed in the corridor. She ran all the way back to her ward without looking back, and then closed the door of her ward behind her backhand.

All actions are done in one go.

"What's wrong with her?" The person next to her asked in a daze, why did she seem to run away suddenly.

Zhang Wanqiu shouted, "Where's the volume on the monitor? Turn it on, turn it up quickly!"

At this moment, Jiang Shan was leaning against the door of the ward, still shocked by what he saw.With materialism in mind, quantum invincibility.

I have a go.I knew this broken hospital was not normal.

The little boy was still banging on the door, calling out loudly: "Auntie! Auntie!"

The sound was intermittently transmitted back to the monitor's loudspeaker cabin through the signal, and everyone was aroused by the soul-like sound. Goosebumps.

"It's the patient in the sixth ward...he rushed to the third ward?" The child's voice was sweet, but in contrast to it was the almost violent knocking on the door.It was the door of the corridor.

"Auntie, why are you leaving!" After knocking on the door continuously, the voice of the child became shrill.

The heart in Jiang Shan's chest was beating violently. Damn it, she felt scared for the first time in her life.

Everyone in the observation room outside the screen was more suffocated than her.

"It's over..." So Jiang Shan turned his back to the camera while monitoring the blind spot just now, facing this patient?
But Jiang Shan is now hiding in his own ward, is it useful?
Jiang Shan suddenly raised his head and stared straight at the ceiling.In the monitor, it was as if she suddenly looked at everyone.

"Is anyone there?" Jiang Shan's voice came from the monitor.

Jiang Shan raised her head and stared at the ceiling. In fact, she couldn't see anything, but she knew that there must be a surveillance camera somewhere in this room.

Jiang Shan just looked at the ceiling of the ward, "Head Nurse Zhang, are you there?"

Zhang Wanqiu who was called suddenly, her lips started to tremble immediately, she looked at Jiang Shan's face in the surveillance.

Jiang Shan pointed to the ceiling and began to output: "What happened, can you tell me?" Even if she is left here, give a reason, right?
Jiang Shan hated the silent disconnection.

The cave hotel was once, is the hospital going to do it again?

"Is there a way to respond?" Zhang Wanqiu turned to look at the assistant doctor.

Physician assistant: "No... monitoring is one-way."

Zhang Wanqiu's hands on the table clenched into fists.

Jiang Shan said a few more words to the ceiling, but there was still no response, either because others really didn't want to talk to her, or there was really no one on the other side.

Neither is good news.

Jiang Shan's strength is that she can calm down very quickly. She took a few deep breaths again, and at this moment, the violent knocking on the door suddenly stopped.The little boy's voice suddenly disappeared.

The sudden silence made people feel a little uncomfortable.

Jiang Shan waited for a while, but found that there was still no sound. She thought for a while, and slowly looked out along the glass window of the ward door.

The corridor was still white, and no one was seen.

But Jiang Shan still had goosebumps, for some reason he had a bad premonition.

She put her ear to the door and listened carefully.

There seemed to be some rustling sounds, like metal rubbing. The security door was an old-fashioned push-pull iron lock. The lock that Jiang Shan picked up was broken by prying, and now it is only hanging on it. The sound of the iron bolt shaking made Jiang Shan's scalp tingle.

It was as if the child was pulling the unsecured iron bolt through the crack of the door, every sound made Jiang Shan's heart skip a beat.

(End of this chapter)

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