
Chapter 27

Chapter 27

"I have a way to contact Jiang Shan." Zhang Wanqiu suddenly turned around and stared at Geng Jianghui.

Dean Geng stared at her in a daze: "What can you do?"

Zhang Wanqiu pointed to Jiang Shan's ward on the screen: "There is a radio in her room... an old-fashioned short-wave transmission in the 80s."

The Internet is everywhere now, which has accelerated the demise of many old things. Many people have never heard of the so-called short-wave radio.

But the elderly Dean Geng's eyes flickered when he heard it.

"Then you gave Jiang Shan the radio?"

How could the young head nurse Zhang have such a thing.

Zhang Wanqiu paused: "It was sent by the scientific research institute. Apart from this radio, there are several other things."

Everyone knows that scientific research institutes take the lead in researching erosion phenomena.Some of their theories, even if now unwilling and no one can challenge more forcefully.

"You want to send a message to Jiang Shan through the short wave channel?" Geng Jianghui subconsciously shook his head. "It may not be possible..."

The shortwave signal has been completely covered by the network as early as 20 years ago. Surrounded by Internet signals, trying to receive shortwave channels is like fishing for a yellow croaker in the ocean.

Zhang Wanqiu said: "In short, we have to give it a try, and maybe it wasn't possible in the past... But now, the network signal has failed in a large area."

Not only the WiFi network, but the communication of the mobile phone has all been lost.

Geng Jianghui's eyes flickered, only to hear Zhang Wanqiu categorically say: "I bet only the shortwave channel is available now."


Jiang Shan forced himself to ignore the noise from the safety door, looked back around his ward for a week, and found another toothache.

There is no window in her ward, only the door behind her. She shut herself in the room, why does she feel like she is in an urn?

The soles of Jiang Shan's feet began to swish up and let out a cold air, but at this time, she heard another noise, the sound of electric current, and the radio placed by the bed suddenly started beeping.

Just like the midnight bell in a ghost movie.

The point is that it is still early before midnight, Jiang Shan rushed towards the bed in three steps and two steps at a time, grabbing the radio in his hand.

"Zizizizi~" On the radio, it was like being pinched by someone's neck, gasping for breath.

Jiang Shan wanted to turn off the radio, but there were two knobs in total, and no matter how she turned it, she couldn't turn off the broken sound.

The noise in the cash register was getting louder.

His sister, what if the kid finds out where her ward is if she keeps arguing like this! ?

Jiang Shan is going to throw it in the trash can.

At this moment, the sound waves inside seemed to have finally connected into a line: "Jiang Jiang Jiang..."

What kind of sauce, I also dipped it in garlic.

Just as Jiang Shan was about to throw it, his wrist snapped suddenly.There was a light in her eyes.

At this time, Zhang Wanqiu, who was terribly anxious outside the monitor, finally roared like a broken voice: "Jiang Shan!"

Jiang Shan clenched the radio tightly for an instant.Eyes wide open.

Suspiciously, Jiang Shan tried to turn the volume button.I just heard intermittent, but finally able to hear some coherent sentences: "... hurry... run..."

Jiang Shan stared at the radio in a daze.

run?Where are you going? "Jiang Shan, run!" Zhang Wanqiu's voice was heart-piercing through the sound waves.

At this moment, Jiang Shan heard a "clang", as if the lock that was loosely hanging on the bolt finally fell to the ground again.

Jiang Shan: "..." Her heart was in her throat.

The radio kept saying "Run, run, run..." That's enough, Jiang Shan wanted to shout back, "Where the hell am I going?!"

"Auntie..." The lovely child's voice that day rang out again.

Jiang Shan was frightened, she turned down the volume of the radio to the end for a moment, and held it in her hand, not daring to breathe.

Jiang Shan put the radio close to his ear, and heard the intermittent voice inside: "You... right hand..."

Her right hand?
"On your right...the third room..."

The third room on the right?Jiang Shan woke up instantly.

"The third ward is unlocked... Hurry up and hide in it!" Almost at the same time he heard it clearly, Jiang Shan rushed to the door.

She opened the door of the ward with lightning speed, without even looking back at the corridor, one, two, three, rushed right to the door of the third ward, stretched out her hand and twisted the handle, and the door opened.

Jiang Shan quickly dodged in, and the moment the door closed, she held her breath and didn't make a sound.

After that, Jiang Shan turned the anti-lock knob to the end, and then slowly stepped back a few steps.

She was wearing cotton socks, and even when she was running wildly, her body was so light that she looked like a feather that would not leave any traces.

And at the same moment she dodged into the room, the little boy came out from the security door and came to the corridor.

The little boy walked along the snow-white and empty corridor, one ward after another: "Auntie...Auntie...Auntie, where are you..."

Jiang Shan doesn't blink his eyes when watching horror movies, but it's a different story when he acts in a horror movie himself.

Jiang Shan glanced at the ward in front of him. There was a smell of dust in the air, and the bed was covered with a thick layer of black ash under the sunlight.

Wait, sunshine?Jiang Shan's eyes lit up. There are windows in this ward.

Jiang Shan stood against the white wall next to the door, because there is a glass window on the door of the ward, and if someone looks through the glass window, they can see the whole ward.

So Jiang Shan chose to stick it by the door, which is a blind spot.

Jiang Shan heard footsteps, and walked here more and more clearly.

The sweet child's voice is like singing, "Auntie, auntie, auntie..." shouted out the rhythm.

Jiang Shan was still holding the radio in her hand, and she prayed that she would not make a sound at this time.

And the radio was also very "sensible", since Jiang Shan left his ward, there was no more noise.

This is of course because all the bosses in front of the monitor are also nervous at the moment and don't dare to show their atmosphere, staring at the monitor screen as if they are watching an escape reality show.

"Why does this patient in the sixth ward seem to be mentally abnormal?" Dean Geng asked tremblingly.

At present, all their research on "erosion" has made no progress. This kind of thing breaks through the boundary between people and things. All I know is that everything, including people, is completely random, as if no matter whether you are a person or a thing, there is no one. difference.

The little boy became a bit evil from his innocent appearance when he was admitted to the hospital.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?" The little boy came to the door of Jiang Shan's ward.

The door of Jiang Shan's ward was still wide open, and she had no time to close the door just now. At this time, everything inside remained as it was, and the box of milk in Jiang Shan's mouth was on the pillow.

The little boy stared blankly at the box of milk, seeming to have forgotten to speak.

Then he curled his lips, seeming aggrieved. "Ah, aunt, aunt, aunt..." He walked towards the bed and took the box of milk in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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