
Chapter 28 Examining Director Koho

Chapter 28 Examining Director Koho

Everyone in the observation room stared at the monitor as if they were watching a ghost recording.

Zhao Qisheng took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "Who else can contact the Beijing-Hong Kong Guard?"

Things have been derailed now, and they have nothing to do but watch helplessly.

Geng Jianghui didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly his heart moved, and he looked at Zhang Wanqiu: "You said earlier that the research institute sent other things, what are they?"

Zhang Wanqiu froze for a moment, then frowned, "It's just some very old objects..."

Geng Jianghui then asked: "What about those objects, where are they placed now?"

Zhang Wanqiu didn't know why the dean started to care about old things at a critical moment, "Put them in my locker...on the second floor."

It is the hospital building that has been locked up.

Geng Jianghui was silent for a moment, this was a dead end, Zhao Qisheng said: "Do you think that there may be something in those objects that can contact the Beijing-Hong Kong Guards?"

"That..." the assistant doctor stammered, "I don't know if I should say something..."

At this time, why do you want to promote before suppressing, "Quickly say!"

"When I was outside just now, I seemed to hear a colleague from the laboratory say that Director Huo seems to be still inside..."

Director Huo just returned to the office to get the test report, but no one saw him come out again.Now everyone is in a mess, and there is no time to control others.

Geng Jianghui was dumbfounded. Huo Qiyong of the Laboratory Department was temporarily brought up when an accident occurred in Songshan Hospital. The youngest director of Songshan Hospital had worked in the laboratory of Beijing-Hong Kong University. , Geng Jianghui promoted him without hesitation.

"Is the inspection report important?!" Zhao Qisheng raised his voice.Still have to go back and get it?
Geng Jianghui's eyes flickered, he remembered what kind of report it was, it was Jiang Shan's brain scan.

The assistant physician wanted to talk about it just now, but the atmosphere was so oppressive that he dared not speak.

At this moment, Zhang Wanqiu took a deep breath: "If Director Huo hadn't come out, then he should still be in his office now."

Huo Qiyong is definitely not stupid, after finding out that he can't get out, he will definitely find a way to stay in a safer place and wait.

His office is on the first floor, so as long as he stays quiet and doesn't walk around casually, he may not encounter "patients".

"Maybe..." Zhang Wanqiu also began to hesitate, "Maybe Director Huo can find a way to bring Jiang Shan out?"

The observation room was silent for a few seconds.

Zhao Qisheng said slowly: "Master Zhang, you can't only have Jiang Shan in your eyes, can you?"

Jiang Shan has staged the Shining in the hospital, and Huo Qiyong is still asking her to take her?It's not enough to give one away.

Zhang Wanqiu said with a cold face, "I didn't say that." It's just that it's not the last moment, and I shouldn't have given up on Jiang Shan, otherwise Zhang Wanqiu would try his best to get Jiang Shan out.

Zhao Qisheng didn't speak, Geng Jianghui sighed softly: "Stop arguing, let me think about it."

Zhang Wanqiu's eyes flickered: "I remember that every director and dean has a spare protective suit in your office. Director Huo must know."

Maybe Huo Qiyong has already put it on now.

After all, if you are the only one left in the building, facing a group of unknown patients, the first thing to do is to protect yourself.

Geng Jianghui looked at Zhang Wanqiu slowly: "If there is protective clothing, the probability of going up and bringing Jiang Shan very high."

Protective clothing is also the result of scientific research institutes, at least according to the current various tests, protective clothing is effective.

So even though the cost is high, the scientific research institute still gave several sets to Songshan Hospital. After all, there are now two experimental bases, one scientific research institute and the other Songshan Hospital.

Zhang Wanqiu was a little excited: "That's right Dean, if Director Huo can bring Jiang Shan to the lobby on the first floor, we can open the ward and rescue them."

There is no need to only hope that the Beijing-Hong Kong Guards cannot be contacted.

Zhao Qisheng said: "Dean, I still think it's inappropriate."

Zhao Qisheng didn't have to protect Jiang Shan. When doing scientific research, rigor is the first priority, and there is no need to take risks.

Director Huo is also a scarce talent in the hospital. If he hides in his office and does not come out, the probability of safety is very high. Compared with Jiang Shan, who has been contacted and chased by patients, the risk is too great.

Zhang Wanqiu didn't pay attention to Zhao Qisheng, and he didn't take a fancy to his aura. He only had rational thinking in everything, so was there any humanity in that?

"There is a communicator in Director Huo's office." Every director's office is equipped with a communicator as standard.Now that electronic equipment is more expensive than gold, Songshan Hospital has made a huge investment.


At this time, Huo Qiyong was hiding in the only cabinet in his office that contained experimental vessels. He was tall and had to shrink to fit in the half-meter-wide cabinet.He was wearing a white coat and no protective clothing, because once he put on the bulging protective clothing, he couldn't hide in the cabinet.

Compared to wearing a protective suit and standing outside as a target, on balance, it is safer to hide in this cabinet.

The cabinet was a bit stuffy, and he kept breathing and breathing, and of course there were also some nervous factors.

He was clutching a file bag tightly in his hand.

It contained Jiang Shan's brain scan light.

Huo Qiyong actually didn't want to admit that even after seeing the erosion phenomenon with his own eyes, he didn't want to admit that there is something beyond science in this world.

He didn't know why he withheld the inspection report, and then desperately had to return to his office after the siren sounded, just to get the photo.

Just treat him as a jerk.

His office is on the first floor, which is closest to the corridor. It is easy to transmit sound in the corridor. Just now he has vaguely heard "Auntie~~", and he is sweating in bursts. .

At this moment, because the little boy went to each ward to find Jiang Shan, and stayed away from the corridor, Huo Qiyong finally lost his hearing.

Just when Huo Qiyong breathed a sigh of relief, the communicator on the table beeped.

Director Huo was shocked.

It was only later that he realized that it was the voice of the communicator, and a mixed feeling of joy and sorrow flashed in his heart. Rescue is coming?Is rescue coming?

Huo Qiyong first cautiously passed through the small glass window of the cabinet, carefully observed the outside environment, and confirmed that he was still the only one in the office, then opened the cabinet door a crack, and carefully sold a foot.

Zhang Wanqiu's call to the communicator was delayed and there was no reply, Zhao Qisheng said coldly: "Maybe he is not in the office, everything is just your guess, Head Nurse Zhang."

Zhang Wanqiu's face was not good-looking, and she continued to call several times without giving up, and finally heard a trembling reply at this moment: "Hello?"

(End of this chapter)

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