
Chapter 29 Climbing the Wall

Chapter 29 Climbing the Wall
Zhang Wanqiu's eyes lit up and said, "Director Huo!"

Huo Qiyong was stunned for a moment: "Nurse Zhang?"

"Director Huo, how is your situation?" Geng Jianghui also came over, he was still very concerned about what was going on in the ward now.

"Dean?" Huo Qiyong pushed his thick glasses, but still didn't dare to speak loudly: "Thank you, Dean, for your concern. The situation is fine."

It doesn't sound like it's out of control yet.

Before all that was too late, Zhang Wanqiu went straight to the point: "Director Huo, there is something important that you need to do now."

Huo Qiyong had an ominous premonition, it doesn't sound like rescue is coming? "W-what's the matter?"

Zhang Wanqiu glanced at Geng Jianghui, and simply said: "We need you to go to the third floor and bring Jiang Shan out of the ward. The dean and I will find a way to meet you in the lobby on the first floor."

Head nurse Zhang is usually gentle and gentle, but she doesn't even bat an eyelid when she flickers.Answer, how to answer?Think of ways to?What do you think?
This sentence contains a huge amount of information, Huo Qiyong slowly looked around, he doesn't even dare to leave the office door now, why go to the third floor?
Geng Jianghui spoke: "Director Huo, you should have protective clothing in your office, right?"

Huo Qi never said anything.

"Jiang Shan is an important asset of the hospital. Her safety concerns the whole of Beijing and Hong Kong... If you can bring her out, I thank you for the people of Beijing and Hong Kong."

Zhang Wanqiu couldn't help but glanced at Geng Jianghui, he really deserved to be the dean, this hat was too much worn.

Sure enough, Huo Qiyong couldn't stop talking, "...don't talk about the dean, I'll go." Is it okay for him to go?

Huo Qiyong looked at the X-ray film belonging to Jiang Shan in his hand, he didn't expect that he was going to touch the deity, with a complicated expression on his face.

"Don't worry, the dean and I will guide you through the monitor." Zhang Wanqiu was confident.

Huo Qiyong hesitated for a moment: "Is the first floor safe now?"

"Safe." Zhang Wanqiu didn't bat an eye.

Geng Jianghui looked at the monitor, the monitor on the first floor seemed... broken, right?
Huo Qiyong swallowed, and decided to trust his colleague. Once, he took out the protective clothing in the corner and put it on with difficulty. The protective clothing was too heavy. He was sweating profusely, but finally found that the buttons behind him could not be fastened. .

On Jiang Shan's side, the situation is extremely urgent.

The little boy came out of Jiang Shan's room holding the milk carton, "Auntie~ I'm here~"

He stopped at the door of the ward next door, stretched out his hand and twisted the handle, it was locked.

The little boy knocked on the door: "Auntie, are you inside?"

Jiang Shan listened to the voice not far from the next door, covered his mouth and nose with his hands, and tried his best to reduce his existence.

Holding the milk carton, the little boy suddenly squatted down slowly, his eyes level with the keyhole.

On his other hand, there was an extra thin iron piece, which was gently inserted into the keyhole.


The door of the ward in front of him swung open in front of him, and the empty ward was presented in front of him like this.

Jiang Shan was dumbfounded when she heard this voice. She heard the sound of a little boy walking into the ward to check, and then came a smiling child's voice: "Auntie is really not here."

Jiang Shanhou's head is numb, what is this?what's the situation! ?

Hearing the little boy's voice, he returned to the corridor, and then moved closer to the room where Jiang Shan was. He seemed to have stopped next door.

"Auntie, are you in there?"

The little boy knocked on the door again, then slowly squatted down, staring at the small keyhole again.

He pouted.

This time Jiang Shan clearly heard the sound of clicking and rattling, and then she heard "squeak", and the door next to her opened.

Jiang Shan's eyes were numb.

The little boy's footsteps slowly entered the room: "Auntie..."

This voice sounded more fatal than anything else to Jiang Shan. While the little boy was still checking next door, Jiang Shan stared at the opposite window and rushed over.

Dean Geng, who had just finished talking with Huo Qiyong, turned around, and heard Zhao Qisheng and the assistant physician beside him were stupefied, and the assistant doctor pointed at the screen as if unable to speak: "Look, ok, ok..."

I was so anxious that I forgot the civilized language.

Then when the dean saw the picture on the monitor screen, he also petrified in front of the monitor.

Although the process of calling Huo Qiyong just now was extremely tense, it only took four to five minutes at most. In just a few minutes, Jiang Shan's side has changed from a hospital panic to a hurricane rescue.

It looked like Jiang Shan was climbing up the window sill at this time, as if he was about to climb out of the window.

"What is she doing? Climbing the wall?" Geng Jianghui thought he was old and dizzy.

Next to him, Zhao Qisheng and the assistant doctor were also full of disbelief. They didn't expect Jiang Shanyong to be so brave. She thought she was 007?

Jiang Shan never thought that she could succeed, she just wanted to fight, after all, the kid outside could pick the lock!
Jiang Shan had already stood completely outside the window sill at this time, she stood on tiptoe, and carefully tried to close the window again.

"Auntie~" The little boy had already left the ward next door and slowly came over...

Suddenly, like a four-legged octopus, Jiang Shan tried to grab the wall next to him and moved over bit by bit.

Outside the screen, Zhang Wanqiu also turned his head. There were four pairs of eyes staring at the monitor screen without moving.

The little boy came to the door and knocked on the door: "Auntie, I found the milk, but there is no straw."

Very aggrieved tone.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, the little boy repeated his tricks again, squatting down slowly, and staring at the keyhole.

At this time, Jiang Shan quickly retracted his feet on the windowsill.

Jiang Shan was stuck to the steep outer wall like an octopus, her fingers dug deeply into the cracks of the golden wall, and at the same time she did not dare to vent her breath.

In the eyes of everyone outside the monitor, this is already an extremely incredible picture.

Click, click, the door of this ward was easily opened by the little boy.

Inside the door, there was still no one there.

The little boy frowned, looking very unhappy. He didn't quite understand why the aunt who had kindly offered her milk before was avoiding seeing her now, and he felt very hurt.

So the milk carton in his hand was even more deformed by him.

Jiang Shan heard the little boy's footsteps and started to come to the ward.Jiang Shan stubbornly clawed at the wall next to the window, feeling that he was not far from being hanged up.

The little boy looked around the ward for a week, and suddenly saw the window, which was opened a crack.

He walked over slowly.

What Jiang Shan prayed in her heart did not come true. She was worried and heard the footsteps getting closer, and the little boy walked straight to the window.

He stared innocently at the open window for a long time, and finally he slowly raised his hand, and his delicate little fingers passed directly through the window.

Jiang Shan stared at the passing finger, and moved a little, as if he could touch his own feet.

The little finger slowly pushed aside, and opened the window bit by bit along the gap.

(End of this chapter)

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