
Chapter 244 Sisyphus

Jiang Shan was now two years old, and he was irritable and cold. "Zhao Ying, I can't sleep... I can't sleep..."

Jiang Shan didn't know what else she could do now. She could only repeat it over and over again to the walkie-talkie, but the walkie-talkie still disconnected in an embarrassing manner.

Listening to the "Zizzizizizizi~" Jiang Shanzhen felt like a bucket of cold water in his pocket, and his eyesight turned black.

She really wanted to kill and couldn't control her urge to destroy.

Jiang Shan rushed to the skeleton, "This is all because of you, right?! Why don't you just tell me what you need me to do!? Why!?"

Jiang Shan's rage has reached its peak, and now there is no one she can vent to in the room, only this skeleton.

She really wanted to break the skeleton bit by bit and spread his ashes.

"It's all you……"

She couldn't be furious, she couldn't lose her sense of proportion. The more she acted like this, the less helpful she would be to the current situation. Jiang Shan told himself this over and over again, but who could calm down when facing the life of a friend.

Jiang Shan dealt with the skeleton, but felt that the air in her chest did not relax at all. She could only continue to stare at the device in her hand, feeling cold and numb in her head.

How on earth can you find the right time? How on earth can you find the right time? !

Jiang Shan couldn't even remember how many times she had counted sixteen point six six six six six six seven... She seemed to be trapped here forever, experiencing winter, summer, spring and autumn, just like in the myth. Sisyphus, who pushed the stone but could never reach the top, seemed to never be able to wait for that day, but he could no longer hold on to any other hope.

Tired, sleepy, and hungry, Jiang Shan experienced all the pain and limits of the human body. She understood the feeling that Zhao Ying experienced, the discomfort and sadness of losing hope and being hungry and cold.

"Zhao Ying, you will be fine..."

There are also Zhang Zheng and Gao Wenwu. Everyone will be fine.

Jiang Shan felt that her lips were dry and her skin was cracking. She originally had food and water, but she left them all to Zhang Zheng and Gao Wenwu.

But that's okay, then the two of them shouldn't be hungry, right?

Jiang Shan imagined everyone's situation in her mind, but her eyes did not dare to relax and stare at the spinning pointer for even a moment.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock…

It is always a pointer that is unhurried and constantly turning in circles. It will not be resentful, angry, out of control, or produce any slight changes.

Except for that one shot of regression.

Back up, back up, back up.

The signal light of the walkie-talkie started flashing crazily again, and signals kept pouring in, "Jiang Shan! Jiang Shan! Jiang Shan!"

As if he had been awakened from a nightmare, Jiang Shan didn't know how to describe his feelings. Holding the walkie-talkie, his hands were shaking so much that he couldn't control himself: "Hey,...who is it?" Zhang Zheng, Gao Wenwu, or Zhao Ying .

"Jiang Shan!" The voice distorted by the current gradually became clearer. It was Wei Yuan who was calm and resolute.

Jiang Shan was stunned for several seconds to tell the truth. She held the walkie-talkie and her whole body seemed to be in a state of petrification.

Wei Yuan was no longer calm. He called so many times without responding, "Jiang Shan, can you hear me?"

Jiang Shan opened his mouth, feeling dryness and tearing pain deep in his throat, "I can... I can hear it."

Wei Yuan was relieved, "Where are you now? Do you know?"

Jiang Shan looked around blankly, feeling completely unaccompanied, "I... don't know, I don't know." Her voice was hoarse and soft, but fortunately the signal from the walkie-talkie seemed to be gradually strengthening, making her voice clear. Communicated to Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan could immediately tell from this voice that Jiang Shan was not in good condition, and it seemed to be very bad.

"Jiang Shan! Wake up!" His tone and voice hardened. He spoke almost word for word.

wake up!

"Listen to me."

Jiang Shan's breathing seemed to be slowly becoming regular. She had almost fallen into a state of excessive consumption, with three souls and seven souls gone.

"Wei Yuan, is that you?" Her pupils finally reacted.

Wei Yuan's voice was actually dry and hoarse, but his tone was still the same as usual, even louder, "You just said you didn't know where you were."

Jiang Shan finally recovered part of his energy and complexion, and his scattered energy began to condense a little, "Yes, me."

Jiang Shan suddenly looked around. Her vision was a little blurred because she had been staring at the pointer for so long.

"Aren't you in the classroom?" Wei Yuan asked tentatively.

According to the information he had, everyone should be in the classroom at the moment, in a "different" classroom.

Jiang Shan listened to Wei Yuan's words, and the memory in his mind took over, "Jiang Shan, answer me, where are Zhang Zheng and Gao Wenwu?"

"Here", the three of them should be in the same classroom.

Wei Yuan's mind had already gathered all these complicated fragments together and gradually processed them into a network. Even if he didn't have the first-hand information like Jiang Shan, he had already made a vague guess.

Jiang Shan has now recalled all the "details": "I left the classroom... Zhang Zheng and Gao Wenwu were still in the previous classroom, and I, I wanted to come out and find a way out."

Wei Yuan involuntarily tightened his grip on the walkie-talkie. He could feel that the body of the walkie-talkie was getting hot. Hearing that Zhang Zheng and Gao Wenwu were still in the "original classroom", he thought: "Look for a way out...and then what? You are there again." where?"

Why did Jiang Shan say he didn’t know where he was?

Jiang Shan remembered more. She remembered that she had gone to the first floor to look for Wei Yuan. The closed windows and doors, and even the car outside the school, were dead silent.

So where is Wei Yuan at this moment?

Their walkie-talkies connected, and the time, their time matched.

"Why didn't I find you on the first floor?" she asked bluntly. "Where are you?"

Wei Yuan suddenly realized that he could not tell "where" he was.

Grade 1, Class 3?

Should it be Grade 1 or Grade 3?

Wei Yuan found that it was impossible to explain the current situation clearly in one or two sentences, and the walkie-talkie did not know when it would cut off, so now every word they said had to be carefully considered.

It is absolutely unwise to waste time on unnecessary explanations.

"Jiang Shan, don't ask anything for now, just listen to me." Wei Yuan's expression darkened.

Jiang Shan's mouth moved but he made no sound.

"Have you ever slept before?" As soon as Wei Yuan asked this question, Jiang Shan felt as if he had been given an electric shock all over his body.

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