
Chapter 245 Never sleep

"Do you know everything?" She felt incredible after hearing Wei Yuan's words. Jiang Shan's eyes widened.

"Answer me." Wei Yuan felt a little weird in his heart, but this question was too critical, so he still said forcefully.

Jiang Shan choked for two seconds before murmuring: "No, I didn't sleep."

Hearing this, Wei Yuan almost immediately said firmly: "You can't sleep, absolutely don't sleep."

How could Jiang Shan sleep: "Of course I know..." Her breath froze. Why did Wei Yuan also know that he couldn't sleep? What experiences did he go through to come to this conclusion?

Wei Yuan's voice seemed to be breathing unsteadily on the intercom: "The situation we encountered this time is completely different from the past. Everyone except you is constantly experiencing 'waking up' and 'going to sleep'..." ,

Jiang Shan was silent for a second. She suddenly remembered the question Zhao Ying had asked before in fear and fear, and asked: "Do you think you are real or dreaming, Wei Yuan?"

Zhao Ying is questioning her own existence itself, and this despair destroys her spirit more than any fear. It was also the crucial reason why she didn't want to persist anymore.

As Jiang Shan, who has never entered the so-called "dream state" from beginning to end, she cannot understand this kind of fear.

But now she wants to know if Wei Yuan, who asked her not to sleep, has similar suspicions at this time.

Wei Yuan also paused, shocked that Jiang Shan asked this question. But after the shock, his eyes flashed and he still answered, "No matter which side of us we are on, it's all true, Ashan."

Jiang Shan remained silent for a long time. He called Ashan, and his tone was not a hesitant guess, but a flat statement with settled dust.

"I guess this mission must have at least something to do with time and space." Wei Yuan finished speaking on the intercom. It is impossible to explain it clearly using "dreams". Apart from this naive conjecture, there must be a more complicated reason that they don't want to believe, but it must be true.

Wei Yuan can think of this based on these tiny clues, which is already very close.

Seeing that Jiang Shan remained silent, "Can this answer your question?" Wei Yuan asked again.

Jiang Shan looked at the notebook in her hand and the pen timer in her hand. She was still surprised. She knew it through these clues, but Wei Yuan could actually guess it?

"I think you need to listen to me first." Jiang Shan suddenly interrupted Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan was stunned.

Jiang Shan left the classroom, knocked on the car window, followed the figure in the fog, and was trapped here. His words were also concise and concise, and he directly finished his experience and encounters by dividing three and five by two.

The mysterious notebook, a spinning and ticking timepiece.

I heard Wei Yuan take a deep breath. It can be seen that the narrative itself brings a sense of reality far away.

"I don't know what this place is now, but maybe this person who turned into a skeleton is the 'thing' that the people at the base are looking for."

Talking about a rescue mission is simply to cover up the most important purpose.

When asking them to perform a task, if they say something specious about what they are looking for, could it be because they can't say it at all? Don’t you dare to say it?

In such a weird place, people can neither die nor live. They were thrown in as guinea pigs.

Wei Yuan also needed some time to digest the information Jiang Shan told him, until his voice finally came through, with a firm tone: "Describe everything around you to me. Jiang Shan, don't let go of anything."

Although they have encountered many strange things, this place is obviously far beyond their understanding.

It has even almost broken through their ultimate endurance. The more you understand, the weirder it becomes.

Wei Yuan's brain and reserves were unable to process this turbulent and complex information.

Jiang Shan couldn't help but raise his eyes and look at the space where he was trapped again, "...This is a very ordinary office." At least, it looked ordinary on the surface. Because she was ordinary, she lost her guard and stepped into the abyss.

When Jiang Shan wanted to stand up, she realized that her feet were numb and her kneecaps were shaking, as if they were about to leave her body.

"There is a desk here, a chair, and a skeleton sitting on the chair. It seems that the legs and feet are not good."

There are two drawers on the table. Jiang Shan has searched for them. One of them is empty, and the other one contains notebooks and pens.

Then there are the words all over the wall, the knife marks that penetrate deeply into the ceiling, and the suffocating sense of wrapping. Jiang Shan mechanically described: "There are words everywhere, and there are complex symbols that write time and space." And these The writing on the wall seemed to change, and the same sentence Jiang Shan saw would appear in a different position every time.

But she just couldn't think about it anymore. All she could focus on was mechanically staring at the movement of the hands of the watch in her hand.

Wei Yuan frowned. The scene Jiang Shan described revealed a huge, strange and gloomy scene, like a terrifying foreign land.

And Jiang Shan is here alone, and the pressure and spirit have not yet broken down. If it were any one of the three Zhang Zheng, Zhao Ying, Gao Wenwu, he would not be able to persevere.

"There must be other things that I haven't noticed. The writing on the wall and the records in the notebook must have some specific connection..."

It does not mean that the longer you stay in a space, the better you will understand it. In many cases, the more familiar the environment, the more subconsciously you will ignore the behavior.

This is called darkness under the lamp.

Jiang Shan also wanted to frown. What else could she ignore? The whole place had been turned upside down by her, and when she collapsed before, she almost removed the bones of the skeleton piece by piece.

Jiang Shan's eyes were blank: "I contacted Zhao Ying just now. She seemed to be very weak." This stung Jiang Shan again.

Wei Yuan couldn't help but ask: "Just now? How long ago was it?"

Jiang Shan choked, her pupils began to dilate, and her whole body actually trembled. Is it sixteen point six six six six six six seven a hundred times or a thousand times?

One hundred times is twenty-seven hours, one thousand times is two hundred and seventy hours, twelve full days.

Is this still "just now"?

Twelve days have passed. Is Zhao Ying still there, with only one breath left? Can you still be here?

Jiang Shan's head ached violently when she thought about this problem. She felt her face was wet. She was afraid. She would be afraid too. She would be very scared.

"I, I don't know."

Wei Yuan paused. He could finally tell that Jiang Shan's mental state was very unstable. This was the first time he had seen such a fragile side of Jiang Shan. This place was not only destructive to them, but also a kind of devastation to Jiang Shan. Destroy.

"Ashan," Wei Yuan's tone has changed. He no longer maintains that calmness, but also brings emotion and fatigue, "Although the current situation is very difficult, we are still in the physical world. In the physical world Everything has rules, no matter how chaotic it seems, as long as you find that button, everything will be solved." They are just in a maze now, and they can't see the so-called passage when they look up, but the passage , always exists.

Jiang Shan no longer felt excited after hearing this, and there was even a trace of desolation on her face. For twelve whole days, she spent the endless night and cold here. If she finds the clues, she will definitely There are clues. Why didn't she rely on this belief to survive until now?

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