
Chapter 251 Rescue

Come again.

Jiang Shan stared at the pointer. Once she went backwards, she would start over again. She climbed the stairs countless times, but there was always a class two or three in high school with the person she was looking for.

After repeating it countless times, Jiang Shan saw her schoolbag.

Jiang Shan was a little glad that she had saved something before. Without this schoolbag, she didn't know how long it would take to find the "right time".

Jiang Shan rushed forward and pushed open the classroom door.

The scene inside made her eyes widen.

Zhang Zheng and Gao Wenwu were no longer what they were when she left them. They both fainted on the ground, barely breathing in or out.

"Zhang Zheng! Gao Wenwu!"

Jiang Shan rushed towards the two of them with a single stride. She had indeed found the right time, but her partner was not waiting for her as promised.

Zhang Zheng acted like a dead man and didn't react at all no matter how Jiang Shan shook him. It really scared Jiang Shan.

Gao Wenwu's condition over there was not good either. His face was even uglier than Zhang Zheng's, as if he had gone cold.

"Both of you, cheer up..."

Jiang Shan had spent so much effort to find them, how could he accept that they were just gone? Jiang Shan's eyes were red, she put her hand on Zhang Zheng's chest and hit it hard!

I asked you to wait here for me to come back. I'm coming back, haven't I? ?

Jiang Shan's expression changed when he saw the blood flowing from Gao Wenwu's shoulder. Apparently he remembered what Zhao Ying said about seeing a patch of blood under ultraviolet light.

Jiang Shan had no time to think too much at this time and was desperately doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation. She could feel that Zhang Zheng still had a weak heartbeat, but Gao Wenwu, who was lying next to him, really seemed to be unable to hear it.

Jiang Shan pressed Zhang Zheng's chest hard, "Wake up!"

However, Zhang Zheng's weak heartbeat was gradually disappearing. No matter how Jiang Shan shouted until he lost control, Zhang Zheng did not move.

Until Jiang Shan felt that the body under her hands was really slowly getting colder, and even the weak air intake was gone. Jiang Shan was still doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation mechanically, "Zhang Zheng, I'm back. Zhang Zheng!”

Her pupils dilated, and she was overwhelmed by the immense pain she had never felt in her life.

It hurts...what does it feel like? Jiang Shan has never experienced loss in her life because she never owned anything from the beginning.

However, she met the team three months ago.

Jiang Shan saw that his hands were shaking badly. How could it be like this? Is she late again? She has been working hard every step of the way, why has she still reached this point? Jiang Shan fell into self-doubt, and her expression seemed to start to lose control.

The blood flowing from Gao Wenwu's wound on the ground had dried up, and it should have dried up long before Jiang Shan came in. Gao Wenwu had no need to rescue him from the beginning, so Jiang Shan jumped directly at Zhang Zheng.

But now Zhang Zheng has not been rescued.

Jiang Shan sat on the ground blankly, his eyes empty, and the intercom started playing: "Ashan, are you here?"

"Ashan, are you here?"

Zhao Ying's voice repeated over and over: "Ashan, are you here?"

This is the "echo" from before, just like the echo Jiang Shan heard from herself that time. Now Jiang Shan has no reaction at all. Her entire body is like a shell that has been evacuated.

She suddenly felt that all this was really meaningless. Gradually, Jiang Shan's face became cold and numb. She stood up slowly and saw the pen timer that she had thrown aside. It was ticking, ticking, ticking. The hands were still moving, as if the sky would not fall. It doesn't affect it in the slightest.

For a moment, Jiang Shan wanted to destroy it.

What sees time? Ridiculous stuff!

Just when Jiang Shan had a desire for destruction, the next moment the pointer went backwards, completing another thousand reincarnations.

Jiang Shan is no longer in the mood to care about the rules of the pointer at this moment. She only has endless desire for destruction in her heart.

Just when she raised her foot to destroy the pointer, she glanced at the ground next to her, and for a moment she was frozen in place again as if she had been struck by lightning!

The entire ground was empty, and the "bodies" of Zhang Zheng and Gao Wenwu who were here just now were gone!

At the same time, in the car outside the school, Wei Yuan picked up the defibrillator in the first aid kit and shocked Gao Wenwu and Zhang Zheng violently on the chests! The burning sound echoed through the car. Zhao Ying, who was sitting next to her with her eyelids closed, was violently awakened by the sound! She looked at the scene in the car in confusion and shock, "...Fa, what happened?"

Wei Yuan had no time to explain now, so he said to Zhao Ying: "Hurry up and help!"

Zhao Ying's condition was pretty good. She was not injured. She was just extremely exhausted from not being able to rest for a long time. It was okay to hold on at this time.

Zhao Ying was a little at a loss. Seeing the dead gray faces of Gao Wenwu and Zhang Zheng next to her, the blood on her face suddenly disappeared.

Wei Yuan turned on the defibrillator to the maximum, and violent currents passed through the bodies of Zhang Zheng and Gao Wenwu again and again. Fortunately, fortunately, there was still this only remaining medical instrument, which could give people a chance to save their lives in the extreme situation of life and death. !

"Remove everything with batteries!" A portable defibrillator is just like a tube of adrenaline. Everything has a cause and effect.

Zhao Ying started to disassemble the battery section by section with trembling hands. Only then did she realize how unresponsive her body was. She couldn't even sort out the fragmented memories in her mind.

Suddenly, Zhang Zheng made a long grunting sound in his throat, as if he couldn't breathe, but at least there was movement.

About four minutes ago, Wei Yuan woke up in a wheelchair with a strong wave of dizziness. He looked around and was sure that he was now in the car. And when he turned his head, he saw three people with their eyes closed on the seat opposite.

Zhang Zheng, Zhao Ying, and Gao Wenwu all looked like they had passed out and were unconscious.

Wei Yuan responded immediately.

"Zhang Zheng! Zhang Zheng!" Zhao Ying called him frantically.

Zhang Zheng grunted and finally came to life, but his eyelids still seemed unable to open.

Before Zhao Ying could be happy when she saw this, Wei Yuan had already shouted: "Lao Gao hasn't woken up yet!"

Gao Wenwu's situation was the most serious. His heartbeat actually stopped for a minute, and then jumped suddenly. The excess adrenaline took away his life. Wei Yuan needed emergency rescue. He snatched it back from death.

"Dopamine Hydrochloride Injection..." Zhao Ying suddenly blinked a few times, and she dug hard from the first aid box for a while, "Found it!"


Suitable for shock syndrome caused by myocardial infarction, trauma, endotoxin sepsis, renal failure, congestive heart failure, etc.;

You can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and you have to try everything at this time.

The potion was injected into Gao Wenwu's body by Wei Yuan.

Zhao Ying pressed gauze tightly on the wound on Gao Wenwu's shoulder and choked, "Old Gao!"

Potions are for reference only, the information comes from Du Niang

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