
Chapter 252 Groundhog Day

Zhang Zheng over there had already opened his eyes, and he seemed to be staring blankly in front of him. It took a while for the soul to return to its original position.

"Old Wei, Zhao Ying..." Zhang Zheng thought he was still in a dream, or had he already reached hell and heaven?

As another electric shock hit the ground, Gao Wenwu finally convulsed violently, but his eyelids were still tightly closed, and his lips were trembling crazily. He kept repeating one sentence: "Can't get out, can't get out, Can't get out..."

If there is a ferocious beast ahead, Gao Wenwu would rush out with his gun in hand without changing his expression, but now Gao Wenwu is completely immersed in boundless fear.

"Lao Gao! Lao Gao! Wake up!" Zhao Ying found that her eyeballs were so dry that they were so dry that she couldn't even shed tears.

Over there, Wei Yuan had opened a bottle of water and poured it into Gao Wenwu. The water leaked from his lips and he couldn't drink it at all.

There is only one reason for being so scared. Gao Wenwu knows the logic (truth) of this place.

Finally, Gao Wenwu reacted. He seemed to be retching in his stomach. It was really just retching because nothing could be vomited out.

At this time, Zhang Zheng finally came to his senses and his eyes were no longer so confused. He blurted out: "Again, again?"

He stood up from his seat with difficulty. All the bones in his body were no doubt falling apart. He crawled towards Gao Wenwu with all his strength: "How is Lao Gao!?"

The memory of him lying next to Gao Wenwu in despair made him shudder.

I never expected that one day I would be able to experience death so immersively. I thought death was a one-time and permanent thing, but it turned out to be Groundhog Day.

Groundhog Day is okay, Lao Gao can’t really die!

After Gao Wenwu violently convulsed and vomited, he collapsed from exhaustion, but at least his breath came back and he was able to save his life.

"Old Wei, what's going on with all this?" Zhang Zheng's voice was dry and cold. "Are we alive or dead?"

Zhao Ying's expression also changed regarding this soul question.

Wei Yuan raised his eyes, and everyone's eyes were shining with fear. At this moment, they were all exhausted and speechless.

However, Wei Yuan's next words changed the atmosphere in the car: "Have you all seen Ashan this time?"

The gauze in Zhao Ying's hand fell to the ground, and her whole body trembled uncontrollably.

Zhang Zheng also changed his color, and the reactions of the two people said it all. Zhang Zheng still remembered that when he was near death, Jiang Shan called his name again and again, wake up! wake up! Zhang Zheng!

Zhang Zheng was suddenly about to cry. That's so real, so real that no matter how hard you deny it, you can't deny it.

"Old Wei, isn't this a dream of ours..." How can anyone accept this?

Now Zhang Zheng is still at the bottom of the logical chain where he knows nothing. But Zhao Ying was different. She had spoken to Jiang Shan before.

"Ashan said that we are trapped in time," Zhao Ying said, so Zhao Ying's reaction after waking up just now was quite fast and she was not confused for too long. But she was still afraid at this time. Even at that time, Jiang Shan was encouraging her, "I was trapped in the classroom of Class 3, Grade 2."

At this time, Wei Yuan had no foreshadowing and said directly: "All our experiences are true, there are no dreams from beginning to end."

"Dreamland" is a really clever word in this situation.

“It’s like we’re living Groundhog Day.” But it’s a hundred times crueler than that.

Because it is really possible for them to die, permanently and completely.

"?!" Zhang Zheng didn't expect that what he was thinking would be suddenly said by Wei Yuan, "Old Wei, what did you say?"

"The corrosive substances that we encountered in the air on our way here, including the closer we get to this area, the stronger the concentration of the corrosive substances." In the end, it completely turned into a heavy fog, trapping them in it. Wei Yuan stared at the two stupid faces in front of him: "There should have been a huge eroding black hole in this place, or it can be understood as a huge energy field." It was big enough to cover the entire path they came from. The area turned into "snow" of fine black dust. So they are now close to the center of this energy field.

What happens if you get close to the center of a black hole?

The abyss of a black hole is an abyss that can absorb all light, and even light cannot escape.

Many things are connected, so the sun is also blocked here. The sun's light is absorbed.

Wei Yuan just tried his best to use the most vivid metaphor to tell Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng what happened.

Zhang Zheng was obviously stunned when he heard this, "Isn't this a school? Where does the energy field come from?" There are also corrosive objects. Why are corrosive objects related to the energy field car?

Zhao Ying's face changed several times during the description process, but she seemed to accept it a little.

Wei Yuan said for a long time: "This is the part they concealed from us when we came here." This speculation was included.

It took them several "death and death attempts" for Wei Yuan to deduce the truth.

It was definitely not Zheng Suo who wanted to kill them, but Bai Jin.

In such a dangerous place, one might not be able to survive even with sufficient information, not to mention deliberately taking away the most important part.

If Zheng Suo knew all this, he would never let Wei Yuan and the others come.

"People who are eroded can still live even if many parts of their bodies are gone, right." Wei Yuan looked at Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng.

This used to be the place that frightened and shocked everyone the most. In all our concepts, dust returns to dust, soil returns to dust, and people turning into ashes is the final outcome.

But the arrival of erosion has made all human beings see the most twisted side.

People can no longer live without their organs, let alone turned into "ash", how can they still have life? This is no more terrifying than any so-called zombie.

"Before the communication was cut off, many laboratories around the world actually had a consensus - that is, corrosive matter itself is a kind of energy."

The "ashes" we are afraid of may come from a plane that we have long been unable to recognize.

"Erosion is energy..." Zhang Zheng couldn't accept this argument, "How could this damn thing be energy?!"

Zhang Zheng's collapse is understandable, but energy itself is a neutral word, it is not good or bad.

Erosive matter = energy. This can explain many things that were previously incomprehensible. For example, why can people still be "alive" after turning to ashes?

Essentially, all substances in the human body are designed to maintain the operation of human life.

Matter = energy.

And here comes the erosion.

Human beings were "eroded away" and lost their hands, feet, and bodies...but the "energy" was still there.

The eroding object and the things it erodes form a strange conservation.

Energy, conservation.

If you find it confusing, please give your feedback in the comment area and I’ll see if I can change it again.

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