
Chapter 253 Never slept

So terrifying.

Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng were already in a state of fright, but when they heard these "theories", they all turned pale.

In fact, Wei Yuan had this awareness very early on. Human beings' fear of erosion will lead them in the wrong direction.

However, fear is an emotion that humans cannot control at all.

"But how did we 'wake up' in another place?" Zhao Ying murmured. Even if the time is staggered, they have no memory of traveling between the two sides.

"Lao Gao, he took 100 milliliters of adrenaline before..." Zhang Zheng turned around and saw Gao Wenwu, who was still unconscious in his seat. His mind flashed back to when Gao Wenwu was dragging him tightly in the classroom. Said he knew the secret of all this and they would never get out. "What did he see?"

Wei Yuan said: "Think about how you feel every time you 'wake up'."

It feels like falling from a high altitude, tearing, twisting, and crushing.

The physical sensation is dizziness and vomiting, as if you are airsick. It's just ten thousand times more intense than airsickness.

"Imagine that it's all true." After eliminating everything, what remains is the only truth, no matter how incredible it is.

Their bodies were torn apart, split, rotated and twisted at high speed - and were transferred into energy bodies and sent to another place. Gao Wenwu witnessed all this in a sober state, so he was crushed by this last straw.

"We will be transported continuously in this place. It seems that time has passed, but in fact we will never wait for the sun tomorrow."

But the damage will continue to accumulate. Until they die.

It is now fully known how the three missing Beijing-Hong Kong Guards disappeared.

Zhao Ying chewed on this absurd yet reasonable explanation and felt that her stiff face could no longer express any expression. "When we woke up on the other side, we were actually just...'teleported'?" Physically Extremely tired because they never really "slept".

Zhang Zheng was dumbfounded.

Wei Yuan's previous judgment of the sun's rays was largely correct. When darkness came, he asked everyone to return to the car to take shelter.

He said that he should wait until the sun rises again and everything might get better.

But he didn't expect that the next day might never arrive.

Wei Yuan mentioned the sun at noon before. Because the sun is so intense at noon, even if the energy field exists, it cannot dilute all the sunlight.

But after noon, the sun's light weakens, and the energy field of the eroding object begins to engulf it.

Devouring sunlight, time stands still.

"Do you know the word "seconds are like years?" Wei Yuan said, "We are experiencing this word personally now."

Or is Zhao Ying more accepting, and remembering what she said to Jiang Shan on the intercom before, "So we seem to have experienced a lot of things... in real time, in fact, not much time has passed at all?"

Wei Yuandao: "I'm afraid that's the case."

As soon as he finished speaking, the two faces across from him suffered heavy blows. How to accept this? Theory and reality are always two different things.

Before, everyone's hope was the sun, because Wei Yuan said something similar, the sun rises

But no one thought that the sun might never rise. It's not that the sun can't rise, it's that they can't wait.

"That's enough, Old Wei, stop talking." Zhang Zheng kept shaking his head, as if only in this way could he think that all this was fake, "I don't believe it, I don't believe this nonsense."

He couldn't understand anything about seconds being like years or energy fields, and he didn't want to hear them. Zhao Ying said nothing. She could understand Zhang Zheng's collapse. To a certain extent, Zhang Zheng and Gao Wenwu's "experience" might be much more terrifying than hers.

Wei Yuan's voice rose a little: "Listen to me! If we still want to get out of here, we must first accept the status quo. This place has its own set of operating rules. We can only get out if we find out."

But after listening to Wei Yuan's words, both of them fell into dead silence. It was obvious that no one's spirit could be lifted at this moment.

Especially Gao Wenwu next to him, who closed his eyes tightly and refused to wake up, as if he had lost hope of living.

at this time.

Boom! There was another extremely terrifying sound of the car window glass being knocked. At this time, everyone in the car looked at each other with horror on the faces opposite them, and their hearts were filled with despair.

And this time Dongdong is more consistent to a certain extent.

At this time, Wei Yuan probably understood that this was the normal sound of knocking on the window, which was alienated, paused, and amplified, and the effect was heard in their ears.

Just like the normal sound of knocking on the door, three clicks, each sound is amplified a thousand times, and the speed is slowed down a thousand times. It sounds like a heavy thunder strike!

And the interval between the three knocks was stretched infinitely. This was the extremely heavy knocking sound that they seemed to hear only every "long time".

All these phenomena are tricks on the physical level.

Whether it's a trick or not, it's basically an energy body that "distorts" normally normal physical phenomena. They were trapped in this distortion, which naturally affected their nerves and spirits, and then was consumed bit by bit.

Wei Yuan suddenly took a deep breath and said: "Ashan is the key to the whole thing now. She is in the center of the whirlpool."

After hearing Jiang Shan's name, Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng's expressions finally became less stiff and numb. "Why is Ashan said to be at the center of the whirlpool?"

Zhao Ying suddenly realized that if everything before was not a dream but happened in reality, then Jiang Shan had indeed gone to Class 2 and Class 3 of high school to look for her. They were indeed separated. Jiang Shan had anxiously called her and was torn apart. It's them, and so is Jiang Shan.

"So when we return to that classroom now, will we see Ashan?" Zhao Ying was a little uncontrollably excited.

Wei Yuan decisively cut off her thoughts: "You can't find her." Just like Jiang Shan saw an empty classroom, Zhao Ying could only see an empty classroom, perhaps even dusty and dilapidated.

"Now only when all of our timelines are calibrated to the same time can we meet together again." This is the only solution.

So Jiang Shan is the key.

In fact, the one in Jiang Shan's hand can also be called a calibrator.

Time calibration.

"But what else can we do?" Zhao Ying was really confused. Never been so confused.

Wei Yuan said again: "If you see Ashan again, you must cherish the time to talk to her."

Because everyone is likely to have a conversation with Jiang Shan, and they cannot predict the time and length of the conversation. That's why it's so precious.

Zhang Zheng suddenly became energetic, and he suddenly slapped his head: "I know! When we do...when we get there, we just need to find the girl and bring the stinky girl out, right?"

Then they drove away directly! Get out of this shitty place forever! Why didn't I think of that before?

Zhao Ying didn't say anything. She subconsciously felt that it couldn't be that simple. If it was that easy, Wei Yuan would have said it himself.

Wei Yuan looked at Zhao Ying: "From now on, remember everything I said. No matter who sees Ashan again, he will repeat what I said to her."

Happy New Year’s Eve everyone!

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