
Chapter 265 Assassination

Wei Yuang just returned to his office laboratory, and he backed out a minute later. He found the nearest security guard and asked him, "Is anyone here today?"

The security guard looked confused and said, "No." He patrolled three times a day. It was still early today and no residents in the surrounding area came out.

Wei Yuan's eyes darkened and he asked again: "No one is here? Have you ever come in?"

The security guard quickly shook his head, "How is that possible?" Who dared to approach Wei Yuan at will. Besides, they don't have the key.

In the past, Wei Yuan's place in the research institute had the highest security level, and the director had to ask in advance before entering.

The main thing is, who knows what is put in the laboratory, what if it is dangerous? The security guard didn't dare to say anything.

Wei Yuanyuan, the security guard, couldn't ask anything, so he slowly backed away.


Drawers, tabletops, cabinets, these places have all been turned over by someone. The person who turned them over was very careful, and the angle where Wei Yuan's various items were placed did not shift even an inch.

But Wei Yuan could still see it, perhaps it could be explained as a sense of smell.

But Wei Yuan couldn't figure out how this person got in. His door was always locked, but there was no sign of the lock being picked, only the things in the house moved.

Wei Yuan's eyes passed over all the objects one by one, including the dust on the ground. The dust is also very even, with almost no flaws.

It almost doesn't look like a human has been here.

But the house was turned over too thoroughly.

Wei Yuan should know what he wants to find here.

Of course I couldn't find it. The pointer is not stored in this room.


In the church, Zhao Yingzheng was holding a lunch box and actually feeding Jiang Shan: "Ashan, eat." Jiang Shan hadn't eaten for at least dozens of hours. Although she didn't seem to be hungry now, how could she not? hungry? Zhao Ying was afraid that Jiang Shan would be hungry again.

"Ah, open your mouth." Zhao Ying opened her mouth as wide as possible to demonstrate to Jiang Shan.

Zhang Zheng felt goosebumps when he saw Zhao Ying's actions, "What are you doing? Is she a baby???"

Zhao Ying turned a deaf ear, so what should we do? Besides, Jiang Shan can't speak or eat now. What's the difference between Jiang Shan and a baby? The baby can still cry twice.

Jiang Shan seemed to blink, but still showed no emotion.

Zhao Ying was a little nervous, but she still demonstrated it twice more without giving up.

After a while, Jiang Shan slowly moved his lips and opened them in an arc.

Zhao Ying was overjoyed and quickly put the spoon into her mouth. Jiang Shan chewed it slowly twice, rolled it in her throat and swallowed it.

"Look! She ate it!" Zhao Ying was so excited that she couldn't speak. She quickly took another spoonful and handed it over.

Jiang Shan slowly ate the rice that was brought to his mouth, one bite at a time. All living things have the instinct to eat, which shows that even if Jiang Shan has no thoughts, he still retains the instinct.

"Old Wei said he would go back and check some information. What information should he check?"

Is there any information that can explain this phenomenon? With this kind of information, why wait until erosion comes?

Zhao Ying focused on feeding and ignored him.

Zhang Zheng scratched his hair in distress. It seemed that he was not far away from baldness at a young age. "By the way, Lao Gao is still lying in the health center. If he knew that Jiang Shan was awake..." would he wake up too? Already?

Zhang Zheng was very sad inside. The experiences during this period, such intensive encounters, have changed even the most heartless Zhang Zheng. Zhao Ying's expression dimmed when she mentioned Gao Wenwu.

So far, Gao Wenwu is the only one who has not woken up. "Will Lao Gao be okay?" Zhang Zheng didn't know who he was asking, as if he was asking for peace of mind.

That was Lao Gao, the Lao Gao who was at the front except Wei Yuan at all times. If he hadn't insisted on going on the mission despite being so seriously injured, perhaps he wouldn't have ended up like this.

Zhang Zheng even recalled how he punched Gao Wenwu several times so stupidly. Now that I think about it, Zhang Zheng just wants to punch himself a few times.

Of course, all I think about now is regret, especially now that Jiang Shan is still alive. The more Zhang Zheng thought about it, the more he felt that he was nothing.

Only oneself is not a thing.

In so many missions, has he ever really made a difference? Has he saved everyone?

Zhang Zheng was horrified to find that he was such a useless and incompetent person. His force value is not as good as that of Jiang Shan, his sense of responsibility is not as good as that of Gao Wenwu, and even Zhao Ying is not as good as him.

Zhang Zheng suddenly rushed out of the church door.

Zhao Ying was confused by his sudden move. What was going on?

Zhang Zheng rushed directly to the health center, where two doctors were talking to each other. They were startled by Zhang Zheng's actions.

Since the last riot, the medical staff at the health center have all become more cautious than before, fearing that they will become hostages in the hands of someone else. "You, what do you want to do?"

When a female nurse saw Zhang Zheng rushing in angrily, she subconsciously wanted to call the security guard.

Fortunately, Zhang Zheng was just here to find someone: "Lao Gao... where is Gao Wenwu?" Zhang Zheng scanned around and found that the only two hospital beds were empty.

The nurse was stunned for a moment, Gao Wenwu? Just as she was wondering, the doctor next to her understood, "The one who transfuses blood, right?"

I have participated in rescue operations before, so I still have an impression. "The critically ill patients are in another tent next door..."

Upon hearing the critical situation, Zhang Zheng's expression changed and he rushed over immediately. The remaining two medical staff looked at each other, but at least they slowly relaxed. Just don't come here to cause trouble.

It was said to be a tent, but it was actually a simple shed set up. Zhang Zheng opened it and said, "Lao Gao!"

One person inside was so panicked that she dropped the things in her hands to the ground. She glanced at Zhang Zheng who came in, and his face wearing a mask seemed to turn white.

This person is dressed as a nurse, but why is the nurse so panicked and wearing a mask?

Nowadays, supplies are scarce, especially consumable supplies such as masks. Basically, except for necessary rescue work at close range, even doctors no longer wear them.

This nurse stood sneakily in front of Gao Wenwu's bed and actually dropped the syringe.

No matter how nervous Zhang Zheng was, something felt wrong about this scene. He glared at the nurse: "What are you going to do?"

The liquid in the syringe that fell on the ground was white.

Zhang Zheng's pupils shrank immediately. He knew this liquid very well, adrenaline!

Gao Wenwu was already in a state of overdose of adrenaline. Now that he had just been rescued by a blood transfusion, he was even given an injection of adrenaline while he was in a coma. Even if Zhang Zheng was not a medical student, he would know that this was murder, right? !

Just watch the "nurse" run away, not even taking the needle, kicking open the shaky curtain and running out, a typical thief with a guilty conscience!

Zhang Zheng's mind became hot and he chased after him without thinking: "Stop for me! Who the hell are you?!" How dare you harm Lao Gao!

The already shaky shed was almost torn apart by such a pull, and in just a few seconds, when Zhang Zheng chased him out, he saw the figure in front of him quickly taking off the nurse uniform, rushing into a corner and disappearing.

That muscular figure and running posture are not a woman at all!

The new copy will be opened soon, and I will transition to two chapters first.

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