
Chapter 266 It’s hard to guard against domestic thieves

Zheng Suo's old age is visible to the naked eye, and his fatigue and senility overnight can hardly be concealed. As we often say, most people's old age does not happen gradually but suddenly.

Wei Yuan's house was robbed, Gao Wenwu was assassinated, and everything became strange.

"Why, why would someone actually harm Lao Gao?" Zhang Zheng was very excited. After that person ran away yesterday, Zhang Zheng was so angry that he searched all over the base. Of course, he couldn't find him. That person had deliberately hidden himself, and he fled very quickly after the incident.

"Is our base already so dangerous now?" Even our own people are on guard?

Zheng Suo looked at Wei Yuan and Zhang Zheng who came to him to complain, and rubbed the bridge of his nose wordlessly, "The personnel in the base are too complicated... You should be able to tell from the last riot that many problems have always existed, but they were not there before. Exposed."

At the beginning, everyone still had hope for life and still retained the habits of the civilized period. At that time, security and equipment were sufficient, so it seemed to be "peaceful".

But as time went on, everything changed.

Wei Yuan's expression was solemn. Zhang Zheng was clamoring to catch that person, but I'm afraid it was impossible. Wei Yuan also knew clearly the problems Zheng mentioned.

Even civilized cities in the past could not completely eliminate crime, let alone now.

"I just don't understand, who would harm Lao Gao?" Zhang Zheng's eyes widened. This is simply unbelievable. Besides, Gao Wenwu usually doesn't make enemies.

Zheng Suo was hesitant to speak. He had an idea in his mind but couldn't explain it. After a long while, he finally said: "Is it possible that... someone wants to cut off the power of your team?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wei Yuan raised his head.

Zheng Suo didn't look like he was joking, and his eyes met Wei Yuan's, "Gao Wenwu may not have offended someone, but your team may."

Gao Wenwu usually lives in seclusion and only makes friends with people inside the scientific research institute. He has no social interactions except when he is on a mission.

Zhang Zheng seemed to have been struck by lightning, "Cut off the power in our team?"

Zhang Zheng even hesitated for a moment. Is there any strength in their team?

Fortunately, Wei Yuan has understood. His expression is a bit solemn. Whether he admits it or not, Wei Yuan's team is obviously the one in the lead. With the complete victory in these three missions, not to mention the entire base, the upper levels have been taken over. Alarmed.

This is what it means to shoot the first bird under the turmoil.

Others don’t know what Wei Yuan’s team relied on to complete their mission, luck? But luck will only come once, not three times.

Is that strength? In the eyes of outsiders, after much deliberation, the most likely person in the team to be awesome is Gao Wenwu, a retired military doctor. After all, he is capable of both literary and military skills.

Thinking about it this way, it seems to be a perfect fit and there is nothing wrong with it.

Wei Yuan also helped his forehead. "In any case, Lao Gao can no longer stay in the health center. It may be safer to return to the church."

Zheng Suo nodded: "I think so too. Several people within your team are obviously more trustworthy than those outside. Having Gao Wenwu among you is obviously the best choice."

Wei Yuan then spoke: "As for Jiang Shan's matter..." Resurrection from the dead is shocking enough, but if this matter is not handled well, it will cause a commotion.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Suo said decisively: "The news of Jiang Shan's death didn't have time to spread, so now we just treat it as if it didn't happen. If anyone asked, he said he was just injured and unconscious."

Excessive exaggeration of this matter will only produce worse negative consequences. Simply, pretend that nothing happened. They just carried out the mission, and once again, everyone came back. What a perfect ending.

In addition to once again growing the squad's reputation. It just so happened that Wei Yuan had the same plan for coming today. Apart from Zhang Zheng beating Bai Jin, it basically didn't cause any disturbance.

The only people who saw Bai Jin being beaten were Wei Yuan, Zhang Zheng, and the two guards. It is estimated that neither Bai Jin himself nor the guards would publicize this matter.

But Gao Wenwu's episode gave him some thoughts.

"What I want to say next is something I didn't plan to make public before, but too many things have happened recently, and you have also been hurt..."

Zheng Zhao asked Zhang Zheng to find a place to sit down, and he would obviously have to talk for a while.

Wei Yuan himself was sitting, so Zhang Zheng awkwardly found a broken stool in the corner and sat down. Being on an equal footing with the leader is still a bit uncomfortable.

"Everyone should know that even in civilized times, there were many," Zheng Suo seemed to be considering his words, "many lawless elements." He finally found a description.

In short, it is black and white, good and evil. Since the birth of this world, there has always been an opposition between Yin and Yang. Light and darkness.

Zheng Suo has not held a meeting for a long time, and the language organization is unfamiliar. "Actually, from the time I sent you to perform the aquarium mission, you all got some clues. There is another group of extremists who are constantly using 'corrosion' to cause trouble."

Falcon Saber, as well as the dwarf man and the skeleton man who kidnapped Zheng Suo before, should all belong to the same faction.

This is not difficult to guess.

"The previous riots at the base and the rebellion of the security guards were also the work of these people." The base has a mixed staff and is easily infiltrated.

"It means that we now not only have to study and deal with the erosion phenomenon, but also guard against these heretics." The biggest enemy of mankind has always been mankind itself.

"So those people want to kill Lao Gao?" Zhang Zheng was finally not too brainless. He suddenly remembered that the falcon saber seemed to be Lao Gao's old enemy. Now the connection was connected, "That fake nurse yesterday was Heretics sneaking in?"

Zheng Suo waved his hand: "Listen to me first. The biggest problem now is that there is no need to infiltrate, and the hearts of many people in the base have changed."

There is no need for others to infiltrate, the people inside have already changed their minds.

In other words, house thieves are always the hardest to guard against.

Zhang Zheng was stunned for a moment, and suddenly became a little angry: "Isn't this because of that Bai Mao? I have wanted to say it for a long time, that Bai Mao is most like a heretic!" Zhang Zheng couldn't calm down when he mentioned Bai Jin. He came to the base before The people are obviously fine.

Zheng Suo glanced at him: "I don't agree with many of his actions, but he shouldn't be that person. Besides, what he did is actually just making things that should come come a little earlier. "

Even without Bai Jin's actions and his harsh cleaning of the base, people are in panic. As the erosion deepens, the despair in people's hearts spreads. When people lose sight of hope day after day, sooner or later there will still be hope. A day out of control.

As Zheng said just now, the problem has existed for a long time, but it did not explode when humans still had hope and reason.

On the contrary, now that Bai Jin has stepped in to take strong control, the order of the base can survive for a while.

When I first started writing, I never thought that the character Wei Yuan would cause so much controversy, but the discussion about him in the comment area seemed to be concentrated at the beginning (after all, the foreshadowing had not been carried out at that time, and the characters were still there) Not rich enough in three dimensions), I would like to ask Baozi, who has chased me all the way here, will he have any special views on this character? Mainly I want to collect everyone's opinions and see if it is necessary to modify the previous article.

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