
Chapter 267 No Survivors

"Let me tell you something even worse. The base's water supply is cut off."

Water, the source of life.

No one dared to publicize this matter, and even Zheng Zhizhi couldn't get over it for a long time. The haggard look on his face can be described.

Neither Wei Yuan nor Zhang Zheng expected that they originally asked the director to report the matter, but in the end, they were told something even more incredible by Zheng Suo.

"How could the water source be cut off?" Wei Yuan changed his face. Cutting off water sources is much more terrifying than cutting off food or electricity.

Among all the necessary conditions for human survival, water is the first and most scarce.

The base has only been able to guarantee the minimum supply of drinking water every day for a long time. There is no need to think about bathing or anything else, so many people are becoming more and more sloppy and numb.

When people can no longer preserve human dignity, what is left?

"Four months ago, in the face of the deterioration of erosion, the superiors actually predicted in advance that there would be a shortage of supplies, so they made a decision that none of you could have imagined at that time - that is, to manually dig underground water." Everyone has learned this. Don’t forget the well digger when you are drinking water. Digging wells is an ancient but super useful method. Zheng Suo lamented, “If this plan succeeds, everyone will not have to worry about water sources for at least a few years.”

When he heard that underground running water was to be dug, Wei Yuan couldn't help but feel that this plan was really good.

It is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish.

But now there are no machines, and all rely on manual labor. For example, in the past, the pyramids, the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, and all kinds of huge projects were all manual. I originally thought that these were quite passionate. The history of mankind is a hymn of courage.

However, looking at Zheng's expression and reaction when he mentioned this, why...did the hymn not go on?

"Coincidentally, in the previous municipal projects of Beijing and Hong Kong, an underground waterway was dug from outside the Sixth Ring Road. Before the erosion came, the waterway was already half-finished... So the plan above is that if we can continue to use the previously opened terrain , connecting from underground, then we are very hopeful to obtain a water source nearby."

The so-called source of living water means that as long as there is a source of living water, there is an inexhaustible supply.

The ideas and plans are very mature, and the superiors quickly approved the project. Moreover, the workers are all experienced construction workers selected from the crowd. Everyone is willing to do such a thing.

After all, as long as there is hope for the future, mankind will have no shortage of warriors. Moreover, the early stage of this project went really smoothly, so smoothly that everyone thought there would be a bright future.

"But all the workers have disappeared." Zheng Suo now lost hope and simply told everything he knew. "All the workers who built the underground water project have lost contact and none of them have come back."

This method of digging underground water is indeed very courageous. At this time, the upper management can still think of such a method, so they have indeed tried their best.

"Director, can we not tell scary stories in broad daylight..." Zhang Zheng's face tightened. He just came to complain about Gao Wenwu.

Zheng Suo had already drank all the water in his cup, and now he licked his dry lips, "A horror story? It would be great if this was a story. This is a real thing that happened in reality!"

Zhang Zheng lowered his head and wilted.

"Missing?" Wei Yuan noticed Zheng Suo's unusual wording for a long time.

Shouldn’t everyone’s first reaction be to be “eroded”?

Sure enough, Zheng Suo's first sentence was not surprising: "The problem is... it's not erosion." It stands to reason that if it were eroded away, there would be traces of erosion, but the workers who went underground disappeared without any trace. . This makes people feel terrible.

"What else can it be if it's not erosion?" Zhang Zheng found it unbelievable. The most bizarre thing in the world right now is erosion.

Zheng Suo wiped away the non-existent sweat: "Those people disappeared overnight... There are no traces left, I don't know."

First of all, there is a process of erosion, and it affects everyone. Everyone disappears overnight.

That was an underground passage, how could it suddenly disappear? And among the hundreds of people, no one on the ground ever saw them come out.

"They were all underground and no one came out."

No one survived, no one survived. The supervisor on the ground reported to his superiors in just four words.

The office was deathly silent. Zhang Zheng didn't even hear a word. He just glanced at Wei Yuan silently. Should they leave?

If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have come today.

For such a serious matter, it is estimated that Zheng Suo's level was notified, and the specific measures and responses are not known. Without food, these things can be tolerated, and we can think of ways to do it, but without water..., lack of water will greatly accelerate the death of human beings.

This really leaves no way for humans to survive.

"Now you know, the reality is that the situation is getting worse almost all the time." Zheng Suo rubbed his forehead. It can be said that there is no good thing at all. "So I say you don't need to be too hostile to Bai Jin. According to I know that he will lead a team to go underground in the near future to thoroughly investigate this matter."

Zhang Zheng was really shocked. "What? That Bai Mao wants to lead the team?"

Zheng Suo nodded, "Yes, it is not that simple to send him to the base. He is needed to do things."

Power is never given without reason. Many times when an ordinary person suddenly gains great power, he needs to pay a greater price.

"I thought he would just sit in the room and talk nonsense..." It's crazy that he actually wants to lead the team. Zhang Zheng really didn't expect this to happen.

It seems that he figured it out at once, so it's no wonder that everyone in the base, including Zheng Suo, was so patient with Baimao. After all, no one wanted to go underground.


Zhao Ying stayed in the church, and now she had to look after two people. Gao Wenwu had been carried back from the health center. Obviously no one dared to leave the unconscious Gao Wenwu alone. Zhao Ying sat beside his bed. , wipe his face from time to time.

I really didn't expect that the team was in such a rough situation right now. Zhao Ying's face was full of worry, while Jiang Shan was sitting quietly in the corner, like a personal ornament.

Jiang Shan was staring at a bird outside the window. The bird had been standing on the branch for a long time, and Jiang Shan had been staring at it for the same amount of time.

There was a sudden knock on the church door. The knocking sound was loud and unwelcome.

Zhao Ying, who was wiping, was shocked.

She immediately stood up and opened the door, subconsciously thinking that it was Zhang Zheng and Wei Yuan who had returned. The impatient knocking on the door was very similar to Zhang Zheng's temper.

"Here we come." Zhao Ying pulled the latch and opened the door.

A young but silver-haired man stood at the door. He narrowed his eyes when he saw Zhao Ying: "Is Dr. Wei here?"

Zhao Ying froze immediately when she saw the person standing at the door, with a gloomy face, dazzling hair, and two security guards with guns behind her. Her impression of this man still remained at that very gloomy interrogation: "What, what are you here for?"

Bai Jin glanced directly at Zhao Ying, looked at the dim church, and immediately saw the figure sitting in front of the window.

His eyes suddenly changed.

Zhao Ying had the impulse to close the door at that moment.

Bai Jin actually stretched out his hand, pushed her away, and then strode into the church with others.

"Hey!" Zhao Ying froze and then chased after him.

She saw the silver-haired Bai Jin walking straight towards Jiang Shan.

"Stop!" Zhao Ying rushed ahead of Bai Jin and blocked Jiang Shan with a strong body, looking directly at Bai Jin, "What are you going to do?"

Bai Jin glanced at Zhao Ying, his eyes dark. That's the look that only a true villain would have.

But Zhao Ying was not frightened by him now. This was a base, in broad daylight, and she was still protecting her two most important teammates. "Dr. Wei is not here now. Please come back next time."

Have you guessed the next copy?

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