
Chapter 272 Another chapter

Wei Yuan originally planned to look back, but Zhang Zheng had already turned his head back, and there seemed to be a momentary confusion on his face. He said after two seconds: "It's okay, Zhao Ying, if you feel uncomfortable, just go up. Anyway, we are leaving." The cave entrance is still very close..."

Wei Yuan: "?!"

Zhao Ying stared at Zhang Zheng as if she had seen a ghost.

After Zhang Zheng finished speaking, he turned his head again, stared at the darkness behind him and said in confusion: "Dong, where is the hole?"

After he finished speaking, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhao Ying. The moment his eyes came into contact with Zhao Ying's face, his expression seemed to be stunned again - and then said: "It's okay, Zhao Ying, if you feel uncomfortable, just go up." Well, we are still very close to the cave entrance anyway..."

After saying that, he looked back behind him mechanically, and said stiffly: "Dong, where's the hole?"

Now everyone has seen the problem, Zhao Ying looked at Zhang Zheng's repeater-like behavior as if she had fallen into an ice cave.

"It's okay, Zhao Ying, if you feel uncomfortable..."

"Zhang Zheng!" Wei Yuan shouted!
Zhang Zheng obviously trembled hard, with a blank expression on his face: "What are you doing, Old Wei? You scared me."

Was he shocked? All others should be shocked.

Zhao Ying pointed at him and said tremblingly: "You, why do you have to repeat yourself?" Is Zhang Zheng possessed by a demon?

Zhang Zheng was confused. "Did I repeat myself? What did I repeat?"

After he finished speaking, he realized that everyone had stopped and looked at him, with a look that seemed crazy.

Why are you looking at him all of a sudden? Forget it about Bai Jin and his gang, Zhao Ying and Wei Yuan also looked at him like this. Is it too much?
Bai Jin said coldly: "Are you crazy?"

Zhang Zheng was angry: "You are the one who is fucking crazy. Who is crazy?"

Wei Yuan observed some details. He found that Zhang Zheng's expression would change every time he looked back. Then when he turned back again, his face would be blank and confused for a few seconds, and then he would suddenly say what he just said again. .

Bai Jin attacked Wei Yuan: "Dr. Wei, are the mental qualities of your team members a little too fragile?" They collapsed like this just after they entered the cave? How to proceed with the subsequent tasks?

Before Wei Yuan spoke, Zhao Ying suddenly looked back.

It is a deep passage with no way out.

But she didn't know what she saw, and her face was a little dazed at that moment. Then she turned her head and looked at Zhang Zheng again, "Zhang Zheng, why did you repeat yourself just now?"

"I didn't repeat myself. Why do you all say I repeated myself?" Zhang Zheng was really a little irritated.

"But you were really here just now." Zhao Ying looked back at the darkness behind her, her face became stunned again, and then she turned back, "Zhang Zheng, why did you repeat what you said just now?"

Damn... Zhang Zheng opened his mouth and stared at Zhao Ying, speechless. "Zhao Ying, are you the one who is repeating yourself now?"

Zhao Ying was confused, "When did I repeat myself?"

Bai Jin thought to himself, very good, now two of the four members of Wei Yuan's team have gone crazy.

Zhao Ying turned her neck and seemed to want to look back. Just when her neck was halfway turned, Wei Yuan suddenly seemed to realize something and blurted out: "Don't look back, everyone, don't look back."

Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng were both stunned. Zhang Zheng wanted to turn around just now, but was stopped by these words.

Bai Jin and the others felt baffled. They turned around and looked at Wei Yuan and the other four people who were full of strange things. However, the narrow passage happened to be blocked by the figures of four people, and only four people could be seen standing there with different expressions.

Zhang Zheng held it in for a moment and asked, "Old Wei, what, what do you mean?"

Wei Yuan stared at his face: "Do you remember what happened just now?"

"Why don't you remember? Zhao Ying isn't feeling well. I want her to go up and rest first. We just came down anyway..." As he spoke, Zhang Zheng wanted to look back at the "hole" in his impression.

Wei Yuan shouted again: "Don't look back!"

Zhang Zheng suddenly froze and did not dare to move again.

Zhao Ying also seemed to swallow, "F-what happened?" She suddenly felt like her mind was in chaos and she couldn't remember anything. But it was clear what happened just now.

Bai Jin finally said coldly: "Dr. Wei, are you even crazy?" Wei Yuan stared at Bai Jin who was walking over: "Don't you see anything wrong?"

Bai Jin snorted from his nose: "I see, you and your team members are very unprofessional." Could it be that the previous tasks completed were really due to that Gao Wenwu.

Wei Yuan ignored his ridicule and turned to Zhao Ying: "Zhao Ying, tell me what happened just now."

Zhao Ying's expression seemed to have a flash of panic: "Just now, it was Zhang Zheng who kept saying the same thing over and over again."

She thought it was Zhang Zheng's prank. After all, Zhang Zheng often liked to play pranks.

But Zhang Zheng's expression at this time was so damned. He stared at Zhao Ying, and just when he was about to retort, Wei Yuan said coldly: "Zhang Zheng, look back now. Don't move anyone else."

Zhang Zheng was stunned again. He didn't know what Wei Yuan meant, but Wei Yuan stared at him without moving, so he had to slowly turn his head and look behind him.

There was something cold and dark in the tunnel, and something seemed to emerge from the darkness.

"Keep your current position and don't move. Answer me now, did you see the entrance of the cave we came down from?"

Zhang Zheng seemed to be stunned, his eyes staring blankly into the darkness. It was as if he didn't hear Wei Yuan's words.

Wei Yuan emphasized his tone: "Zhang Zheng, answer me."

Zhang Zheng seemed to be called back to his soul, and then murmured: "Yes, yes, the entrance of the cave... didn't we just come down, why is the entrance of the cave missing?" Zhang Zheng was extremely shocked and strange in his heart.

At this time, Bai Jin's face also darkened.

Wei Yuan squeezed the armrest of the wheelchair, and his voice continued: "Then what you saw, describe it."

Zhang Zheng felt that his mind was blank, describe? He seemed to be unable to find any words, "There is nothing..."

There was only darkness, a tunnel with no end in sight.

"How far are we from where we just came down?" Wei Yuan said.

"Can't see, can't see anything." There is no hole, only a tunnel.

Wei Yuan took another breath and looked at Zhao Ying: "Zhao Ying, how long do you think we have been down here?"

Zhao Ying numbly said: "I just came down."

Wei Yuan then asked: "How long was it just now?"

Zhao Ying once again had that blank expression on her face: "Five, five or six minutes?" Five or six minutes at most.

Bai Jin ridiculed: "What exactly does Dr. Wei want to say?"

This kind of response seemed like Bai Jin and the others didn't feel anything was wrong.

Zhang Zheng still looked back at the way he came. Wei Yuan asked him not to move, "Zhang Zheng, look at the road behind you. Does it seem like you only walked for five or six minutes?"

Zhang Zheng could hear Wei Yuan's questions in his ears. At this time, his brain and body had a very strange reaction, "It's not like... the road ahead is so long, it seems like we have gone a long way." of."

Bai Jin's expression changed at this time.

"Old Wei, can I turn around? I feel a little uncomfortable." It wasn't his neck that felt uncomfortable, it was that he felt uncomfortable staring at the darkness. The long passage seemed to be oppressing his optic nerve.

"turn around."

Zhang Zheng finally turned his head in relief, and when his eyes met Wei Yuan and Zhao Ying, there was a moment of blankness again.

Wei Yuan had already expected this expression. He stared at Zhang Zheng: "What did I ask you to do just now?"

There was a moment of rationality in Zhang Zheng's eyes: ", didn't you tell us not to look back?"

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