
Chapter 273 The spirit behind the scenes

"Then did you look back?"


other people:"……"

Is this Zhang Zheng telling lies with his eyes open? He just turned his head several times as if he had a convulsion. Does this mean he has never turned back?

But Zhang Zheng's expression looked really innocent.

"Zhao Ying, did you look back just now?" Wei Yuan suddenly asked again.

Eh? Zhao Ying was caught off guard and was called out. She was embarrassed for a moment, but she heard her whisper: "No, no."

Everyone around fell into dead silence again.

Zhang Zheng looked at Zhao Ying in surprise.

Zhao Ying also looked at Zhang Zheng in surprise.

Both of them wondered how the other could say such strange things.

They've all seen each other turn their heads.

"Dr. Wei, are your two team members performing a double act?" It's a cross talk. Bai Jin sneered.

But Wei Yuan knew his own people, and the expressions of Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng showed their true feelings, "There is something behind us." Wei Yuan said every word.

The "thing" behind this made Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng appear abnormal.

"There is something behind us?!" Zhang Zheng was startled again and immediately wanted to turn around to look.

Wei Yuan sternly said: "Don't look back after I told you!"

Zhang Zheng was stopped abruptly again, and his neck was awkwardly stuck halfway. Then slowly twisted back.

Wei Yuan looked at Bai Jin again, "How far do you think we have gone?"

Bai Jin had a cold face. In his impression, it might be a little longer than five or six minutes, but not much longer.

Wei Yuan still kept looking straight ahead. He never looked back from the beginning to the end: "But based on what Zhang Zheng just described, I'm afraid it's far more than that."

Zhang Zheng said that it was a dark tunnel with no bottom. When they came down from the entrance, they found a relatively open place. No matter how they walked, they never reached such a narrow and dark place.

Zhang Zheng was still there asking stupidly: "What did I describe just now? What did I describe?"

"Don't you feel that the roads around us seem to have become narrower?" Wei Yuan continued.

Bai Jin's sarcastic expression finally paused, because he immediately glanced at the side, surrounded by artificially excavated passages. Whether it was the cave wall or the ground, there didn't seem to be much difference, and it seemed to be faintly narrowing. But not obviously. It's just faint, more like a psychological dislocation.

"Go over and take a look from behind." Bai Jin ordered a mercenary beside him.

The mercenaries immediately moved toward Wei Yuan and the others, and at the same time raised their high-powered searchlight, shining a powerful beam toward the rear.

Wei Yuan and the other three were shaken so hard that they couldn't open their eyes. They subconsciously raised their hands to cover themselves. At that moment, they seemed to see some black thread swimming through their fingers.

It was so fast that they disappeared before they could catch it.

When he lowered his shielding hand, the only mercenary in front of him was the mercenary walking towards him. He stared at the road blocked by Wei Yuan and others: "Get out of the way."

The mercenaries followed Bai Jin's attitude and were very rude to Wei Yuan and the others.

"Before things become clear, I advise you not to do this." Wei Yuandao.

Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying are so abnormal, so it is obviously better to be cautious. As the old saying goes, be careful and sail the boat for thousands of years.

The mercenary held up a searchlight, pushed Zhang Zheng away, and walked towards the back.

"Look how far we are from the cave entrance now." Bai Jin's voice came.

They all thought that it was definitely not far from the cave entrance at this moment, but they just needed to measure it specifically, just by listening to the sound of the mercenary's footsteps walking away. One minute, two minutes, three minutes, the footsteps behind could no longer be heard, and even all movement was gone. Bai Jin frowned and picked up his master control intercom: "Hey, Zhou Hu, where are you? Answer me."

No one answered, not even a sound from the tunnel.

"Zhou Hu, report on the progress."

"Zhou Hu!"

Bai Jin's face started to look ugly. He stared at the signal light on the intercom: "Zhou Hu!"

At this time, Zhang Zheng sarcastically said: "Why are you shouting so loudly? The signal is not broken. Anyone who is not deaf must have heard it."

It's no use shouting louder.

He didn't listen to Wei Yuan's warning, and now he lost a team member for nothing.

The walkie-talkie in Bai Jin's hand was so pinched that his fingers deformed. He looked at the other mercenaries and subconsciously wanted to ask them to look at it again. But he suddenly saw Wei Yuan's gaze.

"There is something behind you." Wei Yuan said again.

That mercenary named Zhou Hu should be more dangerous than good.

"What's behind you?" Bai Jin couldn't help but gritted his teeth, "We came from that way."

If there was something on the road, they should have known about it. Although now it seems that the road here is covered in darkness.

"Why don't you remember looking back?" Wei Yuan did not answer Bai Jin, but asked Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng again.

The two of them were still extremely unconfident when this issue was mentioned, but no matter what, they could hear the clues. This time Zhao Ying made up her mind and asked Zhang Zhengdao: "Zhang Zheng, did I look back just now?"

Zhang Zheng: "Yes."

Then Zhao Ying stared at Zhang Zheng, and finally Zhang Zheng also stammered: "You want to say, I also turned around?"

Zhao Ying nodded slowly.

I'll take it, Zhang Zheng said in his heart. Why doesn't he remember when he looked back? He clearly resolutely carried out what Wei Yuan said not to look back.

Speaking of which, why did Wei Yuan suddenly say not to look back?

Zhang Zheng actually couldn't remember it.

"Do you still think they are playing a double act?" Wei Yuan's face darkened.

Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying obviously looked like they had been taken away. Not even remembering his actions for a few seconds. Look back.

Even if Bai Jin doesn't fully trust Wei Yuan now, he doesn't dare to send people to explore the road at will anymore. The expression on his face is gloomy and he rolls his eyes: "You want to say that there is something behind us that we can't see. '? Then it followed us in?"

Wei Yuan said in a deep voice: "If I guessed correctly, we didn't just descend from the cave, maybe we have been down for a long time!"

It's just that all of them, invariably, don't remember it.

It is easy to judge the echo of the mercenary's footsteps just now in such a closed passage. If there is an open cave not far away, the space should be getting bigger and bigger, and the echo of the tunnel he is walking in will also change, but the mercenary's last sound The footsteps seemed to go deeper and further.

Wei Yuan did not say this clearly.

Zhao Ying suddenly felt her shoulders sink, and a head rested on her shoulder. She was shocked to see Jiang Shan's round head: "Ashan? You, what's wrong with you?"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Shan really answered her with two short words: "Headache."

Zhao Ying was stunned for a moment, not sure whether it was surprise or fright. She had a headache? Jiang Shan has a headache?

I still remember that every time Jiang Shan had a headache, something serious had happened. Wei Yuan and Zhang Zheng also looked at the unusual Jiang Shan. This was the first time Jiang Shan spoke since he went down to the cave.

Bai Jin almost forgot about this human puppet.

Jiang Shan's expression was still blank, but she said again: "Headache."

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