
Chapter 274 The Riddler

Zhao Ying quickly probed Jiang Shan's forehead, "Ashan, how are you, Ashan?"

Jiang Shan has no communication skills at all and can only repeat the word "headache".

Zhao Ying can't hide her loss. When will Ashan return to normal? ""

Wei Yuan said: "I suggest we synchronize everyone's opinions."

Currently there are four mercenaries and a doctor left on Bai Jin's side, as well as two of his own security guards, a total of eight people.

"If you don't believe what my people say, then you might as well ask your own team members." Wei Yuan knew that Bai Jin did not regard the four of them as his own, and being suspicious was Bai Jin's characteristic.

A very simple question.

Let’s see if Bai Jin dares to ask.

Bai Jin looked at the doctor who had been silent: "How long do you think we have been down here?"

The doctor pushed up his glasses and said, "I, I don't remember the time." The doctor seemed a little nervous and his face was sweaty.

Bai Jin looked at the other mercenary and his tone was already very bad: "You tell me."

The mercenary paused for a second: "Ten, ten minutes." Unfortunately, his tone was not very sure.

Bai Jin really wanted to grit his teeth. He asked the other one again: "What about you? How long do you think we have been down here?"

The mercenary seemed a little hesitant to speak. He remained silent for a long time, and then slowly said under Bai Jin's aggressive gaze: "I think it's more than ten minutes... it should be at least twenty minutes."

There is still a big difference between ten minutes and twenty minutes, and it is impossible not to feel the difference.

Bai Jin turned around and looked around. The doctor lowered his head and was wiping sweat with a towel. Unfortunately, it seemed that he was wiping more sweat. Bai Jin's eyes were fixed on the mercenary farthest away from him again. He seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and finally returned to the mercenary. He asked again: "Tell me, how long have we been down here?"

There was an embarrassing silence in the air, and then the mercenary said: "I don't remember... No, I remember it was five minutes... But, but, I feel as if a long time has passed..."

One is subjective memory, and the other is intuitive feeling.

Five minutes, ten minutes, twenty minutes.

No matter how big the difference is, it can't be that outrageous.

Among them was Bai Jin himself. He didn't say it out loud, but his senses were also in the range of ten minutes or ten minutes.

He didn't doubt his feelings, at least not before.

Now that it is clear, Wei Yuan said: "Now that your own team members have inconsistent opinions, do you still think it is just a weak psychological endurance?"

Psychological stress can make people talk nonsense and have mental breakdowns, but obviously everyone's current state is more like "forgetfulness."

No one can tell how long they have been in the cave.

Jiang Shan said again: "Headache."

"Old Wei, my neck is stiff..." Zhang Zheng suddenly said, "Tell me what happened?" Why did everyone suddenly start asking the Riddler.

Why, everyone went down the hole together, but their perception of how long it took them to go down the hole was completely different.

Is there another time flow problem? Wei Yuan frowned.

But no, everyone is in the same space, acting together and not separated. Problems with the time flow will not just cause everyone's memory to be wrong. This possibility can basically be ruled out.

The most important thing is the three words "don't look back".

Don't look back.

What will happen when you look back?
Wei Yuan really wanted to try it himself, but the risk was a bit uncontrollable. But he thought of something, and Wei Yuan suddenly said quietly: "Did you look back while you were walking?" He looked at Bai Jin and his group.

This really gives me goosebumps.

The doctor suddenly looked over with his eyes straight: "No."

But now he is clearly half-turning his head. He turned to look in Wei Yuan's direction.

A chill went to my stomach. Why did this doctor seem to be the first person to have a problem among all the people?

What method did Bai Jin use to bring people underground?

"Look back, not look back." The doctor grabbed his clothes and raised his neck, "I want to go up, please let me go up."

This man was scared out of his mind.

Bai Jin stood there indifferently. No one he brought down could leave alone. They either went up together or were buried underground together.

"Take out the map." He ordered the person beside him.

Naturally, there was no map in the tunnel. What they brought with them were construction drawings, the overall construction sketch of the underground waterway.

Bai Jin took out the drawing and scanned it with a lamp, and found the location of the cave entrance where they came down. He scratched a mark on it with his fingernail. "From here, we go in this direction (to the northeast). Here, we have to go at least to this point before we encounter a fork in the road."

The construction sketch shows that there is a vertical passage below the entrance. The passage stretches for about two hundred meters before a separate fork appears. There are two roads in total at the first pass. According to the plan, they will take the left one, because the left passage is the key road they want to dig.

It's just that they all thought that they should still be on the main road and hadn't entered the side road yet.

"Do you feel the wind?" someone said.

If it is below the cave entrance, there will definitely be wind coming from such a large cave entrance. But from the doctor's constant wiping of sweat, everyone else realized that they hadn't felt the wind for a long time.


Wei Yuan suddenly asked: "Is it possible that our various reactions now are due to lack of oxygen?"

Lack of oxygen causes confusion and headaches. Most importantly, hallucinations.

However, if it was a lack of oxygen, how deep did they go? Because there is no lack of oxygen as long as you are not far from the cave entrance.


Zhang Zheng opened his kettle at this time and wanted to feed Jiang Shan: "Would you like some water?"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Shan blinked his eyes and opened his mouth. Zhang Zheng was a little unsure of his hand and looked at Zhao Ying in shock: "Can she understand what we are saying?"

Zhao Ying hesitated: "She has always responded to eating and drinking."

Zhang Zheng fed Jiang Shan water: "Doesn't that still indicate that she is responsive to the outside world?"

If Jiang Shan could hear what they said, it meant that there was no hope. "Goodness? Miracle goodness?"

Jiang Shan gurgled and drank half a bottle of water, and then stopped drinking when it was time to feed him. He still rested on Zhao Ying's shoulder. This time, he didn't even wink at Zhang Zheng no matter how he called.

Zhang Zheng was disappointed and lost.

Zhao Ying put her hands on Jiang Shan's shoulders and felt the body heat of each other. No matter what, they were still together, which was better than countless consequences. I don’t know when Zhao Ying gradually became numb to death.

Bai Jin stared at the construction drawings. The entire construction drawings were one maze-like branching road after another. After the two forks, there were countless branches surrounding the forks. The doctor knelt down on his knees, sweat flowing from his face to his neck, "I don't know how to treat patients. I can leave the medicine and equipment to you, let me go Bar."

I regret writing such a brain-consuming thing...

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