
Chapter 275 Killing the chicken to scare the monkey

Bai Jin pulled out the gun from the security guard's waist and put it on the doctor's head: "If you want to leave here, you can, I will help you."

Only the body can leave, forever.

The doctor went numb instantly, and stopped calling for help. Bai Jin pinched his neck with one hand and lifted it up, "If I hadn't saved you, you would have been dead before, don't you know how to be grateful? "

The doctor's pale face said: "I was wrong, I was wrong... please let me go..."

Bai Jin threw him hard against the wall. He was already in a bad mood, but if this guy dared to bump into him, he was simply looking for death. And he also wanted to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys.

At this time, Zhao Ying felt Jiang Shan's hand seem to scratch her palm.

? !
Zhao Ying's shock could be imagined. She immediately looked at Jiang Shan, but Jiang Shan remained motionless in his previous posture, and his eyes seemed to be looking ahead without focus.

But that blow just now was really Jiang Shannao’s fault! Only Jiang Shan's hand was placed in her palm at this moment. It was soft and waxy, and Zhao Ying's heart almost jumped out of her chest.

Why did Jiang Shan suddenly make such a move?

When Zhang Zheng saw Bai Jin performing an operation with a doctor, he subconsciously knew that he just wanted to show them how to do it, so why did he just want to show off his power? Spicy chicken.

"There is only one choice now, keep moving forward." Bai Jin glanced around everyone. He did not deny that he had encountered some kind of strange phenomenon, but it was absolutely impossible to retreat.

None of the others said a word, obviously already used to Bai Jin's orders.

Bai Jin changed the subject over there: "Dr. Wei, how about your team going to the front this time?"

Although he knew that this guy must not have held it in, the words he said were still enough to make people gasp for breath. Zhang Zheng yelled: "You white-haired man, you still have no shame? You just want to coerce us into going down the hole with you, but you still want to Are we going to block your gun from the front?"

Didn't you think they were walking slowly before and left them behind? Now you have a different attitude?
Bai Jin's face dimmed: "Didn't Dr. Wei say there's something behind him? Isn't it just right for you to go to the front now?"

It sounds nice, but Bai Jin still doesn't trust Wei Yuan and the others. Now he has lost a mercenary. What if there is something fishy here?

Bai Jin grimaced: "Besides, this operation is under my full command." The implication is that I am asking you to give you face. Don't really think that you still have a choice.

Zhang Zheng has already cursed ten thousand swear words in his heart. He is so shameless and invincible.

Wei Yuan and Bai Jin's eyes met, and Bai Jin's hand touched the handle of the gun again. The meaning could not be more obvious.

Wei Yuan: "...Okay."

The four of Wei Yuan slowly reached the front of the team. Bai Jin suddenly reached out and grasped the armrest of the wheelchair behind Wei Yuan, as if to help him push the wheelchair. Zhang Zheng's pupils shrank, and when he was about to stop him, he saw the look in Wei Yuan's eyes.

Zhang Zheng complained to Zhao Ying, deliberately using a voice that everyone could hear: "We go in the front, others go in the back, and someone walks in the middle. Doesn't this mean he is the safest if the sky falls?" I can't hold it anymore.

But how could Bai Jin be swayed by such words? On the contrary, Zhang Zheng himself became more and more angry as he spoke and finally got angry.

"It's best for your people not to look back." Wei Yuan was pushed by Bai Jin. He didn't feel comfortable at all. He only felt the bumps getting worse.

Bai Jin is in a perfect position to look down at Wei Yuan and the mysterious Dr. Wei in this base. In fact, one of the tasks he received is related to Wei Yuan, but he never takes anyone seriously. , until he really suffered two hidden losses because of Wei Yuan.

"Dr. Wei, if there really is a terrifying thing behind us, following us, why do you think it doesn't just kill us instead of going to such trouble?"

Until now, except for the mercenary he sent out, no one was missing at all. Everyone was standing here safely, but because of Wei Yuan's few words, he lost one person. Mercenaries. Wei Yuan was pushed unsteadily, and he could only clasp his hands on the armrest: "Didn't you verify it with your own people?"

This person is still doubting.

Bai Jin sneered: "Yeah, at best they can't remember the time, but what does that mean?" Nothing can prove that there is something terrible in the darkness.

Wei Yuan could only say: "Some things may not be explained, but their existence cannot be denied."

The countless experiments done in the laboratory are sometimes not to prove its existence, but to verify that it does not exist.

"This thing neither harms nor harms people. Why do you say it exists, just to make people forget about it when they turn their heads?" Bai Jin's voice was a bit aggressive.

Wei Yuan's heart skipped a beat, and when he turned around - forget it?

His hand on the armrest suddenly tightened.

"Maybe... I can let you get lost in this underground and never get out." Wei Yuan was a little unsure when he said this.

Bai Jin said indifferently: "It doesn't exist, Dr. Wei."

His finger pointed above his head.

As long as they keep digging up, they can get out. There is no need to worry about the map or the complicated underground passages. All they need to do is keep going up and they will all be able to see the light of day again.

Dr. Wei didn't know such a simple and crude truth.

Ten meters is the deepest depth of this waterway, which is equivalent to the height of a three-story building. They have already brought enough equipment in their packages.

There is no point in trapping them in the waterway, because it is impossible to actually trap them to death.

Wei Yuan said softly after a long time: "Why don't those hundreds of underground construction workers understand such a simple truth?"

Why didn't any of them go out?

Many principles seem very simple, but it would be weird if they were too simple. Why didn't others think of it.

If the number of people who disappeared was not huge and shocking, why would these people appear in this dark underground place.

When you laugh at others, you should laugh at yourself first.

"Who!" The mercenary walking at the end suddenly turned around and looked behind him in the darkness with horror in his eyes. He held the gun in his hand, pointing it aimlessly in the darkness.

The four people Wei Yuan and Bai Jin walking in the front row were all stiff.

At that moment, Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying actually had the urge to look back, but an instinct took control the next moment. Wei Yuan sat motionless in the wheelchair with a serious face, while Bai Jin stopped the moment he heard it, holding his hands Still placed in Wei Yuan's wheelchair, his neck did not move.

But two mercenaries had already turned around after hearing the sound and looked towards the rear, including the frightened doctor.

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